I can assume they will finally give us a release date because its been long enough already. We already have game play demos and showcase video. It's about time we find out when this thing will actually come out.
It's too bad part of that focus isn't on actually developing games. I may be the last person still waiting for a new HL. It's a lonely life, but I'm committed.
@Louis: The MCU doesn't have the religious following that SW does. Fans can forgive bullshit from the MCU, they do.NOT forgive anything out of line with their vision of SW.
@Mogan: But if the core mechanics and story are the same, the it'll probably still amount to the same for me. It just feels like such a lackluster product to me, especially from Bio. The game really failed to pull me in, even with the flying.
@Vodoo: The flying novelty gets old quickly, especially with the heat issues. It's nice that the maps feel more full and of larger dimension because of the flying mechanic, but nearly everything about this game feels derivative of some other game that did it better. This reminds me more of The Old Republic, BioWare's largely failed attempt at an MMO. They're clearly trying to create this game in suit with other, popular games that are similar. But it feels too much like a game that's trying to be like something else, and not enough of a game that's trying to be it's own thing.
I'm glad to be skipping this one. I was initially excited, but the demo did little for me. I just don't understand how BioWare thought they could create something so derivative and generic, and then expect people to get excited. I get Destiny has a large fanbase and this is clearly targeting that, but you'd think they'd try and create something a little more diverse and less comparable.
@blindbsnake: A few points. First, this game feels like the results of brainstorming from the team and coming with ideas they like, which they then implemented into a sequel that's not actually a core part of the franchise. Second, this doesn't come across as a legit sequel, hence why it's not numbered. If anything, it's like Primal, which was a nice, experimental chapter in the franchise, but not part of the core. Third, I think people are taking this way too seriously. If anything, this is just a fun diversion to play with others. If it were a core game in the series, I'd care more, but it's $20 cheaper than other new releases in the franchise. I never expected it to be as good as the rest of the franchise. But it doesn't need to be. As long as I can have fun with my friends and family blowing shit up together, then I will be satisfied.
As for FC5, the story in every FC game has always been fairly mediocre and mild, merely a tool to give players a reason to move forward. What I liked about FC5's story and characters was how unconventional it was. We're used to seeing games take aim at foreign cultures and poke fun at them or turn them into villainous caricitures. It's far less conventional to see a game so intimately create a modern, American environment for a sandbox game like this. The characters, especially the villains, were a refreshing change. I get why so many people hated it, but I liked how different it was. I have no problem getting over it's flaws.
@blindbsnake: FC5 is one of the best entries for one reason: co-op. 3 and 4 are good, but the franchise has always needed co-op. 5 finally gave us it. For that reason alone, it's probably my favorite. That and the unconventional story/environment.
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