This will get a lot of bitchinn and moaning, but it sounds like it's basically just FC5 again, which is fine with me. I'm renting it anyway. All I really care about is that it has co-op. The co-op in FC5 was great, sounds like this should be fun too.
@starjay009: I imagine you probably have nightmares about SJWs. Do you actually believe this, or do you actively looking for a for liberal agendas in everything?
@cboye18: The difference here is that the mt's and loot boxes don't feel cheap. Get over it. Loot boxes and mt's are here to stay. I don't like them either, but that's how the business model is now. No one is forcing you to buy them. And Apex, despite my disinterest in pretty much any BR game, is well made and enjoyable. And God forbid Respawn have a way to make money on a FREE game. It's not like the people making the game need to eat or have bills to pay.
I really need to play a demo to see if I am all that interested. I had a lot of fun with the first game, but the lack of end game had me done with it a month or two after it was released. I really enjoyed the gameplay of The Division, so I'd love to be able to stick with the game. I'm still waiting for one of these developers to make a full fledged MMO with the kind of production and gameplay that games like The Division and Destiny have to offer. Seems to me like it's well past time for this to happen.
@Bread_or_Decide: It depends on a few factors: Is the game fun? Can you afford to get one game after the other? Can the end game content keep you coming back? MMO's are built entirely around a model of the game not ending and the player coming back day after day. WoW has been around for, what, 15 years now. So I think it's safe to say that some players are happy if some games keep going and going. Since pretty much every MMO ends up being not my cup of tea, I'd be perfectly happy if a game like The Division let me keep coming back and playing day after day.
@face76: The plot for KH has always been convoluted and annoying. Only reason I'm not getting this one is because I didn't enjoy KHII enough to warrant purchasing this, and much of that stems from the fact that story is out of control. Poor direction, way, way too much exposition. The fact that you pretty much have had to play every single game released, including the re-releases, only makes it worse.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments