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Psycho-Hazard Blog

Winning and Failing at FATALITIES!

So you guys may or may not have played a game in the MK series, maybe you've performed one of the many gruesome fatalities that the series has to offer. Maybe you're as excited about MK9 as I am. Regardless, the wins will make you watch on in awe and the fails will make you laugh out loud.

Here's some win...

...and here's some fail...

...more win...

...and more fail...

What do you guys think about the new MK game? If you want to know how I spent my summer, see the previous post.

EDIT: The last 2 links are (hopefully) fixed now. Watch them at your leisure.

End of Summer Blog

Summer ends for me on September 7th. I still have a few days though, so I'll take a minute to talk about some of the things I did and didn't do this summer as well as my opinions on certain things.

Trips. We made a trip out west to visit my grandparents for a while. I got homesick about halfway through the trip but otherwise I had a good time. I also managed o get sucked into a trip to Tennessee with my mom to visit my other grandparents who were in the hospital. They're not dead so it's all good. :)

Castlevania. I played my first 3 Castlevania games this summer. I bought Super Castlevania IV, I bought Symphony of the Night, and I rented Order of Ecclesia. All of them were great and each one played differently. Not to knock games I haven't played, but Castlevania should just be 2D. Super Castlevania IV is awesome. It's incredibly frustrating, but it's satisfying when you beat a level. I am on level A in that game (shouldn't it just be level 10?). Symphony of the Night is one of the best games I've ever played. Castlevania IV is fantastic, but my favorite's Symphony of the Night. The music, the graphics, the style, and of course the gameplay. It's all spectacular. As for Order of Ecclesia, it's much more linear than many of the recent Castlevania games, but that's not really a bad thing. It's different from SotN in many ways, but still a great game. Order of Ecclesia is also one of the few Castlevania games where you take control of a female protagonist. Shanoa is every bit as fun to play as as Simon Belmont and Alucard are. Shanoa has a few more tricks up her sleeve though. She can use glyphs, which means she can summon weapons from her body. She can summon swords, knives, hammers, and even lightning! I'm working on getting Dawn of Sorrow. It sells for a little over 20 bucks on Amazon. Don't even think about buying it cause it's MINE! That's all I have to say about Castlevania right now.

Call of Duty: Black Ops. I have a history of sucking at Call of Duty games. Getting shot left and right by every possible person on the map. This problem especially occurs in World at War. Despite that, Black Ops is one of my most anticipated games right now for multiple reasons. I now know more than half of the weapons that will appear in the game's multiplayer. If you want any info on that you can PM me. The new weapons, attachments and game modes look awesome! I've noticed that you can have a freakin' flamethrower on an assault rifle and a scope on a revolver. I'll repeat the former. A FREAKIN' FLAMETHROWER ON AN ASSAULT RIFLE! Ridiculous? Yes. Awesome? ABSO-F*CKING-LUTELY! Sick of having to wait until high levels to get a weapon you like? WELL FEAR NO LONGER! There is now currency that can be used to purchase weapons and attachments. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! You can gamble with this currency in new wager matches that follow completely different rules than the normal game! There's One in the Chamber where everyone has a pistol and only one bullet. By killing the enemy, you can take their bullet. If you miss, you just have your knife. There's also Sticks and Stones where you only get a Crossbow, a Ballistic Knife (spring-powered knife that can fire the blade.), and a Tomahawk (Turok much?). By hitting an enemy with the Tomahawk, you make him bankrupt. Another one is Gun Game. The twist is that you start with a pistol, but every time you get kills, you advance to the next weapon in the cycle. If you get knifed, you get sent back one weapon. Finally, there's Sharpshooter. In this mode, everyone starts out with the same random weapon and after a set amount of time, you get a different random weapon. This game is starting to sound pretty good. There's a lot of stuff that you can customize too. You can put emblems and things on your guns as well as camouflage patterns, and you can even edit your reflex sight's reticle! You can make it a smiley face, a skull, an X, and even more. Sounds great right? It's like a completely different game! It's not Modern Warfare, it's not a WWII game. I've wanted to see a Vietnam War era Call of Duty game, and now it's being done.

PS2. I've wanted to get a PS2 for some time now, but due to funding issues I've been unable to purchase one. I know that I need to get a job, but I don't know where to look. There are quite a few games that I want to get that are only on the PS2. Examples include the Devil May Cry series, the Kingdom Hearts series, Shadow of the Colossus, Soul Calibur 3, and the Shin Megami Tensei series. If I can get enough money somehow and find a PS2 at a good price, I'll get it and review the aforementioned games.

Movies. I didn't go to the theatre this summer so I missed out on some of the movies I wanted to see (Predators, The Expendables, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World). Despite that, I actually did get to watch some great movies this summer. Some of the movies I watched include Saving Private Ryan, Nightmare on Elm Street, Full Metal Jacket, Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2, Face/Off, The Fugitive and Rocky. I rented Scarface and The Godfather so I might watch those soon. What movies did you guys see?

There are some games I didn't get to finish, some movies I didn't get to see, some purchases I wish I'd made, and a video that I wish I'd been able to create (The video review of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon.). Oh well, it'll all happen eventually. This is Psycho-Hazard saying, I hope you had a great summer!

Big ass gun.

Have you ever seen a rifle with a 1200mm barrel? Some of you guys may not be at all interested in this, but I think it's pretty cool. It doesn't use a normal bullet, but a dart-like projectile like a flechette. This is what it looks like. The Steyr IWS 2000. It launches a 15.2mm round. It weighs 18 kilograms. Why has this gun never been used in a game? I bet if it was it would be OP like crazy. New blog in about a week.

How do I record games?

A couple days ago, me and KidX15 recorded a review of a horrible game using his camera, and we couldn't figure out how to get the video onto his computer. That's not the issue though, the thing is, I need to know how to record game footage directly from a TV. I need to know what kind of camera I need, whether or not I need to use a computer, whether it depends on what TV I'm using, and any other information I need. Let me know how I can record game footage.

Another note, I've started working on making a logo. Yeah, but I can't put it on Gamespot because it needs to be a certain kind of file. The logo isn't great right now so I'll work on making it better and recreating it with different programs.

By the way, the game we reviewed was Trigger Man for the PS2. The game I'm trying to record for a review is Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. It's a great game and I have a lot to say about it. I really want to do this video so please help me.

Character Customization

You know what one of my favorite things in video games is? Character customization. I love games that have a deep character customization system. You can create a character that perfectly fits your personality. Not a lot of games have character customization though, and some have very little customization. Why? Because it's a pain in the ass. Can you imagine putting a whole load of clothing and tattoos and hair styles and other crap into a game? I can well imagine that it would be incredibly tedious. At some point, I'd like to create a game that would have a deep customization system.

What are some games that have deep customization systems? Well let's look at APB. The game itself reportedly has several issues with the tedium of missions and weapon imbalances and hit detection and a sh!t ton of other things. I think I know why, they put most of their effort into the customization system. It's awesome! You can customize your character, your car, your weapons, I think you can even graffiti the walls! HOLY SH!T! Why does this game suck again?

Namco loves to add customization to their fighting games. Look at Tekken! Each character has a different set of clothing that you can add onto them. Just find a character you like and rummage through their closet. Pick something you like! My fav character is Yoshimitsu btw. Soul Calibur is a series that watered down their customization system a lot. Soul Calibur III had a deep customization system. There were no status effects on your equipment, you had a tremendous load of crap to choose from and you could make your guy look however the hell you want and use whatever weapon you want without worrying about stats. Then SCIV came along and what the hell is this? There's so much less equipment to choose from and it's all STAT BASED! Your character can't even have their own fighting style! In the third game, there were classes that had different weapon selections. You had to level up to unlock new fighting styles and eventually be able to share fighting styles with default characters. In Soul Calibur IV, all fighting styles are shared with default characters. THAT'S BALLS! I want a deep customization system where I have a huge selection of equipment to choose from, a fighting style that's not used by a default character, and most of all, I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT STATS!

The game that I'm most interested about is Brink, and not just for the customization system. The S.M.A.R.T. system is a great idea, and I want to see how it performs during the gameplay. For those of you who don't know, S.M.A.R.T. stands for Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain. The idea behind the system is that in most first person games, say you walk into a low object and some invisible force is preventing you from simply vaulting over a knee-high object. In Brink, you can do that and much more. You can wall jump, vault over low objects, slide under high objects, jump up to higher areas, think of the possibilities with a system like that! Oh and there's the character customization. It seems fairly basic the first time looking at it. Everything's categorized, face overlay, head gear, upper body, lower body, tattoos. Yeah, I know, but the real thing for me is that there are still so many possibilities with all of the options you have at hand. You can be the security force or the resistance, you can have a light, medium, or heavy body type, you have a sh!t load of clothes and masks to choose from, you have perks to choose from, and most of all, weapons to choose from and customize. Pretty complicated huh? I think this game could be awesome. We'll see in Spring 2011.

Well, that's my thoughts. What do you guys make of all this crap? Post your ideas in the comments. ASS!

All Time Greatest Game Villain

Well, I filled out my bracket. Who else did? Tell me who you guys picked as the greatest game villain. I'm not sure if I can show you the bracket but here's the link anyway.

In case that didn't work. I chose Albert Wesker as the greatest game villain. Considering we have so many Star Wars fans here including myself, Darth Vader WILL get a lot of the votes for #1 (He was actually the runner up in my bracket.). Wesker has armies of zombies and bio-weapons, insane scientists working with him, he has probably several degrees in biology and science, he has a heavily modified handgun, oh and he's got superpowers. How could he not be the greatest game villain. And of course the winner of the Greatest Game Hero contest was Gordon Freeman. Wesker would definitely give Gordon a run for his money, even considering all the stuff he's been through.

What do you guys think? Who'd you guys pick as #1? Why do I not know who almost half the people on this thing were? Because I can't look up the information on each character because I'm a lazy douche.

Failing at Legend of Zelda (RPG Talk)

So I've been trying to make progress in LoZ Ocarina of Time because the progress I've made in the game is laughable at best. The version I own is actually on the Gamecube, rather than the N64. Don't ask why I don't have the N64 version, cause I have no idea. So I went into the Dodongo's Cavern (See, I'm not very far in am I?) and I solved all the puzzles. I died a few times. One of the puzzles is going to the top of the cavern, falling onto the giant skeleton head at the far end of the room, getting out bombs, and setting them in the eye sockets where they explode and you are let in. WHO IN THE UNHOLY NAME OF F*CK **** IS SUPPOSED TO FIGURE THAT OUT? I only figured it out because I got bored and I just tried it. The boss is fairly easy once you get the rhythm, but I did die a few times on it. You gotta throw bombs into it's mouth and hit it with your sword. It does it's rolling attack after you hit it or after it hits you with fire. You can either stand in a corner or use the Hylian Shield to defend against it. When it dies, it doesn't just die, it gets burned alive and gets stuck in the ground! Then I'm supposed to go to Death Mountain, but I die in 14 seconds exactly. I'm supposed to get the Goron Tunic, but IT'S 200 RUPEES! WHAT THE HELL! I can only carry 99 rupees! Is there a bag somewhere that I can get that allows me to carry more rupees? THERE MUST BE! WHERE IS IT?

I was also playing Fallout 3 about 20 minutes before I started this post. You know how you get into Tenpenny Tower by nuking Megaton and killing everyone? Well, what I just did was the exact opposite. I lived in Megaton from the very start of the game. I'm level 11, I fast traveled to a place near Tenpenny Tower, and I was lucky enough that they let me in. I got my Combat Shotgun, and I killed every security guard inside and outside the building, nearly all of the store clerks, a few residents, and of course Alistair Tenpenny himself. I had already killed Mister Burke back when I just started playing the game. I shot him in Moriarty's Bar and no one seemed to care. I guess they knew that he was from out of town. When Tenpenny died, he didn't just fall to the ground, all of his limbs and his head exploded off of his body and he FELL OFF THE TOWER! He fell all the way down to the ground! It was just awesome. I died the first time because I didn't have any recovery items and everyone was on me, but the second time, I came through. Killing those stuck up bastards was one of the most satisfying things I've done in Fallout 3. Now don't take that too seriously.

An RPG I played a lot a while back was Tales of Symphonia. The problem is, the game simply would not let me move on. I'm supposed to fight a boss at Lake Umacy, but it won't let me fight the boss. There are actually two bosses at Lake Umacy, according to every walkthrough I've looked at. I killed one, so where's the other one? My only option now is to start over from square one. What a fatal flaw. Did I miss something? I'm supposed to find a cure for a sick person, but I can't do that if I can't find the boss. Well, I beat the game, at least I got as far as you can get before it f*cks out!

This was a rather large blog post...

My longest game review.

Which of my reviews would you guys say is the longest one? For the most part, they're really long because I like to explain the games I'm reviewing in great detail so that people can understand how the game works and what's good or bad about it. I think that my most recent review, Blazblue, is probably the longest one as well. What do you guys think?

WOW! (How do I link webpages?)

Just as Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is being worked on, Capcom announces yet ANOTHER CROSSOVER. A crossover between Street Fighter and Tekken. HOLY F*CKING SH!T! THAT IS AWESOME! I actually once mentioned that a crossover between Tekken and Street Fighter was a great idea, AND THEY LISTENED! YAY! I HAD A GOOD IDEA THAT MAJOR COMPANIES AGREED WITH! How do I link videos and images? If I knew how I would link the first gameplay video of the game...