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Psycho-Hazard Blog

My MvC3 characters

I've been on vacation for a few days and I started thinking about characters I want to see in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I know that I've been raving about this game pretty much endlessly, but there are so many characters that could be in this game that haven't been announced and in some cases even thought of yet. Here's some I thought of.

Marvel Side: Daredevil, The Punisher, Blade, Ghost Rider, Dr. Octopus, Dr. Doom (probably already in the game considering his silhouette can be seen in the trailer.), Carnage, Kick-Ass (they could use his real name if they don't want to use the name Kick-Ass), Willem Dafoe err I mean Green Goblin (I like the movie version better but either the comic or movie version are fine.), Nightcrawler (teleporting might get annoying though...), have Iceman removed (He's a cheap bastard.), Anti-Venom (Possibly as an alternate costume.), Frankencastle (May not be included due to his grotesque appearance.).

Capcom Side: Vergil (Devil May Cry), Snow Pirates (Lost Planet), Mega Man X (With the ability to change his armor hopefully), Sigma (Mega Man X), Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil, in RE4 attire), Albert Wesker (Resident Evil, preferably in his S.T.A.R.S. uniform), Akuma (Street Fighter), Arthur (Ghosts n' Goblins), Jon Talbain (Darkstalkers), Mike Haggar (Final Fight), Strider Hiryu, Ruby Heart (Marvel vs. Capcom 2), Hayato (Star Gladiator), The British guy and the Samurai from Power Stone, Emperor Jet Black (Viewtiful Joe 2), Dr. Albert Wily (Mega Man), Servbots (Mega Man Legends), Maybe a dude from Monster Hunter 3 with a long sword and bowgun, Absolute Zero (Mega Man X Command Mission, it could happen!), Nine Tails (Mega Man X Command Mission, it could also happen!), Sparda (Devil May Cry, then again he would probably pwn everybody.)

Armors for Mega Man X: Giga Armor (Mega Man X2), The armor from X3, Force Armor (Mega Man X4 and X5), Gaea Armor (Mega Man X5), Blade Armor (Mega Man X6), Icarus Armor (Mega Man X8), Ultimate Armor (Mega Man X4-6 version, NOT the X8 version, maybe the Command Mission version cause that was freakin' awesome.), and the one I want to see the most, X-Fire (Mega Man X Command Mission, Seriously, it's the coolest armor in the entire series!).

Well, that's what I got. What do you guys think?

E3 Reactions

Wow, this was an incredible year for E3. New kickass games popping up all over the place. All of them are shaping up to be great games. Here are my reactions to some of these games.

Kirby's Epic Yarn: Only Nintendo could make a great game about yarn. This game actually looks really cool. The whole thing looks like a crazy arts and crafts project. I'm looking forward to it. I've never felt more alive! Get it? Felt? FELT!

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: You guys should know by now that I'm a fan of 2D fighters, and this game is going to be awesome! We already have a great cast of characters in the game, and even if any of our favorites don't make it, they might be added as DLC! The game itself has a comic book style so that the Marvel characters will feel more at home, but even the Capcom characters look great! Ryu, Chris Redfield, and Dante all look just as good if not better than they do in their respective games. I still want to know who you guys want to see in this game. I want Wesker, I want Vergil, I want Arthur from GProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 sts 'n Goblins, I want Dr. Wily, I want Jon Talbain from Darkstalkers, and I definitely want Akuma. What marvel characters do I want to see? Well, how about Carnage? The guys from Kick-Ass? They're Marvel. Oh wait, I got it. How about Daredevil? Right?

Kid Icarus: Pit's finally getting a new game. Surprised? I'm not after they made a new model for him in Brawl. His new games actually look pretty good at this point. He gets one for the Wii and one for the 3DS. I think it's funny that knew that Nintendo was going 3D again and they made fun of it. Pit even gets God of War style weapons! He gets not only his bow but claws, blades, and even GUNS! Now that's awesome.

HardCorps Uprising: It's Contra. That's really what it is. It's just like Contra or Metal Slug. Whichever you're more familliar with. It has the anime style that's become more popular in recent days. It's an anime style run and gun game, like GunGrave for example, only this one's 2D.

Goldeneye 007: I had just been playing the original Goldeneye and I rented the movie when I heard about this game. This is going to be awesome. Just like the original, but with the best graphics I've seen on the Wii and Online multiplayer. This is the new Call of Duty. Welcome home, FPS whores.

Metal Gear Solid Rising: I waited until the end to talk about this one. I have some questions about it as well as some opinions. Does this game take place before or after Metal Gear Solid 4? I'm assuming it's after, meaning Solid Snake is either dead or very old, Liquid's dead, and Big Boss is dead, and technology's rapidly becoming more advanced. They already showed the United States Future Soldier concept in the previous game. We can also clearly see that we have artificial human beings or cyborgs in this game from the very beginning of the trailer. Raiden is looking more and more like Snake with every game, has anyone noticed that? He's got a new suit, a new sword, and now an eye patch. What is it with this theme of eyepatches? I wouldn't be surprised if Hideo Kojima has an eye patch somewhere in that office space of his. In this game we can now absorb energy, information, and data from cyborg guts. That's gross and awesome. I also want to know if firearms will be usable at all or if it's just different bladed weapons, or if it's just the one weapon and you can unlock new techniques. In any case, I'm good with that. If this game's even half as good as MGS4, I'll be happy.

Now you know my thoughts, what are yours?

Sonic Month!

Hey folks! It's almost June! You know what that means! Probably not because I just made it up! This is Sonic month! Good old Sonic the Hedgehog, you're no stranger to my reviews are you? Well, we're going to look at some of your best and worst titles. For the next month I will write a full review of a Sonic game at least once a week. Which one? Well, you'll have to find out. I'm sorry to say that I will NOT be reviewing Sonic '06. I don't own the game, my local rental store doesn't have it, and I'm not going to pay 20 bucks for a game with that kind of crap factor. I'm going to start today with reviewing Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. How do you like that? Two reviews in one day! That's all for now! I'm Psycho-Hazard, I play games, write reviews, and rant about things.

2D to 3D and back again? (More Ranting!)

It seems like recently more developers are making 2D games to appeal to hardcore gamers. Why is this? I mean, I'm not complaining, I love 2D games but why now? Why didn't we have more 2D games in 1999-2009? I don't freakin get it. I'm not just talking about handheld games, I'm referring to console games more. In fact, we now have more 2D console games than 2D handheld games! What the hell is this nonsense? It makes no sense!

Okay, for a short time I was actually convinced that they were making a futuristic Call of Duty game. THANK GOD I WAS WRONG! Actually this new one will be based on the Cold War/Vietnam War Era. THAT'S JUST WHAT I WANTED! THANK YOU TREYARCH! Wait, they're making a modern Medal of Honor? NO! NOOOOOOOOOO! DOES NOT COMPUTE! DOES NOT COMPUTE!

I actually came up with something to rant about. Cool. Bye.

My Cat Died :*(

One of my cats, named Eddy, died of an unknown problem at around 1:30-2:00 this morning. He was 2 years old. I had hoped that we wouldn't have to deal with the grief of losing a pet, no, a family member so soon. I had hoped that he would last at least until I had graduated High School. Well, it's not gonna happen. I do have another cat though, and this whole thing will be even harder on him, I hope that he will be of some comfort to me. This also means that my reviews will be put off for a while. I might have a picture of Eddy if you'd like to see him. That's all, later.

Games I need to finish

There are a lot of games I need to finish that I will review as soon as I'm done with them. Here are the following games that I haven't finished for one reason or another.

Final Fantasy VII: I don't think I'm even halfway through this game. I'm enjoying it, but sometimes I just can't figure out where to go. Final Fantasy VII may seem obsolete today, but it's still a satisfying game. Can't wait to play the other games in the series. I've already briefly played Final Fantasy IV on the DS, and that was great too. I'll have to play the other ones sonn.

Resident Evil 2: I LOVE CAPCOM! The Resident Evil series is awesome, tank controls aside. Unfortunately, I am completely out of ammo in the abandoned police station with little to no idea where I'm headed. I need to look up a walkthrough. I've beaten 4 and 5, but I'm convinced that 2 is going to be one hell of a lot harder.

Blazblue: I'm sure we can all appreciate Daisuke Ishiwatari for reviving the 2-D fighter in this epic game. I still need to beat story mode, unlock all characters Astral Heats (Finishing Moves), and unlockProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 he true ending. I better finish it before the sequel comes out. Yes, there is a sequel.

Turok 1 and 2: I can't save my game on Turok because I need another Controller Pak for my N64. That's one of the system's big flaws. You need space to be able to save your data for some of your games. Why can't everything just be saved on the cartridge? I havent played Turok 2 in a while and I still havent beaten the first level. There's only 5 or 6 levels in the game, but they are long, long stages.


Perfect Dark: I can't beat the fifth mission, help.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma: I FINALLY got past the dragon, but something tells me that worse things are waiting...

I need to finish all these games. Next review: Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

Birthday and MvC3

Here's another blog post by me.

First of all, today's my birthday and I'm going to have some cake tonight and buy some games on Friday. I'm enjoying my birthday so far, despite the fact that I had to go to school.

Also, remember how I made a list of games that needed a sequel? I put Marvel vs. Capcom as Number 5 on the list. Well, we're finally getting it. Marvel vs. Capcom 3. It's just been announced. We're getting Chris Redfield as a playable character, and that's pretty damn cool. Jill Valentine was a useful fighter in MvC2 and I'm sure that Chris Redfield will be just as useful, maybe even more useful. If Dante's not in this game I'm gonna be pissed. There are several characters that I want to see as playable characters in this game. Albert Wesker, Shin Akuma, Megaman X, Snow Pirates from Lost Planet, Vergil from Devil May Cry, maybe Okami, one of the guys from Power Stone (preferably the samurai, cause he's my best guy in PS1) There are so many possible characters for this game! The Marvel roster has expanded, the Capcom roster has expanded. The game's going to be IN-SANE!

Now we just need a sequel to Conker's Bad Fur Day and I'll be happy.

Interesting Fighter Match-Ups

Here are some fighters from various games that I'd like to see fight each other.

Goh Hinogami from Virtua Fighter vs. Sergei Dragunov from Tekken

A hulking, scarred Japanese assassin vs. a hulking, scarred Russian war hero. What more could you want? They're both known for heavy hitting and breaking bones. Seeing the two fight against each other would be amazing.

Kirby vs. Pommy from Bomberman

Two adorable, shape-shifting puffballs. They're cute, they're cuddly, and they want to beat each other's asses.

Dante from Devil May Cry vs. Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden

Do I have to explain this?

Akuma from Street Fighter vs. Nu-13 from Blazblue

Man vs. machine, Hadoukens vs. Summoned Swords, Antagonist vs. Antagonist, Murderer vs. Psychotic Clone. Yeah, it would be awesome.

Vergil from Devil May Cry vs. Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden

Again, self explanatory.

Samus Aran from Metroid vs. Gordon Freeman fromProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 alf-Life

Hmm... Power Beam vs. Gravity Gun. Hmm... Varia Suit vs. Hazard Suit. Hmm... Metroids vs Headcrabs.

Cyborg Raiden from Metal Gear vs. Samus Aran from Metroid

Blades vs. Energy weapons. Speed vs. Endurance. Cyborg vs. Cyborg. Also awesome.

Ryu from Street Fighter vs. Jin Kazama from Tekken

I still don't need to explain this.

Yoshimitsu from Soul Calibur and Tekken vs. Kage-Maru from Virtua Fighter

Manji Ninja vs. Hagakure Ninja. Awesome.

Ruby Heart from MvC2 vs. Ibuki from Street Fighter 3

The pirate/ninja match-up everyone wants to see.

Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur vs. Vergil from Devil May Cry

Mitsurugi has fought against many powerful foes, but can he defeat a demon?

Scorpion from Mortal Kombat vs. Inferno from Soul Calibur

Burned in the fires of hell, and returned to fight once again.

Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat vs. Shiva from Final Fantasy

Self explanatory.

Saix from Kingdom Hearts vs. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy

Both have ridiculous swords, both are deranged sociopaths, both can fly around, and both have superpowers. This would be an awesome match-up.

That's all I got, later.

Top 10 Games That Need A Sequel

I've been wanting to create a list like this for a long time. I think I've figured out which games need sequels the most. These are the games that you're wondering, where the hell is the sequel? Psycho-Hazard's Top 10 Games That Need A Sequel.

#10: Guilty Gear

Guilty Gear is a fantastic fighting game series. People are wondering if the series has really been replaced by Blazbule, let's hope not. While Blazblue has worked in some sweet gameplay mechanics, I must ask, WHERE THE HELL IS THE NEXT GUILTY GEAR? We may have hope because Daisuke Ishiwatari has said that there may be a new Guilty Gear coming to the PS3 and the 360. YAY!

#9: Gotcha Force

This game may not have been well-recieved by critics, but I personally loved it. The gameplay was what really mattered about the game and it was one hell of a lot of fun. Beating the crap out of your friends toys with your toys, WHAT COULD BE MORE AWESOME THAN THAT? Capcom, please for the love of god, make another game. This time, make it dark and edgy with a gothic look like Devil May Cry. Make it so that you can create your own toys and give them tons of weapons! THAT would be awesome!

#8: Mystical Ninja

Even though the series has been continued over in Japan, I want to know, WHERE IS MYSTICAL NINJA IN THE U.S? I played through the first N64 game and loved every second of it. I'll probably even review it once I'm done with this list. After that game and another N64 title, POOF! Gone. Make another Mystical Ninja like the first N64 game!

#7: Devil May Cry 1-3 on PSN

I've been requesting this for a while, but it just has to happen. People like me who don't own a PS2 who want to play DMC and own a PS3 have wanted this at one point or another. You all know it has to happen. If not on PSN then remaster the graphics like God of War did!

#6: Marvel vs. Capcom

Who doesn't love making a team of Capcom characters and Marvel Super Heroes? I want a Marvel vs. Capcom 3! With a whole series of incredible games in the '90s, why not continue that legacy into the 2010s? Tatsunoko vs. Capcom was awesome, but it was no Marvel vs. Capcom. Number 3 just has to happen!

#5: Sonic Adventure

Let's take a look at Sonic's recent history. 2005: Shadow the Hedgehog= Poorly done. 2006: Sonic The Hedgehog= Sucked. 2007: Sonic and the Secret Rings= Pretty Good. 2008: Sonic Unleashed= Good. 2009: Sonic and The Black Knight= Mediocre. While the recent 3D Sonic games have been a bit better, Sonic Adventure 3 MUST BE MADE! I'm thrilled that Sega finally came to their senses and decided to make Sonic 4 (Just as Screwattack predicted), yet I must say, I would much rather see a third Sonic Adventure. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 Were both fantastic games! We need a third one! The closest thing that we got to a sequel was Sonic for the 360 and PS3. We all know how much ASS that thing sucked! Sega PLEASE! MAKE SONIC ADVENTURE 3!

#4: Star Fox

*sigh* what happened to this series? It used to be awesome! But now it's just good. Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Assault were good games, but they just weren't Star Fox. Star Fox 64 is one of my favorite games of all time, and now the series has gone downhill. I have played Star Fox Command, but I had one major turn-off about that game, the controls. If Star Fox is supposed to be one of Nintendo's main franchises, why don't they treat him like it? Bring him to the Wii! FLYING A SPACESHIP!

#3: F-Zero

The F-Zero series is amazing! So where's the Wii version? We need an F-Zero Wii! I want an F-Zero with better graphics, more vehicles and customization options, and if you want to make this game torturously difficult by implementing the Wii Balance Board, THAT'S FINE! JUST MAKE THE DAMN GAME!

#2: 2D Metroid

The Metroid games are CLASSIC! I CAN"T WAIT FOR OTHER M! But there is one thing that the series needs, ANOTHER 2D GAME! Super Metroid is freaking awesome! I want to see another game like Super Metroid! Nintendo made the right choice by collaborating with Team Ninja, but they also need to create a handheld game like Super Metroid, or Fusion, or Zero Mission. Now I'm gonna go hunt for Metroid Fusion.

#1: Conker's Bad Fur Day

What happened to you Rare? You used to be such a great company, then Microsoft made you guys subpar! What happened to great games like Goldeneye, Banjo-Kazooie, and Conker? The only way you guys can redeem yourselves now is to make the long-awaited sequel to Conker's Bad Fur Day. With Microsoft policing you guys, the game will never be done. Leave Microsoft as soon as you can and go back to Nintendo and make the best sequel EVER! DO IT NOW! I COMMAND YOU!

Well, that's my list. The sequels may or may not happen. I hope that they all do. It's not just me that wants these sequels, a LOT of people do. There's no excuse for these games not to be made, no excuse. They all need to happen.

I'm Psycho-Hazard. I play games, write reviews, and complain.