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Psycho-Hazard Blog

Top 5 Worst 3-D graphics

Games are sometimes judged by first impression, and the first impression you get is the graphics. Games today have either graphics that are incredibly realistic, cel-shaded in anime style, or given a ridiculous cartoonish appearance. This is a list of games that have absolutely craptastic graphics, whether they're from the 90s or 2000s, and whether they sucked or not.

#5: Nanobreaker-PS2

Konami's rarely mentioned Nanobreaker is widely known for two things: integrating blood into the game's main scoring system, and having absolutely craptastic graphics. The game's biggest disadvantage and the reason it's on this list is that it's not even 5 years old.

#4: Sonic R-Sega Saturn

The Sega Saturn had few memorable games, and this is one of them. That's not a good thing. Aside from having ridiculous music and awful control, it has graphics that could give you a headache. The rain looks like blue balls of disorientation and the final track is painful to look at due to the fact that it continuously changes colors.

#3: Star Fox-SNES

This may have been one of the first attempts to jump into 3-D, but that doesn't save it from being on this list. Not only does the game have a fairly slow frame rate, but the graphics are a random mix of polygons. The game may be good, but that doesn't save it from this list.

#2: Superman 64-N64

Do I really need to say anything? Superman 64's graphics are about as bland and unappealing as you can get in a video game. The world you're in literally has no detail whatsoever. This game has the worst graphics ever, with the only exception being......

#1: Bubsy 3D-Playstation

From the very beginning, it was a terrible rip-off of Super Mario 64, but when you look at the graphics, the two have NOTHING in common. The levels look like painted cardboard boxes, and the entire game is composed of polygons. This makes it the number one game with worst, most god-awful graphics.

Well that concludes the......wait, what? I'm sorry say it again? Oh, wait! We have one more addition to the list!

#0: Red Alarm-Virtual Boy

Oh boy. Forget everything else on the list, this game has the worst graphics I've ever seen. You can't tell what's solid and what's not, the game is a polygonal mess, and to crap on everything else, it's all black and red. Similar to gamers who bought the Virtual Boy who ended up black and blue.

Well that concludes the list. Now keep in mind that there are plenty of games with terrible 3-D graphics that I didn't mention. It was either because I never heard of it, or I just remembered it and was unable to integrate it into the list. I might do another worst 3-D graphics list in the future.

Psycho-Hazard's Rants Part 2

Welcome to another rant by me, Psycho-Hazard.

You know, I was ponderng the other day about two cartoons that are notorious for being pretty much entirely adult-oriented. South Park, and Happy Tree Friends. What I was wondering is why Happy Tree Friends seems to get a lot more negative reactions than South Park? Don't get me wrong, the show is incredibly gruesome, but so is South Park. South Park also has adult humor and gratuitous cursing. I don't get it. True, South Park is funny, and much of the time Happy Tree Friends is not. Even so, I think the characters in Happy Tree Friends are much more likable. South Park has been running longer, but not a whole lot longer. Despite the fact that it's only on it's third season (fourth if you count the TV season.) Happy Tree Friends has been running since 1999. So South Park (which btw started in 1996.) only has about 3 and a half years on it. There's no reason why Happy Tree Friends should get more negative reactions than South Park. NO REASON! BTW I like them both.

Oh dear lord. It's amazing to see how far Sonic the Hedgehog has fallen since he first jumped into 3-D. It's obvious that the best Sonic games are the first 5 that came out on the Genesis. Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3, and Sonic and Knuckles. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is the best Sonic game ever with Sonic CD running ever so closely behind. WHY DO WE NOT HAVE SONIC GAMES LIKE THOSE TODAY? WHAT IN THE UNHOLY NAME OF ASS IS WRONG WITH YOU SEGA? Actually, Sega recently announced an unknown game called Project Needlemouse (Mr. Needlemouse was Sonic's original name.). I can't remember waht consoles it was announced for, but what I do know is that it will be based around the same style of gameplay as Sonic Rush, and the daytime stages of Sonic Unleashed. Sonic Unleashed is actually the best sonic game to come out within the past two years. What will this new title hold? Only time will tell.

I ran out of things to rant about pretty quickly this time eh? ^^

Well I'll make a new post once I think of something else to rant about.

What I do want to see from Sega though is the games from the Dreamcast on the Wii Virtual Console. I'm not kidding. I never got to play Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue, or Phantasy Star Online. Bring them to the Wii!

Psycho Hazard's rants

Okay, three Capcom games have been delayed. Super Street Fighter 4, Lost Planet 2, and some other game I forgot. If any game has to get delayed, why the hell does it have to be Lost Planet 2? It gives them a chance to work on it more, sure but you still have 2 months to fix it, is that not enough? It's cool that they made Wesker from Resident Evil an unlockable skin if you pre-order from Gamestop. I guess you can say that we have a lot to look forward to.

Another topic I think is worthy of discussion is a game on the internet called Chaos Faction. The game is simple and fun with plenty of guns and customizable characters. The sequel has taken them forever to finish and they said that it would be released a few days after Christmas. So where is it? Do you celebrate Christmas on a different day in the UK? Are you waiting for New Year's? Did you mean Christmas of NEXT year? Why don't you release it already?

I can think of a bunch of games that desperately need a sequel, and I think the most obvious candidate is Conker's Bad Fur Day. I personally have never played this game, but still I wonder, how can a game that caused so much controversy NOT get a sequel? And it's not like it was a bad game, it was gimmicky but people loved it and they demand a sequel. There was actually a sequel planned but Microsoft being the unimaginably stupid money grubbers that they are CANCELLED IT! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? People demand a sequel and are willing to pay $60 dollars apiece for the game, and they CANCEL IT? THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING THAT I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LiFE!

I've always praised the Capcom vs. games for sticking to the 2-D fighting formula, and they're just a ton of fun to play. But you know who should be in a Capcom fighting game that never has to date? Dante from Devil May Cry. Why the hell not? Dante is a Capcom character, he has tons of guns and melee weapons, awesome moves, and a sweet red jacket. How can he not be in ANY of the vs. games? He makes a cameo in Capcom Fighting Evolution, but he still wasn't playable. He should be in the next vs. game. And another thing, Wouldn't it be awesome to see Capcom vs. Namco? They actually did make a crossover but it was only released in Japan. Why not take some Tekken and Soul Calibur characters along with Pac-Man and Klonoa, and pit them against the cast of Street Fighter and Darkstalkers and most importantly DANTE. Or even better, pit them against Arc System Works, the creators of Guilty Gear and Blazblue. Who doesn't want to see THAT?

Well, that's enough of my ranting. See you later.

Perfect Dark Weapons Part 2

CMP150: A small, weak machine pistol that is obviously based on the Steyr TMP. Not one of my favorites but still a decent weapon, especially if dual wielded.

Cyclone: This thing is kind of interesting. It can fire off the whole clip with one burst as it's secondary function. This thing was designed to be inaccurate, and it's a good weapon.

Callisto NTG: I'm not sure what to say about this one. It's an SMG that can fire quickly or fire more slowly but do higher damage. Kind of like the UT Stinger Minigun.

AR34: My personal favorite assault rifle. It closely resembles the FAMAS, and is just as handy as the one in MW2. It's fully automatic and it can use it's scope as often as you want, even for walking around.

K7 Avenger: A pretty standard assault rifle. It can scope out explosives and stuff but still pretty standard.

RCP120: This thing has a HUGE magazine capacity of 120 and a cloaking device. And it also looks like the P90! What more could you want?

Dragon: Once again, a basic assault rifle. It can transform into a proximity mine and make it look like a weapon you can pick up. Other than that, pretty basic.

Superdragon: Same as the Dragon, but with a grenade launcher instead of the mine feature.

Tune in next time for more.

Perfect Dark Weapons

In my Perfect Dark review, I forgot to mention the weapons in the game. Perfect Dark has some of the most unique weapons of any video game ever made. I will go down the list and mention all of the weapons in the game.

Falcon 2- The Falcon 2 is Joanna's standard handgun for every mission. It's an accurate and trustworthy pistol and comes in scoped and silenced versions. "It's a weapon! It's really powerful, especially against living things!" -Barry Burton, Resident Evil.

Magsec 4- This is basically the same as a Falcon 2, but slightly more powerful and with an integrated scope and 3-round burst.

Mauler- A laser pistol with a charge shot that can instantly kill anything, and it's dual wieldable like all the other hanguns!

Phoenix- Basically another laser pistol, but with explosive rounds as an extra feature. The explosive rounds take no more ammo than the regular shots. Some might consider that a flaw, but it's more convenient for me.

DY357 Magnum- This thing is just great. It's one of the most powerful weapons in the game taking only one or two shots to kill an enemy. It only holds six rounds, but that's plenty. "Six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves!"-Revolver Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid.

DY357 LX- Basically the golden gun of Perfect Dark. It's an upgraded version of the standard magnum, which means what? One hit kills, that's what.

There's way too many weapons to mention in one blog post. There's tons of crazy weapons at your disposal. Check for part 2 later.

Top 5 Weapons in gaming

In a game where everyone and everything is trying to kill you, a weapon is your best friend. This is a list of the coolest and most effective weapons in any game. This is only a list of weapons that I've used, and since I've never played Halo and got stuck in the sewers in Half-Life 2 when I rented it, the Energy Sword and Gravity Gun are off the list. I apologize. I'm also taking only one weapon per franchise. With a list of this nature, there is no right or wrong answer, so don't complain and say "Why is (Weapon Name) not on the list?" This is Psycho-Hazard's Top 5 Weapons

5. Laptop Gun, Perfect Dark- Do I really need to say anything? Not only is the Laptop Gun a decent machine gun in your hands, but you can put it on any surface and it will shoot anything that comes near it, making it a perfect weapon for snipers. It remains one of the better weapons without being cheap, unlike the Farsight XR-20. If you use the Farsight, you are a cheap bastard and have no business playing Perfect Dark.

4. Fiend's Bane Bow, Ninja Gaiden Series- This has to be the most effective bow I've ever used in a game. It's completely silent, has a decent fire rate, and let's not forget the special arrows you get that can pierce tanks. Yeah, this bow can use arrows that can pierce TANKS! I'm not kidding. You can use it in the air too so that you can dodge bullets and fireballs.

3. Razor Wind, Turok 2- In terms of just being a damaging weapon, this thing is unmatched in Turok 2. It doesn't use ammo because only one exists, it can instantly kill most enemies, and if you aim it right, you get an orgy of blood spraying out of the decapitated enemy. The only weapons that can stand up to the Razor Wind are the Shredder, and the Cerebral Bore. The Shredder only does instant-kill damage if you use explosive rounds and it uses up ammo, and the Cerebral Bore takes a minute to lock on and after firing it once, you have to wait a minute for it to reload. So the Razor Wind wins. The only problem, it get's stuck on walls when fired around a corner.

2. Pandora, Devil May Cry 4- This has to be the best weapons ever in terms of versatility. Normally, the Pandora is just a creepy looking briefcase, but this baby can turn into a rocket firing bowgun, a bazooka, a laser cannon, a floating turret that fires missiles, a boomerang, and opening it sucks out those demon's souls. And guess what? That's just seven of it's 666 forms it can take on! Imagine what else it can turn into! Unfortunately it's not terribly strong unless you have a minute to change it's form, so that's a negative side of this otherwise excellent weapon.

1. Katana, Every game it's in- You might be saying, "You said you were only taking one weapon per franchise! Yamato from DMC and the Dragon Sword from Ninja Gaiden are katanas!" Did I specifically mention either weapon? No, I didn't. If you're playing a game where melee weapons are plentiful, you're bound to find a katana in there, and when you do It's bound to be one of the most versatile and effective weapons in the game. The katana is not only a legendary weapon in real life, but also in gaming. This wicked blade will slice up anything that gets in your way... if you can get close enough to it.