@GRADERBLADE13: This was one of the first things I thought was: "wait, doesn't PS4 version run at 30 FPS." Console players that prefer fps always get screwed it seems: everybody trying to get those pretty screencaps, playability be damned.
@neo-rtsd: It's not quite so strange once you realize how SLI works. In SLI setups, the use alternate frame rendering. So, in optimal circumstances, Card 1 renders 1 frame and then card 2 renders the second. In order for this process to work, both cards must have access to the same data in order to figure out what to render next. Think about like actors dialogue in a play. Even though Romeo only says his lines, he also needs to know Juliet's, otherwise, he won't know when to start talking.
@IanNottinghamX: What don't you agree with? That scorpio is the Cadillac of consoles? PS4 seems better to me too. But why mention PC? Or do you just mean to deny "people buy consoles because they like consoles." I don't know that seems pretty likely to me.
@garbalen: Elitism over the thing you game on is dumb. If you want to game on a console, then game on whichever console you think is best. And if that's the Cadillac of Prius then enjoy the Cadillac of Prius.
@IanNottinghamX: No you're missing his point. His point is that if you want to game on a console, Xbox scorpio is the best way to do that.
I'm actually not sure if he's right about that--I'm a PC gamer, but if I were adding a console, I'd probably go with a PS4--but to argue that PCs are the best way to game is just irrelevant if the discussion is about gaming on a console.
@pcpirate78:First off, I literally couldn't care less about whether a game is "indie" or "triple-A" and it's stupid of you to care. Is the game good? I'll take an indie like Bastion or FTL or the Banner saga over 90% of the Triple A titles out there.
Second, there are a number of clearly-not-indie games that are exclusive to PCs. I'd name specific games but it's easier to stick to WHOLE GENRES: strategy, moba, isometric rpgs, and MMO.
Third, PC is *less excluded* than either xbox or PS4. While PS4 players can't play Gears of War 4, Crackdown 3 (upcoming) and Superhot (**** your anti-indie prejudice) PC players can. And while xbox players can't play Ni No Kuni 2, Street Fighter 5, The Talos Principle or the upcoming Shenmue 3 and Nier: Automata PC players can.
Fourth, no I obviously wasn't talking about emulators, because emulators are by definition not backwards compatible. I'm talking about: Kotor 1 and 2, Oblivion, Fallout 1-New Vegas, Half-Life, Portal 1 and 2, Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate, and Dead Space. Just to name a few.
And finally, you realize being an anti-fanboy is stupid right? I mean, aside from the fact that your own username is dedicated to anti-fandom of PC gaming, that kind of attitude keeps you from fairly assessing the strengths and weakness of each platform or console and making a wise investment. Trust me, for a long time I was a Sony anti-fanboy because I let myself get this warped impression of playstation consoles and refused to even consider buying one. I mean, if I did I'd be admitting that... I was wrong. (The horror!) But in the end the whole thing was stupid and when I finally gave in I quite enjoyed my PS3. Well, it's just as it's stupid to go around putting down PC gaming without knowing anything about it. If you don't want to game on PC that's fine, I'm not trying to convince you to. But for your own good take the fanboy goggles off.
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