@deviltaz35: i'm pretty sure they were just planning their route home to Jackson after the aquarium. but hey, it's a huge game, so i may not be so clear on all the details either.
@blindbsnake: i understood that when they're all back at the theater after the aquarium she accepts that getting Dina home safe is the most important thing. You're right that Ellies's not happy about it but Tommy asks her if it's ok for her that Abby gets away and Ellie says "it has to be". And i think seeing that Mel was pregnant was the trigger for her to take a step back.
@deviltaz35: different encounters, are you sure? that would be awesome! i only ever died during boss fights (and oh yeah i ran into a trap after scanning the whole area and was sure i dismantled them all) so i didn't notice. hope the enemies pack more of a punch on survivor. i'm so used to grounded.
Yeah, the name thing is a really cool addition. and it fits really well into the whole storytelling idea of seeing both sides. i actually got an "oh no, Joel!" yesterday. yes two people can have the same name, nd understands.
@daidochus: Joel and Ellie were known and important characters to the fireflies, because Marleen probably told everyone about them. I find it actually less likely that someone would go after Tommy. Also Joel killed every one in that hospital, not just Abby's dad.
@Pierce_Sparrow: i felt about the same. Joel's death was well used and completely understandable within the game world. i didn't realize he would die until minutes before it happened. from the trailers and info i saw i always thought Dina would be killed and that Ellie was avenging her. the trailer also showed Joel joining Ellie with the words "you didn't think i was going to let you do this alone", which is actually said by Jesse in the final game. so good mindgames on their part.
i loved Abby as well! and seeing both sides (or even all three sides, counting the scars) had great effect on me. in the first game i never thought bad about killing anyone, but here when you have to engage your own group it feels messed up.
@ardenes: it frustrated you to get another whole game to play with Abby? it's not like she's just following in Ellie's footsteps. 95% of the maps are new. of course you wanna know what happened, i did too, but the whole point of the game is to see both sides and i'm happy that we didn't just get to play Abby for two quick hours, but instead a whole fleshed out story.
@deviltaz35: yeah the game is huge. not sure what you mean with the aquarium. Ellie does go back to the theater after that, basically giving up the whole revenge plan because she unknowingly killed an innocent unborn. i think it's cool to spoil here, it is the spoiler review anyway. so, what did you mean?
finished it, loved it. took me a whole week, 49 hours in the end (i played very slow, exploring every thing mind you).
i thought playing this would give me insight into some of the hate the game has been getting. but i still don't get it. so please enlighten me, what is everyone so riled up about? (i succesfully avoided all spoilers).
now the story isn't as good as the 1st in my opinion, it doesn't carry the same weight as "we'll save humanity" but it deals with the aftermath of the ending, which i liked. and it still is one hell of a story to tell though. killing Joel and then making us understand why Abby did it and making her a likable character was a probably not an easy thing to do. it worked on me though. the finale was kind of crazy. the last fight was something i really didn't want to do and i hesitated a lot especially when the game wants you to finish Abby. fck no, i thought, stop it, Ellie! in the end it's a half-sad (Ellie), half-happy (Abby) ending which i liked.
gameplay is a straight improvement over the 1st. maps are huge and naturally beautiful to play in. encounters where you can lure enemies into infected or vice versa are more common. proning is a nice addition. personally i think the dodge was a mistake though as it makes combat too easy (you have all those tools AND can basically never get hit by melee). but there are fights build around it, so you can't play without it. i played on hard and generally the game was a bit too easy and gave me far too much ammo. i hope survivor does better, and that they release grounded mode at some point, as the first game could be tough as nails sometimes.
most emotional moment: to be honest there were several, but this one stuck with me: finding dead Alice in the Aquarium and only then realizing that i killed her with Ellie 20 hours ago and remembering that she was "just another random dog" to me back then. that got me good.
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