@Barighm: did you like the 1st revelations better than the 2nd? the story while playing jill was cool, but all the other characters' chapters and the gameplay in general were kinda "meh". i was playing the ps3 re-release though and the game was initially for handhelds only if i remember correctly.
@baral-o: shit, you're right. totally forgot about ps+ being mandatory for online play on ps4. i renew it once a year and don't think about it much, but i do use a lot of online features in games so it makes sense for me. for you it doesn't. ye that sucks. isn't there a free ps+ trial or something? i mean if you really want those trophies...
@CrusaderForever: i like the challenge of high difficulties but i remember uncharted 3 on crushing was absolutely no fun whatsoever. with the high rate of fire of the kal for example enemies could kill you in under a second at full health. that was just stupid. of course you can't do fancy moves, jump around and melee people, but you should be allowed to get from cover to cover at full health without dying. worst part i remember was where you had to reach a car with your horse. you can't take cover while on the horse so it was always pure luck wether enough enemies hit you on your way to the car so you would die or not. i hope u4 isn't like this, although i expect it. on the other hand you do have the stealth mechanic that might make most encounters a lot easier. i played hard 1st and i'm replaying hard right now to get all collectibles and combat trophies and after that it's on to crushing. god, i hope it's fun this time!
hmm, the picture is a nice gesture and all but what am i supposed to do with it? it would be way cooler to have something you can use in the game, even if it's something small. uncharted 2 gave you the Marco Polo character for multiplayer, that was so cool.
also i can download this picture from this site :) , so what's the point?
@baral-o: if you have no internet connection yes. if you have one and you simply hate multiplayer, it's still easy to get. i think it's play 5 games, summon 5 sidekicks, clear all trials on moderate (you fight 3 minutes against npcs), which is really easy. and 2 more comparably easy trophies that i forgot about.
they probably wouldn't make much money with it, but man, the credit capcom would get for releasing a fixed camera angle resi nowadays would be off the charts. imagine the e3 reveal and how the crowd would go wild. it's not gonna happen, but just imagine.
@Barighm: i think rev2 was plenty polished considering how cheap it was. there were no bugs i could think of that influenced the gameplay either. what outside influences do you mean?
@thekazumalord: really, i like rev2's story. gameplay, graphics and performance were good and it has the same content 60€ games have for only 20€ (+ the raid mode, which would've been a payed dlc for 99% of all publishers nowadays). i don't like episodic release either, but i bought the whole game once it was released.
the 1st revelations would've been a good game if you were only playing as Jill, because the ship was a cool location. all the other characters and their respective locations were really dull and all they had to do was shoot everything. it definitely made the game worse for me. also jill was more floating over the ground than actually walking, but it was a handheld port and it was only 20€ too so in the end it didn't bother me too much. also the raid mode of the 1st revelations extended the game's life quite a lot.
@gokartmozart89: those are pretty hilarious. i played pretty much from the start, october/november '14. i bought it on both ps3 and later ps4. don't remember any bugs that in any way spoiled my experience... or enhanced the experience like in those clips you linked :)
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