@Tidus1012: i know that feeling. i'm German and have the same problem with Austrian German. i feel sort of shitty for it, because i know that's how those people are brought up to talk and they can't do anything about it, but it's so hard to listen to.
the last one sounds interesting. i imagine it like that black and white black mirror episode in feature-length. gonna check it out this weekend.
as for the other one, i'm not into ghost stories or generally any supernatural stuff, as i just can't believe it. zombies are not realistic either, but they are fairly grounded as far as creatures from horror movies go.
the best horror movies are the ones without supernatural entities or unrealistic settings, because those really get you, in my opinion. the 1st Saw has still not been topped to date. a genius setting and interesting story with an incredible ending that you just don't see coming. it's sad what that series developed into.
@cayde6unit: yet they scrapped it for uncharted 4 and copied the menu of the last of us. obviously everyone was pissed at that, so they patched in the original theme, which now plays in the Multiplayer menu. the main menu is still the last of us though.
@tlpina: the 2nd uncharted is better story-wise, the 3rd had the best MP and the 4th has the most walking. the 2nd Tomb Raider was good. it's not a game i return to after beating it. uncharted has me coming back because of the MP.
i liked the 1st two games of the Camilla-voiced Lara. they're good games. they never took me in in a way that i wanted to return to the game after i beat it, like other games do, but it's still good enough to buy. most of all i really love Lara's scramble. i played all content for Rise of the Tomb Raider, since it was included in the ps4 version, and i got to say it was all over the place. so many little ideas made into little dlc bits. i wish for this new game they make one really good story dlc, or fleshed out dlc in general. put some effort into that. no more half-assed cold darkness, lara's nightmare, endurance or score attack (the latter was actually an ok challenge).
the tombs were perfect, please more of that. they just hit that sweet spot of actually having to stop and think without the need of looking up guides online. the boss fight with the witch was also nice!
so, made a new character a week ago. the game is definitely more alive again. i beat all dungeons, save for the Loran Darkbeast, which i haven't tried with this character yet, but i remember i hated it. i also did some gem farming. so i'm level 60 now, got a +10 chikage with 25-26% gems and +10 evelyn with a 30,5% gem (1 bloodrock found, 1 bought with insight). the level 5 dungeons are certainly challenging at this level (my vitality is only 25), but doable. i actually beat cursed amygdala (level 4) on my 2nd try, which has never happened before. especially awesome since literally all of her attacks would have one-shotted me.
so my character is pretty powerful for level 60 i guess. if anyone needs help with any part of the main (Logarius, Ebrietas) game or any dungeons add me and maybe me can do some damage this weekend. my ps-id is fenykh. if you're one of those webcam girls, please don't bother.
The series that brought me to gaming. In fact DMC2 brought me to gaming. It's an impressive game if you don't know much about gaming :) i saw it at a friend and thought it was so cool ("double jump?! whoa!!!"). i saved up some money to buy a ps2 and "that Devil May Cry game" (i didn't know which one i played) and thankfully got the 1st DMC (which i was seriously disappointed with at 1st because you didn't have double-jump by default like in DMC2, hahaha).
Great series. Won't buy this since i own the ps2 AND ps3 versions but i can recommend it and i would buy any new DMC.
RaveNRolla's comments