@el_swanno: definitely the stuff of nightmares. she's (it's?) actually one of the most difficult enemies in the game, since she drains your life AND frenzies you as soon as she sees you, even relatively far away. running up to her initiates her grab which you can counter, but if you fail you're dead.
@xnshd: invasions are not much of a problem in Bloodborne. there are only two areas in the game where you can get invaded by default (nightmare frontier and nightmare of mensis) and otherwise you can only get invaded if you are playing with another player. if you're playing mostly solo, which you definitely should at the beginning to really appreciate the boss combat (they're all really easy to beat with another player) then invasions are just not going to happen.
@Vodoo: i don't know if you tried Bloodborne, but it is a lot faster than the Souls games. it's nowhere near as fast as a hack'n'slash like ninja gaiden of course. also apart from carrying heavy weapons movement in Souls games/Bloodborne is mostly realistic, so you can't double jump like Dante (dmc) , do moves like stinger that cover a lot of ground in a second or generally have any of the agility Ryu, Dante and their companions have.
i like both types of games. the only ninja gaiden game i played was razor's edge and beating that on master ninja was harder (for me) than all of the Souls games combined. and that isn't even the hardest difficulty.
so kudos if you actually stampede through a ninja gaiden game.
@Arkhalipso: well he's actually one of the bosses that gets rather easy once you know all his moves and how he telegraphs them. granted with half health (cursed dungeon) every boss fight is a butt-clencher, since one attack (like the dog's charge) can kill you, but i found amygdala a lot harder with half health.
here's a video of me beating the watchdog in a cursed dungeon. this is a self created level 5 dungeon, so the boss is actually a bit harder than the one you face in the regular cursed dungeon (on the way to the queen). it's really just a question of learning his telegraphs.
Edit: it's a video of me beating the watchdog in a cursed dungeon WITHOUT GETTING HIT.
nice idea! i'll definitely give my old chars a bit of action and maybe make a new one.
the only problem i see with this though: bells. such an obscure system and it sadly didn't work the way it was intended. you should be able just to ring your bell (either one) and walk around in the level and get summoned at some point. how it really works though is that you actually have to cross paths with someone else ringing the correspondant bell (or at least in that case it should work instantly, while not crossing paths or being in the same spot makes you wait forever, which makes summoning a lot more difficult than summoning with signs. i coop'd a lot in this. when i wanted to summon a friend (with password matching) we, too, had to be in the same spot for it to work. granted, once you know it, it isn't much of a problem, but it makes you stand still while in other games like Dark Souls you were able to move around and kill enemies, once you put down your sign. there should still be more activity around lampposts and in front of boss areas if you're looking for random players, but don't be surprised if you ring your summoning bell and start going through a level and you never find anyone.
the good thing is: the game is so awesome this doesn't even really matter.
also, lots of the bosses are only challenging when you face them alone, so having a partner makes most boss fights super easy, since one player can always attack from behind. there are notable exceptions like ebrietas, the mother of player tracking, but even she is a lot easier with two players.
@dkjenvey: sure jumping between consoles might be a thing for some people. for me i've always used a ps and i don't see any reason why i wouldn't in the future. xbox is just as good, but i prefer the ps because i got used to it and by now i'm a long time fan of series like uncharted and god of war, so i'll probably never switch to another console and thusly will also keep my subscription going.
fyi: i actually forgot to resub last year and i wasn't a ps+ member for about 4 days. as soon as i resubbed all the games i downloaded/library'd were available again.
@taylor_sparks: well they're sort of free from my perspective. sony forces me to pay 50€ a year to play online, that true. i do play online, i like my ps4 and i have a job where i work 40 hours a week, so 50€ a year really isn't that much money for me. so there's not really much to think about, i just pay it. i would pay it with or without the free games, so for me they're something extra. and i did have my share of interesting gaming experiences from ps+ games (forgot the name, but the game where you clone yourself to solve puzzles was awesome).
@deviltaz35: me too (it was Luke and Andy though that were playing), i thought they named it themselves and the game somehow got a lot more appealing to me. i'm not that much into FPShooters, but i did play some Far Cries and, you know, you can always have some fun with them. i also thought you could tame and name a bear yourself. if everyone's bear is called Cheeseburger i don't want it *crosses arms and faces corner*
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