@altairdarius: don't expect Bloodborne to be less frustrating. it's faster, which means you can move and dodge attacks faster (yay!), but enemies are also faster (oh!). if you find any of the games interesting, but too hard you can always farm enemies and overlevel yourself. they endlessly respawn.
@GunEye: yeah, because people who then like it will pay for the dlc. makes sense. and you can't really complain if you get Bloodborne for free, although it is that sort of game that everyone who wants to play it gets right away (not really a casual game you just jump in to play a bit), so i imagine there aren't even that many who will download it now.
i know i will never get a big budget title for free from ps+, because i buy those games when they come out. Indie games are where i get my value of ps+ games.
@nikon133: i know right? i also hate when e.g. films or other media use someone being homosexual as a shocking dramatic reveal, it should just be something normal.
to your point i remember an interview with Will Smith a few years back, when he said it's still unwanted in Hollywood to have a black and a white lead involved in a romantic relationship on screen. if there are romantic relationships between black and white people in movies it's a source of tension and drama (e.g. monster's ball) and never seen as something normal. pretty much the same point i made on top about homosexuals.
@goobermeal: try google. i read about what i wrote on forbes.
i don't know how time-intense remaster productions are, but if we are looking at a may release pretty much everybody involved should be working on it right now, so it shouldn't be a secret who does it.
@praisetheshat: i doubt it'll be like the 1st time. exciting yes, but not equal. i haven't played the original DS in a long time, yet when i think about it i know the game inside out, and have all map layouts in my head, even the enemy placements.
Even when i think about making a new character, i know the 1st things i do when i get out of the asylum:
1. spend all your souls on levels/trinkets.
2. get the firekeeper soul from new londo, then jump off to death as the ghosts are closing in.
3. depending on build get the dragon crest shield (with the master key) and astora's straight sword.
4. start the game for real.
it's been years since i played the game, but somethings you just don't forget (like always beating the 4 kings solo, since it's so much easier compared to coop).
i wonder if it stood the test of time though. the newer entries all progressed the gameplay, so even if it's not the original demon's souls (which had no jump/drop attack for example) there will surely be things missing. e.g. if you look at the non-boss enemies in ds3, they're all f-ing mad with eradic behaviour and unpredictable combos, that are supposed to catch you off guard if you played the older Dark Souls titles. i'm afraid that Dark Souls Remaster is back to basics and misses a lot of challenging gameplay, because by now we mastered 5 Souls games. But we'll see. I'm gonna get it either way.
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