i read those as a teen. damn that's a long time ago. i don't care much for star wars anymore, i think it's the hype that broke a lot. star wars isn't special anymore like it used to be. the 1st trilogy was legendary, but there's just too much star wars now, it's lost its touch.
@Pyrosa: i liked the movie, it was stupid fun (the fast and furious kind of fun). none of the last superhero-movies did impress me (avengers, x-men), they just lack interesting stories and characters and special effects alone aren't enough. i expect infinity war to be a desaster too , with some of its way too huge cast probably to be reduced to one-liners (i mean seriously what the hell are they gonna do with all those people?). when i went to see "skwad" i really wasn't expecting anything, i guess that's why i found it entertaining.
the one superhero movie i would rate "good" in the last years is Deadpool, it just felt fresh and different.
it was the 1st time i could actually watch several episodes back to back. usually a black mirror episode and especially its ending are thought-inspiring in a way that you can't just watch another episode afterwards. either the episodes were not as impactful this time or maybe i got used to black mirror. there were a few happy endings as well, which kinda made you move on right away. the metalhead episode was cool, yet it seemed rather mundane for black mirror. it was dystopian in its most basic form i'd say (alienrobots from hell conquer the earth and wipe out humankind) and for black mirror it felt kinda too normal. the final episode was great.
a meager list for me, especially after 2017 which was jampacked with good games. the only interesting game, that i saw gameplay of so far is god of war. i never tried a heavy rain-type game and detroit looks interesting, but even though the trailers seemed to have an impactful narrative, the gameplay of investigating clues and making dialog decisions didn't win me over yet.
@mulder_000: yes thanks i did, but also i speak German because i am German :) . i even watched with english subtitles and can confirm they're solid. hope you enjoyed it!
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