@skippert: i think it also comes down to RNG for a bit. the 1st few times i fought Sulyvahn and Maria they were super easy (even on higher ng+ cycles), it wasn't until the 3rd or 4th time i faced them when they totally destroyed me all of a sudden.
@GunEye: well if you're so based on numbers, isn't it true then that buying a ps4 is cheaper than buying a PC that runs the latest games well? i don't know much about PC hardware, hence the question mark :)
@Welverin: right? it's 2017, everyone should know it's all about girth :D
seriously though i think so too. the very best games i played were linear games. for an open world game Horizon did have the right size though in my opinion.
@Mirimon78: i liked that too. apart from knocking over 23 dummies i got all trophies during my 1st playthrough, without trying. i just can't get myself to a 2nd playthrough and actually look for those dummies. i will someday, probably.
@phili878: dude, there's literally a dude here with "xbox.."-something as username who makes a negative comment on each PS-related article. while i agree that those people are annoying and 99% of them are just trolling, let's not pretend this doesn't happen with other console users.
i'm a PS guy. i don't think a PS is technically better than an xbox or pc, but i LIKE it better. that's all. there are reasons for it, but i'm not gonna start with that now. everyone should just play whatever they want on whatever platform they want.
also, ignoring trolls is pretty easy with a bit of self-discipline (they know how to push buttons, but you just have to resist to reply, that's it).
@aegis_kleais: here in Germany we just got season 7 on Netflix. great 1st episode (!!!), Negan is brilliant, unlike any other walking dead episode. i don't know how i avoided spoilers for a whole year visting sites like these, but i guess the show is just not as popular anymore.
@GunEye: while i think you are generally right about MP needing to be free of charge, i don't mind paying 50€ once a year. every year i've been a ps+ member, which will be 3 this december i got a few interesting games for free each year (even real gems, like Transistor) and i use the online features a lot, even though i always prefer a good SP-game, i always come back to Souls and Uncharted. i also got a few rare ps+ deals along the line, like a season pass for the Evil Within for 5€ instead of 20€. so over all i really can't complain. shareplay is also a very cool feature.
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