well there is a 10 so you might as well give it sometimes, unlike dutch lecturers which give a 9 as a highest grade, even though there is actually a 10 in the grading system.
@gamingdevil800: making unfounded claims without using any facts and instead making comparisons to videogames isn't as impressive as you might think, mate.
i think the evil within 2 was the last big game of this year for me, as i'm not interested in anything else that'll be released this year. still, with every game already released this year, and jesus there were a lot (re7, nioh, horizon, prey, dishonored - doto, hellblade, lost legacy, darkest dungeon crimson court, evil within 2), it might still be the best year of gaming releases ever since 2010 (bioshock 2, god of war 3 and demon's souls, and the year i started uncharted mp).
revelations 2 was definitely a step up from the 1st. while Jill's story was very interesting and fun to play and explore, the need to make every other chapter a filler episode with characters you didn't care about, that also had no impact on the story was bad design. i know they were going for a TV-series-style, but those pure shooter-episodes (no exploring, no puzzles) did nothing for me.
in revelations 2 you only play as one of the four main characters, with episodes switching between Claire & Moira and Barry & Natalia, while still giving you the episodic format with cliffhangers. i felt continuously engaged playing revelations 2, can't say the same about the 1st revelations, when i often only thought "when is this chapter gonna end? i wanna play as Jill again."
@jcb9dwn: i said #1 ;) yeah as far as the preorder stuff is concerned i'm good. i beat the game wednesday, then used the code, booted up the game and it notified me of the goodies. the thing is beating nightmare unlocked (again) the brass knuckles and if they are anything like in the 1st game there's no need for any other weapons anymore for my ng+ run, which, to be honest, i find kinda stupid. i also really disliked the idea of the foam finger in Dead Space even though it was hilarious, but it made subsequent playthroughs so boring i couldn't progress more than 2 levels before i had to stop out of boredom. i imagine my 2nd playthrough of EW2 is gonna be a bit boring, although i still have almost half the locker keys to look for, plus 1 file and 1 resonance point.
even though i really enjoyed my 1st playthrough of EW2 i think the 1st was better overall. more variety in gameplay and environments, you got these really tense bits in the 1st game, like the cellar of the mansion or the Laura bossfight(s) and there were a lot more sequences where the game just dropped a bunch of enemies at your feet that you had to kill in order to proceed, where you had to think on you feet, which was a much needed change in pace to the stealth sections. in EW2 there is only one encounter i can remember where the game forces you to fight a group of enemies (somewhere in the marrow, when you have to wait for a door to open).
lastly i also would've preferred akumu over this new classic mode (i value upgrading my gear over surviving a hit), and i'm actually wondering why they didn't do both, since akumu is 99,9% nightmare mode with the only change that you die from one hit.
as far as your personal story goes, thx for sharing. you definitely have a thing for writing i suppose. though you are better off finding another forum for that, since most of the users of this site won't read a text as long as that. also i don't know anything about making a game, apart from the things i personally prefer in a game. i would start by believing the intelligence of the player, which too many nowadays games don't.
RaveNRolla's comments