as someone who was born in the 80s and has lived most of his life with regular television or illegal downloads, streaming services are a revelation! 11€ per month for that kind of choice of films and series (all on demand!) is nothing. i guess most younger audiences are too spoilt to appreciate it (this is not meant negatively, just stating a fact, younger people don't have any hand in being spoilt).
@ekirito: well i sorta played it 1,5 times, because i restarted halfway through (i couldn't find the secret meeting room in the brothel and thought it was a bug :D ). i then played the game on the hardest difficulty, so i don't know if the game has anything more to offer to me. it took me a good 200 hours, which was during two months of unemployment (perfect for this game), starting again now it would probably take me months. and since i already played through it, i don't think it will be as engaging. also there are other games i still have to finish and new ones coming out. next week the evil within 2 is released, i'm really looking forward to that. the Witcher Wild Hunt was nothing short of epic though! i wonder when we get to see some more of their new game Cyberpunk.
@DeadPhoenix86: agreed. it actually speaks for the quality of the game. i have my MP games, like uncharted or dark souls, and i don't see the need or value of MP in a Dishonored or Witcher game. i remember when it was announced that Bioshock Infinite wouldn't have MP and everyone on this site was just celebrating that fact.
@Renunciation: i respect your opinion. you might wanna check out darkest dungeon, which is a very engaging indie with a tough learning curve. it got a DLC not too long ago as well, which is as brilliant as it is annoying, but i mean that in a positive way.
also i agree that this year was one of the most amazing ones for gaming. i still need to check out Nioh, which i should have done already, but i think the Dark Souls fatigue hindered me until now.
RaveNRolla's comments