@iamcheapinbed: oh wow it is true. i was wrong then. still i can't imagine what they wanna add to the 1st film. Brad will probably be a superhero now, not at all afraid of the Z's anymore and that'll change the tone quite a lot. it won't have the same tension.
unless maybe the film continues exactly from the moment when the last one ended. but what are they gonna do to make it exciting? humans can disease themselves now to not be targeted by Z's anymore. all they can really do is experiment on Z's i guess?
Edit: I forgot the film didn't end in the research facility in Wales, but with the vaccines being already spread across the globe. now i REALLY have no idea what they're going to do to make this sequel interesting. anyone else?
@nefphlegm: you must be really excited, because you barely make sense ;) i'm really excited as well. i wonder what other abilities the new class has, the bleeding one looks rather sweet and can hit spot 1-3. i guess he won't have any stress reducing abilities and maybe has the permanent quirk "will only flagelate for stress relieve"? also a new permanent status effect which makes you attack allies (or maybe attack randomly), maybe called "blood-crazed"? 3 new bosses and a new surprise-in-the-face-boss.... man, i'm just babbling like you are now :P
Awesome! I was very addicted to this game earlier this year. Another shining example of an indie-game topping all kinds of AAA-games by focusing on engaging gameplay (i bought Rise of the Tomb Raider at the same time, and i just couldn't be bothered with it). I could easily spend hours and hours playing this game without even noticing. After beating NG+ there wasn't much to do besides starting another run, which i kinda did but then stopped halfway and deleting the game because i needed the storage space for new games (ps4), but the game had more than made up for the cost by then. This will make me do at least two more runs again. Just tell me when it'll be released for ps!
As long as they don't implement infinite ammo i'm interested. After last year's demo i thought that the horde looked really cool, but then they immediately made it really uninteresting by giving the guy a machine gun with infinite ammo.
This year's demo made the horde (and the game) look interesting again.
I need to see a demo or get some info on the failstates in this game. i imagine if the horde gets to you you're dead, that would really ramp up the tension around the horde.
@darthrevenx: there's not going to be a sequel to WWZ. i think a lot of people really misunderstood the "our fight has just begun"-part at the end. they barely found a way to survive, not a cure, that's what made the movie look a bit smarter than other zombie-movies. there's not gonna be a 2nd movie about them finding a cure, because that would be boring (and pretty stupid after the 1st movie). It's open-ended, which is brilliant. They've found a way to survive for a time... that's it. Everything else is for your imagination.
If they'd ever decide to make a 2nd part, it'll be because of money and the movie will likely suck really hard. could you imagine anything to add to WWZ if you really think about it?
Looks intruiging, i like the look. might give this a try, although i haven't tried the 1st. i like longer boss battles as well.
you control the whole party i assume? do the party members have a behavioural system you can manually assign (like "in case A do action B", like e.g. Dragon Age) so you don't have to swap characters all the time?
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