With Hellblade, Lost Legacy and Death of the Outsider i'll get 3 shorter games i'll look forward to this summer/early autumn. On top of that i'll get Evil Within 2, which should suit me just fine if it keeps the gameplay from the 1st game. Eventual gaps i can fill with any great game already released this year, like Horizon, Nier or Nioh.
@reBOOT2099: ok, i get your point. but they wouldn't try this (it seems pretty complicated to implement) just so a few more players can play old games together. there must be more reasons.
@cboye18: it wouldn't have the same effect as doing this with a character that no one knows yet. it's because it's the bloodthirsty, chaos-wreaking, god-slaying Kratos that i'm interested in this. because i already care about what happened to him and how he has changed.
It's a cool idea ("we're all connected"), but ultimately what's the point? So you can play with that 1 friend that has a different console? There are more than enough players (friends and randoms) on either network.
Playing with or against players from different consoles would mean exactly 0% more fun for me. It wouldn't make it worse either, but it seems like it would take a lot of effort with nearly no positive effect.
That is true, yet it doesn't change my statement. i still hope Death of the Outsider is gonna be as good as The Knife of Dunwall. Since The Knife was 2 parts i'm guessing this will be just as long.
@lionheartssj1: she lost her arm and eye before the events of Dishonored 2 but after The Knife DLCs, so basically "off-screen". During Dishonored 2 you can find that out (she went to Stilton Manor to check up on Aramis).
The robotic arm and eye were story-wise not needed as you can make decisions in Dishonored 2 that can give her both arms and eyes back, but i guess they wanted something funky for this Standalone.
RaveNRolla's comments