well of course it would be a bad marketing strategy. how else would they sell all those ps3 remasters? Up until late 2016 my ps4 games library mostly consisted of remastered ps3 games. it's now 2017 and the ps4 has finally arrived and has its own set of games.
i hope they're not actually presenting any ps5 ideas this e3. the ps4 needs another 3-4 years at least. the ps3 started strong and stayed strong for what.. 10 years almost? the ps4 is 3 years old and has barely begun its era. but if the whole ps4 pro thing showed Sony anything it's that we gamers just buy everything they feed us (me excluded). so if a ps5 would be released next year at least everyone that bought a ps4 pro would buy it, which is a good deal for them.
@endersdragon: i gotta say i'm still surprised how popular this show has gotten. i mean it's a really good series, with complex characters and relationships, "good" people dying regularly and "bad" people succeeding in being even more evil. Being so popular means a lot of people watching soaps also watch this, which i kinda don't get.
Well Bloodline kinda has to end with this season (haven't watched all of season 3 yet), it's a natural and intelligent decision. It's a good series, but it is simply the end of this story, so why continue and draw it out into being unwatchable crap?
Sense8 has been cancelled too, which was a pretty good show. It definitely tried something new, being both mysterious and putting an accent on LGBT. The only thing i really hated about this show is that everybody was talking English (like Germans to Germans, Indians to Indians, etc.), which was really bad for a show that accentuates diversity.
i was thankful that the volume of the cutscenes has been adjusted with the last patch. that was absolutely not cool, every cutscene i thought "goddamn, this game is breaking my speakers".
now last friday (before the current patch) it was still the case that voices of npcs you talk to were also extremely loud. setting the audio option for voice to 0 mutes all dialogue but there is no difference in volume between 10 and 100, it's just always really loud. this needs to be fixed as well.
Lastly does anyone know if Grant Lockwood always has the double jump chipset? don't remember what it's called, but it's basically the agility 1 upgrade from Dishonored which is super useful for reaching high ledges, climbing and such, flavourwise in Prey it's an enhancement for your propulsion system that gives you a boost, but it's really agility from dishonored. I noticed that a lot of chipsets are random, although some are not (Mimic detection and faster scan are always found in Psychotronics). This is one that is really useful and you can basically get it as soon as you have access to a sec terminal and the exterior. i'll test it myself on my 2nd playthrough, but i don't know when that'll be.
Need to get this. I was thinking about getting it in the summer, but now since they're releasing add-ons i might as well wait till the end of the year to get a complete edition. it's either this next, or Nioh, or Horizon or Re7 (what's up with 2017 btw?).
@Legend_of_Link: i'm jealous as well, i wish i would've played all these games. only game i bought in 2017 is Prey, which is a lot of fun though. i'm still playing dishonored 2, really creative game that actually lets you play your own way. then there's rise of the tomb raider, which i still haven't finished, because dishonored 2 was released so shortly after.
apart from the games you mentioned re7 and Nioh are 2017 games i still need to check out. i'm definitely getting nier and horizon at some point, but since they're single player i don't feel rushed to get them now (maybe a nice complete addition with add-ons at the end of the year).
@videogameninja: it always depends on the kind of game. i'm not a big fan of these so-called walking sims myself. i only ever tried ether one and got really bored really fast. on the other hand indie games are usually really focused on original and interesting gameplay-ideas (not the ones where you just walk around reading notes), which makes some indie games really addictive and fun for me. transistor comes to mind, which i just found a lot of fun to play (and it had an amazing soundtrack), or more recently don't starve and darkest dungeon, which both had me hooked on their gameplay for several weeks. the right indie game can really give you a feel of "fresh" gameplay compared to those big titles, which usually don't offer much you haven't seen before (which is not necessarily a bad thing).
@cherub1000: yes, i tried it a lot, i think it might be the hardest trophy i ever saw. from time to time i think about giving it another shot, but then i think i haven't played this game in years and i would suck way more at the challenge than i did back then.
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