ok, i get it with the movie, but why steal a season of orangeisthenewblack? like people are gonna say "oh it's free on the internet, i'm gonna cancel netflix now because this 1 show i can watch for free"?? I don't get it.
@hotrod72888: i'm glad you enjoy it more now. i sometimes do the same, play a game for a bit and once i get the hang of the mechanics and upgrades i restart and make better decisions ;) As for Prey i'm actually hoping for some more challenges in the endgame, as i said my upgrades just kill it atm. i didn't have time to play this weekend so i still haven't finished it.
i love dishonored as well and i too think part 2 is an improvement, as the levels each really have their own "thing" which makes it more interesting. Personally i was really happy that Corvo now has Daud's Blink, which stops time when you're not moving, which is such an amazing power. Overall i'd say Dishonored 2 is definitely more my kind of game than Prey, but i enjoy Prey nevertheless.
@hotrod72888: i can't quite understand how you are out of ammo all the time when you search every nook and cranny like you say. My gloo gun has around 1000 ammo all the time (i don't really use it often), i shoot some i find some. As for the handgun it runs out fast indeed, but i just craft handgun ammo every once in a while. i craft shotgun ammo as well, but more handgun ammo. I found the game hard in the 1st couple of hours, but then i unlocked the combat focus ability, increased dmg for the pistol and shottie and i haven't had a problem since. Even a nightmare spawning right next to me and being aware of me doesn't stand a chance at all (hard difficulty). i actually let it hit me once, because i wanted to know what the fuss is about.
@molux: i agree. i also found out that simply buying leverage 1, which cost 1 mod i think, lets you throw small objects into bigger ones which moves the bigger ones which are usually blocking an entrance.
@Mogan: you can hack hostile turrets to be friendly to you again. i assume this is what you can do when you invested in so much alien power that they become hostile. i haven't tried it though as i decided to do a human powers only playthrough and try the alien powers on my next one, but i have hacked a few hostile turrets overtaken by technopaths in the game.
Fun game. Very big on exploration, which for me means the 1st playthrough is probably gonna take me 40-60 hours. I played somewhat around 25 hours now and just unlocked deep storage with the voice sample. There are whole parts of the ship available to me (bridge, life support) that i haven't checked out, because it became too much for me at some point. I'm also trying to do all the side missions, which keep piling up. WHERE DA HELL IS THIS JOSH DALTON GUY?!?!? i searched all over for him in the shafts, costing me at least an hour and several deaths. Anyone found him?
One thing i found very weird is that the game doesn't introduce you to the Alien powers in any meaningful way, besides "oh yeah you can unlock these now", which is why i still haven't purchased any yet (bioshock usually gives you a few powers for free on the way because you need them to progress). The human powers which i already spent quite a lot of mods on seem to be more directly useful in the world with the ability to hack, repair, upgrade your weapons, upgrade your HP, FP (i mean PsiPoints), stamina and such, upgrade your suit with inventory slots or make crafting more efficient. Also i don't feel like i need any of the Alien powers. The one human power that slows down time and increases your damage along with the Shotgun and Pistol are really all i need for anything i came across so far (on hard difficulty).
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