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I didn't quite complete my review of Battlefield 1943. I've only finished half of it so far.


I'm going to buy Killing Floor of the Steam Sale for £3.74. Aberinkulas, Bioshock's only $6/7!!!


I managed to defeat the Serpent that was lurking the waters and now I've been given the Enterprise, I can explore the whole world at my fingertips. Because of that I'm now stuck in a desert full of incredibly hard LV20 monsters as a pose to my LV12 characters which on the other hand is great for fast level grinding.

I'm off to see Avatar in 3D now. So see ya'.

Goodbye Reviews

YAY for deleting reviews.


I bought Torchlight for £3.74 yesterday before yesterday's batch of deals came through (which by the way, are terrible.) Oh well, a new selection of deals should come through in the next couple of hours. I'm still playing Left 4 Dead, and yes, still trying to beat the No Mercy Campaign.


I managed to figure out a way past that Dragon on Final Fantasy III. Turns out I just had to run away from it. Oh I wish I could just do that through the whole game rather than level grind for several hours at a time. I'm now trying to defeat a Serpent in aiding the Vikings but like the Dragon, he is too powerful so I'm going to have to level grind some more.


My trial ran out in Battlefield 1943. Damn they know how to do a Demo good. I was on a three to one kill ratio then BAM... I'm kicked out of my overpowered tank and thrown onto the Playstation Store. Bought it though. And it was only £6.30 ($10.) I'll probably write up a review by tomorrow.

The Dante's Inferno Demo's good, but not great. And this is coming from someone who hasn't played the God of War franchise. In fact, call me non-sensical but I felt it payed more homage to the Ninja Gaiden series than anything else, which to my tastes isn't a particularly good thing. Especially when you include a nude woman with a hairy chest. Revolting.

Stuck in the Mud

The Battlefield 1943 Trial now works! Turns out I played the trial before and created an EA Account for that e-mail beforehand. Well, it could've said that e-mail was taken up.

I also downloaded the Dante's Inferno Demo but seeing as I'm on my living room 50" Sony at the moment, it wouldn't be the best of idea's to start killing some revolting nude woman with skeletons coming out her breasts. If you don't get what I mean, follow this link.


The title pretty much speaks for itself - I can't complete on Elite Beat Agent's Episode 12. It's just too difficult. I also can't find the missing boy's on Dragon Quest: Chapter of the Chosen. And I need to level grind for at least another several hours to beat the Dragon host of Dragon's Keep which I haven't much desire to do. I still refuse to try Dark Conflict and so for now, my DS is at rest.

I ordered my Gaming Desktop an hour ago. Did I just call it a Gaming Desktop? At least it'll allow me to play Mass Effect. I tried the Lumines Demo and hated it. It just felt really clunky and played badly to suit. I'm also yet to buy Torchlight. I'll probably buy it before the sale closes.

Just - you know - chillaxing'

Another PS Classic - Vagrants Story is only £4.80 ($8 ) on the Playstation Store.


I'm going to be doing my GOTY award. But it's not going to be another boring, same outcome award. Trust me.


Gaming-wise I'm mid-way through Level 68 on Modern Warfare 2.

I'm around Episode 12 on Elite Beat Agents and I'm level grinding at Dragon Keep's start on Final Fantasy III.


I bought the Battlefield 2 Collection for £3.74 ($7) from Steam with five minutes to spare before the today's batch of Special Deals. Speaking of which, today's deals are quite good. I'm going to buy Torchlight for £3.50 tomorrow as I absolutely loved the Demo.

Merry Christmas

Yeah...what a predictable title. But seriously, I hope you all have (had, depending on the time you read this) a Merry Christmas.

Surprisingly though, I did get some DS Games of which I thought weren't to be bought as they were either bumped up in price or sold out. And while they truely were, my parents got them beforehand. Although I didn't get one game - Advance Wars: Dual Strike and that will prevent me from playing Dark Conflict for now as it's a direct sequel to Dual Strike. So other than those two, I got Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen and Elite Beat Agents. The latter of which is is utterly breathtaking by the way from what I've played so far.

I also got £300 ($450) in cash but a bit less than two-thirds of that is going towards my Gaming Desktop. And speaking of PC's, the entire Battlefield 2 Collection is selling for a mere £3.50 ($7) on Steam. Oustanding. It's Christmas at the moment though, and I wouldn't want to get my Parents thinking about games right now. I'll buy it tomorrow afternoon.

I know you're all going to say Merry Christmas so don't worry about telling me but how'd your Christmas go and what did you get? Let me know.

Two Way Ticket for the Choo Choo Train

I could swear that Aberinkulas is like one of those celebrities which never responds to your fan mail or otherwise feels embarrased to respond to a member of the public (to me anyway.)


Anyway, now that I've got that over with (actually, you are really cool Aberinkulas) I'd like to say that Left 4 Dead is still AWESOME! Even if I can't beat the first No Mercy Campaign (on Advanced, which I'm still determined to do.) Damn, I love that game.


I did in the end, buy some games of Steam's Sale yesterday. I didn't buy World of Goo, but only because I have a feeling it'll go below the £2.00 mark before Janruary 3rd. I did however buy Audiosurf, Braid, Defense Grid and Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl - and all for only £6.37 ($10!) I may do some quick mini reviews on them, but only once I've formulated a few dozen minute thoughts on each of them.

I'm off to Church. Merry Christmas Eve people.

EDIT: Only one hour till' today's new Special Deals. Oooo, I'm so psyched.

EDIT 2: Today's Special deals are quite missable. Left 4 Dead 2 is selling at £20 ($30), but I'm having too much fun with the first to care about the second at the moment. Even still, you can buy Left 4 Dead 2 for only £18 at

Thank you Aberinkulas

In gaming, I'm approaching Level 67 on Modern Warfare 2

I'm also a third way through the Rich District of Jerusalem on Assassins Creed.


I've never bought from Steam before because usually, outside of sales, their prices can be ridiculously high. Having said that, they can have some outstounding sales such as this year's Christmas sale. Standouts include Braid which is selling for £1.79 ($2.50) and Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl which is also selling for £1.40 ($2.00.) And thanks to Aberinkulas I was able to find out this awesome sale. They also have five daily specials running throughout the months end all the way to the 3rd Janruary.

I'm still yet to buy anything as I'm still trying out the game's Demo's. But so far, I'm looking into Audiosurf (£1.50), Braid (£1.74), Defense Tower: Awakening (£1.74), Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl (£1.40) and World of Goo (£4.24.) Great stuff, and best of all, it only adds up to £11 ($16(ish).)

Thank you Aberinkulas.

Oh, and sorry for my excessive amount of brackets - I was just trying to get my point across to all regions of how good these deals are.

No Mans Land

I will no longer be buying Battlefield 1943. You need to create an EA Account in order to play online. I did, and it still wouldn't let me play the trial. God, I hate EA.


Going back to my promise the other day, how long do you think Final Fantasy 13 will last? At least when stacking the game up to the series past entries? Personally I think it'll last somewhere around the 20-30 hour mark.


Still I got some gaming done today as per usual. I'm Level 66 on Modern Warfare 2.

I finished Vendetta (somehow), Their Land Their Blood and Burn Em' Out. If you thought Vendetta was hard, man you've seen nothing. More specifically, the ending set-piece on Burn Em' Out. It was ridiculous. Seriously, it was so hardcore, it was practically un-enjoyable. I mean, at least on Modern Warfare 2 Veteran, the fights were fightable. Oh well, I completed it I guess. I'm now on Level 7 of 15.

Stepping Back a Year

After completing both, the Single Player and Spec Ops of Modern Warfare 2 on Veteran, I decided my time there was done (for a while anyway.) I thought I should rapp up any games not completed. So the first title, I immediately looked to was Assassins Creed. It's still incredibly repetitive but helping out any citizens and synchornizing various viewpoints helps to keep the gameplay fresh. I've now finished the second assassination by killing the Hospilatizor.

And because I couldn't cope without not being able to play a shooter, run-of-the-mill or not, I decided to plough through Call of Duty: World at War on Veteran. Prior I had only finished the third level, Hard Landing and gave up thereafter but now I decided to start afresh by starting over. I'm now on Vendetta where I previously gave up on, and I can't see how some players completed it. One sniper segment where I'm stuck at is outrageously difficult.

My main reason behind moving onto some of my unfinished games is because I'm fed up of spending £40 or $60 on a video game. Batman: Arkham Asylum for example. I mean, as good as it was, I essentially paid £33 ($50) for an eight hour long game, and according to my calculations that's £4.12(ish) per hour of playtime - thus I have now decided to no longer pay more than £20 per game (unless it has multiplayer value at its core.) At least, until I've completed all my games - trophies and unlockables to the brim. At that rate I can (attempt to) go back to the previous gen and try and fill up my GBA and PS2 libraries at the expense of only a few dollars.

Do you guys feel the same way? Let me know.

Always remember your first

I got a huge chunk of gaming finished today. I managed to finish, Of their Own Accord, Contingency, Second Sun, Whiskey Hotel, Loose Ends, The Enemy of my Enemy, Just Like Old Times and End Game on Veteran. From the gameplay variations to the level design it was a perfectly paced single player component. So good in fact, it's one of the best and most memroable I've ever played.

So after completing the Single player on Veteran (with all hidden 45 Intel), I was rewarded quickly after with a nice, big, fat Platinum Trophy prior to completing Spec Ops and some little, minor trophies too. It's the first Platinum I've ever got. I also played some online but not as much as I'd have liked; I just managed to scrape Level 65.