Shrinekeeper's forum posts
I think almost everyone who has been saying that PC gaming is dying is console gamers, who bearly use their PC for gaming. Its a just an ignorant look at it. I also can't agree with PC exclusivity that much apart from Crysis, The Witcher I can't think of much more - those are the most high profile titles that are SO FAR exclusive to the PC.themovi3nut
Warhammer40k DoW is still going strong, plus you got the second one coming out.
NWN1 and 2
Company of Heroes
World in Conflict
And alot more, there is plenty of exclusives all of wich are equally as good as console exclusives
1.If it comes out for the Wii it is going to be a very very very very watered down version of the game, to the point of probably being crap. As far as I knew it was a PC exclusive. A game with that kind of Ginormity (you like that work :p) just would not do well ported to a console.
2.It will have DLC, in fact, the last I read you will be able to download other peoples worlds. So if I lpayed through and had my world the way I wanted it, you could then DL it and the PC would take over playing my world the way I was playing it. So if I was pasive the PC would continue to be pasive and vice-versa.
3.Hmmm... that will be a tough one, if its as good as I am praying it will be I think alot of your Sim fans are going to jump on it. If that is the case it will sell extremely well, but with it being a new IP I dont see it breaking records.
So many posts I would like to quote and reply too, I just dont have the patience.
First off how long are you all going to beleive the whole "we just have not unlocked the potential" bullcrap? Devs will be saying that until the PS4 comes out.
Sure Fable 2 is running into problems with the 360, but who is to said that they would not have the same problem with the ps3? perhaps there vision for the game is larger than this current gen gaming?
And as far as I can tell, I think 2008 gaming will be better on the 360 just because I prefer the style games coming out for it... see how that works people, its all opinion based and they are probably just as many me's are they are of you's. The only 2 games that seem exciting for ps3 is LBP and FFXIII (wish is pushed back to 09). As for MGS4 I would just rather go watch a really good movie at least that way I dont have to interact with it every 2 hours or so, thats the only reason MGS4 will fill up a blu-ray is because of the way-to-long cutscenes.
Also a friend of mine read the other day that Ubisoft is now making Haze a timed release. If PS3 was so awesome and selling so so well why would ubisoft do this? It just goes to show you that both systems are still going strong and ubisoft wants to make the most buck for the bang :p
Oh, and the reason 360 isnt dead is because well.. its sold 19 million units so far with a HUGE live base. Oh, and it has some really good games.
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