I bet people thumbsing this down would agree if they read more than the first sentence. Carolyn, I respect you, but is this really appropriate for a game review website? This is more of a personal blog. And you know what? That's fine. Maybe GameSpot needs to start a Column section for this sort of thing. An area of the site where GameSpot staff can blog about game related stuff all day long, and viewers know what they're getting into. But I don't think this belongs in the same bag as all other gaming media.
Great article. I personally vowed to wait for ME3 to hit the bargain bin, or buy used for my first time ever, because of day one DLC and Origin only. I was hyped before. I played the sequels just a couple of months ago in preparation! Nonetheless, I had to stand on my principles and voted with my wallet. They'll have to sell many more codes to their DLC to make up for their one lost customer.
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