Hey Adam Orth, I live in a large apartment complex, and since January they have been re-wiring the building and laying down new equipment. I have dealt with internet outtages DAILY for THREE months. So in the words of Francis, **** YOU! Hand your customers over to Sony some more, why don't you?
@Poodlejumper FACT CHECK, please. You're way off on the development cycles for both Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age 3. The most commonly cited source for DA2's development cycle stated it was closer to 1 year. As of October of last year, BioWare stated DA3 was already "nearly two years into development."
DA2 suffered heavily because of it's extremely short development cycle. DA3 will have spent nearly 3x the length in development once it's released.
@OldSchoolPlaya Bethesda games are heavily moddable, especially because Bethesda provides many of the same tools that they use in-house to the community. Have you seen the outstanding mods for Skyrim? I could say some choice words to anyone who would happily throw that away.
I constantly get, or at least did the first few days, "You have been disconnected from the EA servers, trying to reconnect." WHILE I continue to play my city unhindered. How would that be possible if in fact many of the calculations were done server side?
@mitchyboy44 @Leprickahn If you actually listened (or read) to the review, Kevin gives plenty of good reasons to play the game - once launch problems are taken care of. Arbitrary scores aren't everything.
Also, you're a liar. I spent 20 minutes today trying to play on West 4 (that's one of the new servers). After clicking play a couple dozen times before the client finally responded, it then spent 10 (TEN) minutes trying to load my city before I Alt+F4'd. After that I couldn't even get back onto the server.
Wii U hardware isn't going to carry it into the "next gen". Its hardware is weak and hence the lower cost. People bitching about the price are likely concerned about the console's longevity moving into 2014 and beyond.
You never answered by the way: how did you end up here?
It's one of the two assumptions I've already made, I'm sure.
Again, you can badmouth GameSpot all day long. Have at it. I'm just trying to understand why you're here wasting your time on a website you clearly despise. To troll, right? Oh wait, GameSpot viewership are the trolls. I guess you're half right. You certainly pulled me into this!
SicoWolf's comments