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#1 SkyCommand
Member since 2009 • 105 Posts

[QUOTE="MadVybz"] Lone Wolves no way implies that it's supposed to be deathmatch. It simply implies that you are only by yourself, relying on yourself.

There is NO playlist in Halo that allows you to only play straight-up free for all while online.


Right, but that is precisely the problem. They support the game mode, but I might be stuck playing something I don't want to. I payed $60 to play the game I want to, not to have a computer choose for me.

And this, this, is the reason I hate these new "innovative" matchmaking systems. It takes a little bit of hte human element out of MULTIPLAYER gaming over the Internet. He nailed it on the head.

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#2 SkyCommand
Member since 2009 • 105 Posts

Matchmaking works quite well in some games - like Modern Warfare 2.

Not so much in other games - ie Forza 3.


I gotta say the MW 2 matchmaking system is the worst in the recent batch of games. Almost every time you enter a lobby, the map switches or half the players suddenly leave a match. If you were able to pick a map, or even match settings, the multiplayer would graduate from the pleab level. Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 seem to matchmake pretty well so far on the 360. I still prefer total customization over my matches, a la the PC, but L4D's system is pretty good as well.

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#3 SkyCommand
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I also don't know what a virtual machine is, I'm new to this stuff.kingcole225

A virtual machine would be like installing a Windows partition on your hard drive (Bootcamp) or installing a program like Parallels (which sucks all your system's resources) where you run Windows and Mac OS X simultaneously.

I also have a 13-inch Mac Book Pro. Honestly, playing games on a Mac computer just kind of sucks. Those freezes you are talking about are most likely related to OS X not understanding the game files. Before I can really help you, I need to know: what version of Mac are you running?

Well I'm running leopard

Leopard has quite a few known issues running games. I never could get Diablo 2 running in anything other than a window (instead of full screen). Unless there is a deeper problem we don't know about, my suggestion would be to just install boot camp and a copy of windows. Alternatively, you could uninstall diablo / warcraft and try a clean installation of those games. What kind of graphics card do you have?

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#4 SkyCommand
Member since 2009 • 105 Posts


Not wanting to spend the effort to make a PS3 port is fine. But to go as far as to say the "PS3 is a waste of everyones time" and the rest of the stupid comments that Gabe said were undeserved. If you don't like the system and don't want to program for it, fine, but you don't have to be such an ass about it.

It's the main reason I hate Valve. Gabe could've been civilized about it, but no he has to go out of his way to try and convince everyone that's it's a "waste of their time".

... that and the fact that they STILL use the ancient/ugly Source engine + HL2 sucks. The episodes are great, but HL2 itself is extremely boring. Just thinking of the vehicle sections makes me want to vomit.


If Sony abandons the design next gen, then it was a waste of everyone's time and Gabe was right. Maybe that's what he was referring to.

Think they will though? I kind of think so. I love my playstation exclusives, but it cannot be denied the system is a pain in the developmental ass.

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#5 SkyCommand
Member since 2009 • 105 Posts

I know, I was speaking about matchmaking in general specifically Halo 3's system where you could be stuck playing Oddball matches when you clicked lone wolf.

Man, let's not even get into how many times I have been propelled into absurd games through the halo matchmaking system. Plus, it seems to have something inherently against my NAT type, for some reason. No other game gives me crap for that, and my router shows everything as open. Grrr. I gave up on the n00bfest that is Halo multiplayer a long time ago.8)

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#6 SkyCommand
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Here is pretty much the same build with a better CPU and a weaker (but still good) GPU. Everything included, minus shipping and handling.



How would this RAM compare to what you chose? The timings are lower however the frequency is slightly lower.

It's also getting a lot of negative reviews... not sure what to think of it.

Well apparently people are complaining due to the fact they have to go in to the bios to set the voltages. Which is not a big deal if you ask me, but might be to the TC. Though lower timings is always more important than the frequency. Nice find.

It's getting late here, sorry about the late reply. I was thinking about upgrading video cards later, but I think the 295 is too much power for me. I wouldn't be running games in 1080p. As for the RAM, setting the voltages in the BIOS is not too tough, but would the TC know how or want to do this, since he is still new to custom builds?

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#7 SkyCommand
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Because MW2 matchmaking is crap, just like CoD4's. How many times it pops you in a game with 30 seconds time left? How many times you exit a match because of bad connection and it slaps you back in there? They were lazy with this, I tell you. I hoped they'd make a Gears of War-like server browser with filters, but nooooo (note that GoW has no dedicated servers either).

[QUOTE="SkyCommand"]Yep, and that kills you on the leaderboards in MW 2, because it counts every quit (due to rage or not) as a loss, and you forfeit any match bonuses. Kind of a Catch 22 situation if you ask me: play this map you hate, or take a loss.Black_Knight_00

Seriously, who cares about win/loss ratio? I only care about keeping my kill/death over 1.40, but even that is useless: it's a game and it should be played for fun... and laggy matches kill the fun for me, so I'd rather get my +1 loss ratio than half a dozen pills of lag-die.

All I'm saying is that the entire system is crap and almost seems like it's designed to cause frustration for players and extra sleep for lazy-ass developers. I absolutely hate leaving a game, only to be thrown back into the SAME game by the matchmaking system. That's why I have pretty much switched back over to my pc shooters that still support dedicated servers (I'm looking at you, Counter Strike Source and Bad Company 2).

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#8 SkyCommand
Member since 2009 • 105 Posts

indeed on how long have you had it and also id never stand an xbox up personally mainly because the main vent hole is on the bottom giving it limited fresh air to suck in ...and also older boxes and probably newer ones too (i dont personally know) give your discs halo scratches more frequently ....and not to straight up say hey your xbox is going to die but mine froze for the first 2 times on MW2 then threw its ring at me :/ ...all you can do is prepare by feeding it fresh air and hope your 3 year red ring/e74 warranty is still there ....GL man


Yep. The 360 has great games, but the hardware (especially the older consoles) are absolutely pathethic in build quality. You might as well go ahead and start looking at a new system. I bought a new one last year, and it works great. They have worked out a lot of the kinks. It's also ridiculous that you have to basically buy two consoles because of their faulty design.

P.S. Find your warranty stuff. If you have had it for less than 3 years, they will repair it at no charge to you.

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#9 SkyCommand
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Millerlight89 knows what he is doing in these matters. From what I looked at in his list, it looks like a decent build.


Haha, I wouldn't say that. I know more about high-end hardware. I have never put together a budget build for anyone. It took me awhile to build this with a lot of editing and frustration. I am sure someone can come in a tweak it to make it better :).

Ah, a high-end fanatic. Tell me something then, is that GTX 295 overkill, or is it a worthwhile investment for serious power fiends?

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#10 SkyCommand
Member since 2009 • 105 Posts

Why don't you just go with a solid state drive? :lol: