I definitely have. The story, graphics, and gameplay all look really fun. It's from Quantic Dream, the same developer who made Indigo Prophecy. Plus, who WOULDN'T want to play as a character with super agent glasses?
Definitely get a better-known case. As for Crysis, I was forgetting you were using a tv as your monitor. With that video card, you would not be able to run it maxed out, because of the tv's resolution, refresh rate, and stuff like that. My bad.
Not counting the essentials like Demon's Souls and Ninja Gaiden; I would actually have to say Dead Space on the toughest difficulty. If and when you get surrounded by those ugly things, it takes chaotic patience and a little luck to get out alive. Devil May Cry 3 gets pretty tough! Left 4 Dead 2 on Expert realism mode in Hard Rain is only for those with endurance :)
Not to my knowledge. I don't think the 360 will allow you to transfer data to unsupported flash drives, but, I suppose you could buy a 360 memory unit and transfer a few things to that that?
I have a Logitech g35 in the mail, so we'll see how that works, but right now, I'm using a deathadder and a g13 gamepad (Logitech). I got both for Christmas, so they're just getting broken in, but so far.....LOVE them both. Great feeling solid products. But the deathadder sometimes takes a break so my Logitech MX revolution can take a spin around the desktop. Both great mice, never noticed any of the "drawbacks" for a wireless mouse on the MX, except when the battery died on me, but that was my fault. =)Roggirek
Yeah, I am looking into the Death Adder. I can't take a dual-hand mouse, like the Lachesis.
Is the death adder a farily largy mouse? Because the one I got with my system is WAY too small for my hand... My pinky and third finger hang off the mouse, because it's just too small. Can you imagine how much I get killed in CSS because of that? :cry: hah, it's already bad enough since I haven't played in so long.
So, I'm looking for a precise, comfortably large mouse. You guys have been great so far! The Logi G9 and the Razer Death Adder seem like the best contenders so far.
i would not know how or what to do.. which part to get, or anything okwow11
Do you have any friends or know of anybody that could build you one if you bought the parts? If not, pre-builds should not be completely out of the question. I was going to build one off of newegg, but actually ended up buying an HP system with the same parts for less money (counting 2-day shipping). Take the specs from the rig you posted and compare them to HP or someone like that (if you can't build one yourself or have it built by a friend). Just don't go with Dell.
You might trade it in somewhere and pay the difference.Black_Knight_00
Regardless of where you go, though, you are still likely to get burned to some degree. I would just do like a lot of people said and take it back. Most of the peopel at Best Buy probably won't be curious enough to ruin your exchange, the more I think about it. :D
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