Banjo: Nuts and Bolts
SmartGuy2211's forum posts
ah.... in the same article
"Despite the promise of bigger and better things in the opening cut-scene, when the gameplay starts proper you may get a sudden sting of despair. Gears of War 2's opening gameplay moment finds you in a small little room like many you visited in the original. The same characters, the same grey walls, the same weapons... you would be forgiven for thinking that there has been no evolution at all. That it is merely an expansion pack to the original. But your thoughts will soon change. "
Whatever floats your boat.
I got the Big Boss emblem in MGS4 because I thought it would be a good test for me as a gamer, and truthfully it felt extremely gratifying when I did finally get it. I really didn't need an achievement, because to me it's just something that's ingrained as a gamer to do.
I was crazy enough to actually go after all of the hunt monsters in FFXII, even the elite ones, Omega Mark and Yiazmat, and so forth. Someone decided, well it would be cool if you would reward gamers with something for going out of their way, and in truth I think achievements are a great bonus if anything.
thats almost exactly the idea of achievements.
but its more so in a range of doing, well, random stuff a times. You wouldnt think to do iron with ghosts and 4 player co-op. Very fun though.
[QUOTE="V_Isle"]No they don't. Gamescores are useless and achievement whores are annoying.-RPGamer-
Did he say gamescores make games better? Nope, he was talking about achievements.
yea, gamerscore is pointless imo. Just gives yourself a good determination about how many games you play by comparison to others.
I have sub 24,000 but I really dont care about that. It's all about the *bloop*
:(a game without achivements/trophies are equally enjoyable as a game with them. If you only are playing for the achivements then you really are a shallow gameredo-tensei
Again, read it.
Achievements add value to the game.
yea you play the game for the game, but the achievements are pretty much like unlockables. Something I absolutely love.
I really doubt anyone can honestly say achievements dont make Halo 3 or Dead Rising a bit better.
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