There are no libertarian nations. They simply don't exist. And no one wants a fully libertarian government anyway. We want mixtures that protect the things we hold dear.
libertarian nations did exist, in feudal times, when you had noble and serfs... granted it wasnt a democracy... but it was an economy ruled by money... which is essentially the conservative ideal.
dont get me wrong i want to down a shot of whiskey while pointing a gun at you, smoking a cigar, and drinking salt. Im a civil libertarian myself.... but on economic issues, libertarians are out of their mind.
The Nobles and Serfs system definitely was NOT a libertarian system. Individual liberties and freedoms did not exist in those systems, so how can they be considered 'libertarian" in the first place?
maybe not on the social side, but on the ecnomic side.... it was pretty close to libertarianism. So just imagine being a serf with free speech.
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