@dlCHIEF58 As I understand, the worlds in the 360 version are limited to about 1000 blocks in any direction. Worlds in the PC version are limitless, eventually you'll run into stability issues if you walk an insane distance away from your spawn but that's a hardware constraint, not a gameplay one.
I was somewhat excited for the 360 version until I played the demo. The worlds themselves are tiny compared to the PC version, and they slowed down the movement speed to make it less noticeable. There's very little reason to play this instead of the PC version, which pretty much any PC can run.
As much as I want GTA V to come out this year, I really get the sense it's not going to happen. Even if they gave us real info at E3 it would only allow for 4 or 5 months of hype-building before release, which wouldn't be enough for a title that big.
@beast70 @Gelugon_baat @Toysoldier34 The new consoles won't be as powerful as modern gaming PCs, but they'll still be a jump up from only having 512 mb of RAM like the 360 and PS3 did. MS and Sony know that developers are still being limited by the power of the current consoles, so we'll see a graphical leap even if it isn't a huge one.
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