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The symbol of bad news.

If there were a symbol I would be wearing it on my forehead. Yesterday everyone gave me an attitude, I couldn't do anything right, and my department is treated as if we were the poo under the companies shoe. My car was hit, and I don't have a clue as to who did it, and the store won't help me find out. I was told that even though I was doing a great job I may not have a job in the near future, oh and yes they used the word great. And then I have school, oh dear old school. I found out that we had these secret assignments due a few weeks ago and the teacher never bothered to mention them, so now I am going to fail that class and have to retake it. Then if my luck couldn't get any worse my service engine light came on in my car as I was coming home, people say it might not be anything but my luck I may need a whole new car. I am pretty sure it will get worse today, but right now I am in such a bad mood that I will probably laugh about it and then go insane. Well to anyone reading this, you may not see me for a while, well one because I have a lot of school work to catch up on, or two my computer is in a million pieces because it decided to act up and piss me off so I had to destroy it for the good of all man kind. And with that being said I outta here.

Another weird dream.

This time I am in the middle of a very plain area. Their are some sort of soldiers fighting all around me, I apparently can't be hurt as they go right through me. I am not scared or confused just a little curious as to where I am. I have never seen this place before, so I begin to look around a bit. Not much is here besides a lot of what it looks like condensed dirt, kind of like clay. The whole area is made up of this clay material, it even shapes all the surrounding hills with jagged edges which look like they would hurt if you brushed up against them. As I look a little closer I notice everything around me has some what of a reddish tint to it.

As the fight continues between the two or maybe three groups of men, I see body armor I had never seen before. These weren't regular soldiers that we know of today, every man had either a gold, silver, or what looked to be a red type of metal chest plate on, all with different symbols. There was so much blood and body parts that in real life it would have been hard to stomach it, but for some reason I was truly calm and nothing was bothering me about this picture. As I keep walking through all the chaos a group of huge what looked to be statue arose from the boundaries of this world. Whatever they were they had the ability to move and speak, and they looked almost like a ghost where they had a tint of white and you could see through them. They kept speaking this weird language that sounded a bit familiar but I couldn't really put my finger on what language it was. Every soldier stopped to look at the ghost that surrounded them and begin to put down there weapons. It suddenly became very hot, I couldn't stop sweating, but I seen it didn't effect the soldiers in anyway. The figures that surrounded all of us kept talking until suddenly a huge flash of light, almost like a bomb appeared in the distance and started coming closer. I figured it was a bomb that had went off to destroy us all. The soldiers began to run from it, but I was so amazed at the light that I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. Finally it came closer and closer until it had reached me. The extreme heat that I was feeling a little while ago, went away and I was left with a very comfortable cold temperature all around me. It began to snow and I was all alone. The white ghost figures appeared again and were looking down upon me. They didn't say anything but just looked at me with a smile, then suddenly one reached down to what it looked like put it's hand on me, then another light came from his hand and hit my entire body knocking me down. But before I could hit the ground I woke up.

Something new, something blue.

Well I found the forum that I will go to when I get tired and bored of gaming forums. The OT2 forums was very entertaining, and everyone gave me the impression that I was welcome there. So from now on when I am tired of talking about games, which seems to be often for some reason, I will be going to the OT 2 forums.

I don't know what it is, but all this next generation console talk has got me excited and frustrated all that the time. I think I am excited because it is new and I always get really excited about new consoles coming out. Well I know why I am frustrated, one because of all the rumors, and no one can give me a clear answer on anything. Like for instance there is this rumor that the xbox 360 will be released in two different forms, one being the complete version where you get a lot of special features and special content and what not, and the other is a watered down version that doesn't really come with much except a controller. I try to figure out fact from fiction but none of my searching is coming up with any results. I will probably be calling gamestop to ask them.

Out of much thought I have decided not to continue the game review that I loved in my journal. One because I believe I am putting too many spoilers in the reviews and two I don't believe anyone is reading my journal anyway, well with the exception of one talented, beautiful, young lady *winks at dri*. But I will continue to write reviews only on my computer hard drive, but if for any reason if someone wants a review for a game (highly doubtful, but just in case) just let me know and I will see if I have written one for the particular game.

Should have known.

Like I said before, I knew people were going to start whining about the new prices on games. I can understand were some people are coming from, but this is just something we are going to have to deal with. I hear a lot of people complaining about how expensive gaming is getting and how they can barely afford it as it is, and then you have the other people who say, "stop whining it is only 10 dollars, grow up". I think what most people see is that if the price goes up and games still sell fairly well, then whats to stop them from raising the price again. Oh and I also like the talk from everyone around the world, when they say, "well here in (insert country) we spend (insert dollar amount) and do you see us complaining?" Well not to be on anyone's bad side, but I got a feeling it is going to go up for everyone, not just America. If I pay 60 dollars for a game I am either really excited about the game and can't wait to play it, or I was drugged (true story). I just can't see why anyone would think a game is worth spending 50 or 60 dollars, I mean you wait 5 to 6 months the game might go down 10 or 20 dollars, and if you wait a year the game will be pretty cheap. I guess the saying is true patience is a virtue.

Resident Evil 4 Review (may contain spoliers)

With Resident Evil 4 you play as Leon who is given the mission to rescue the President's daughter. Right off the bat you are sent to a small village where you will find your first bit of action waiting for you. There are many secrets and many ways to upgrade through out the game.

The graphics are so amazing that I had to get up out of my seat and make sure I was really playing on the Game Cube. The controls are a breeze to get the hang of. Unlike the other Resident Evil games in the series, this game sets the camera angle right behind the character's shoulder making everything viewable from the characters point of view. I don't believe there was anything bad about this game, great graphics, very good camera angle, and really easy controls makes this game a must have, and if you have the extra cash you may want to think of picking the limited edition version from Gamestop. The limited edition Resident Evil consist of the game, a lithograph picture, and a booklet containing all the information you would need about the history of Resident Evil, but don't wait the limited edition is becoming more rare by the minute. The only thing I can think of that would have made this game my number 1 of all time would be if it were longer. I don't consider it short but I don't think of it as being very long either. Another thing that I liked about this game is the fact that not even during some cut-scenes were you able to let go of the controller, some cut-scenes actually needed you to press a certain button at the right time in order to survive in the game.

Bottom line, a must have for any gamer. This game has proved itself to become one of my top 10 games of all time. I will never regret paying full price for this game.

-Great graphics
-Awesome Controls
-Very good camera angle
-Good story

-Could have been longer

5 out of 5

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Review (May contain spoliers)

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories has you starting off where the original from the PS2 left you. The new battle system consisting of cards adds a new twist to the game play. If your someone like me and you can't stand old fashioned RPG's then you may hate this game with a passion, but if you are a fan of the series then I highly recommend picking this title up.

Even though this was put on the GBA the graphics are surprisingly good, and the storyline is unique and will probably take you the same amount of time to finish as the original did. The game lacked side missions, unless you count the board of 100 acre woods as a side mission, and the only draw back I saw was the fact of every room looked exactly the same. Another unique function in the game is the simple fact that you don't have to fight the heartless, if you want you can always just run from them until you cleared the board, and even though that may be an easy way out it may not be the smartest thing to do. Because like ever other RPG, the higher your level the easier the game is in the end, and the only way to level up is to fight. You can customize three different decks, but only carry one. When you level up, the game gives you an option on how you want to level up. You can choose to have higher health, the ability to carry more cards in your deck or to learn more sleights. There are few different ways to do battle, 1. you can just go at random and whatever card you come up to first is the one you use, 2. you can try to counter act your enemies card but this involves a lot of time and patience because if your enemy draws first and attacks before you can counter it then your pretty much just going to take damage, and 3. you can use three cards at the same time for an almost impossible to deflect attack but the only draw back is the three cards you used to attack will no longer be in your deck until the battle ends. Each time you run out of cards you have to hold the A button to replenish them and the more you run out of cards the longer it takes to gain them back.

Bottom line, if you are a fan of the Kingdom Hearts series then you may enjoy this. If you are looking for a quick easy game then this game is not for you, some of the bosses are so incredible hard you may have to level up a good bit just to have a chance at beating them. The story does have a purpose and this time around in order to beat the game fully you have to play as Riku. I still think this game would have been best suited for the PS2.

-Graphics are very good to be on a GBA
-Story links well with the original
-Unique battle system

-Can be very frustrating at some points
-Even though the battle system is unique it gets old very quickly and that is not such a good thing when it comes to a long game.
-Every board in a level looks almost exactly the same, so navigation may be a problem but you do have a map.

3.5 out of 5

If your happy and you know it clap your hands!

Couldn't think of a title, can you tell?

I went to play Star Ocean, but found out that I don't have enough room on my memory card, so I guess I got to go buy a memory card pretty soon. I really wasn't going to play it too long but I figure that if I really start to get into it, I might as well be able to save.

Sense I can't figure out how to review games on gamespot, I am going to do it in my journal, so watch out, my opinion is coming your way. I am even going to use my rating system, which I will list below.

Rating System
5 - The greatest game in the world, you should feel special just holding it.
4.5 - Not the greatest, but pretty close
4 - Excellent
3.5 - Above average
3 - Average
2.5 - Rent-able, nothing more.
2 - Lets just hope your friend buys or rents this first.
1.5 - Pretty much complete garbage, but may be so bad that it has a bit of humor to it.
1 - Not even I good idea to rent this pile of crap. You will always find these games at pawn shops.
.5 - When bad games happen to good people. Keep your garbage can close.

I will start reviewing games sometime later on, I will start a few I have already beaten and that are still fresh in my memory. Out of all the games I will review, I will be playing for more than 2 hours, and that is all I can promise, most I will have beaten. Unlike most reviews I will focus on the strong points and not act like a fan boy. And at the end I will post some Pros and Cons. I may not be a fan of a certain genre, but I will do my best to make sure I give whatever game I review the benefit of a doubt. Reviews to look forward to: The Punisher, Cold Fear, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Resident Evil 4, Halo 2, Bloodrayne 2, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb and Final Fantasy X(well, what I have played).

Finally the end has past. Picture also (56K warning)

I thought I was done with Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, but guess again. I forgot that after you finish Sora's side of the game you have to complete a whole other side also. But finally I did it, after a couple of hours I finally beat it and got all the story to the game, now all I have to do is wait for Kingdom Hearts 2. I am so glad that I played Chain of Memories, I mean it was a pain in the ass but now I can say that I have beaten both games and know the story so I won't be left in the dark when number two comes out.

I took a few pictures of my game set up, but I guess Photobucket is having problems so I won't be able to post just yet. But as soon as they get things straighten out that picture is as good as on here. I would have been in the picture, but that would have meant me finding a spot to put the camera setting a timer and making sure I got the right angle and frankly I don't have that kind of patience today, maybe some other day.

I just got done watching the funniest movie of all time, Team America: World Police. I saw it in the theater and forgot how funny it was. Plus the DVD I have, there are a few minutes more of the puppet sex, and I know everyone likes puppet porn.

Well I already preordered the XBOX 360 already. I decided I wasn't going to make the same mistake that I made with the PSP, waiting until the last minute to preorder something. I should have it fully paid off by August, so that gives me plenty of time. Then after August I will preorder the PS3 and the Nintendo Revolution, so next year will be the greatest year for me and gaming, well hopefully. Although I see the prices of games has gone up, and usually I don't mind but I regularly go for the cheap games, so with the prices going up just means that my library won't be too big. The games I bought yesterday were all under twenty dollars so that tells you what kind of gamer I am. I would rather get three good games for the price of one good new game, I don't mind waiting a little while to play a certain game, well with the exception of a few games that I do get at launch. I know the prices going up will start an uproar in the gaming community, but I am sure almost everyone will complain but buy the games anyway.

I just gave up on Final Fantasy X. I can't take the fighting system, and believe me I have tried. I played it for a good 2 hours, and finally said a few words that I won't say here and put the disc back in the case and then just put it away. I guess I will wait for FF XII and see how they have changed the system, hopefully it will be real time, but I guess time will tell.

*edit* OK, here it is. It's not much but it is my game experience. If you notice my Halo edition XBOX on the top, along with my other "Special" XBOX below it with my PS2 beside that and then if you look a little further to the right you will notice my Gamecube.

On the horizon.

I am so excited about the next generation consoles. Maybe this time, the developers will know how to use the equipment like they are now with this generation consoles. Out of the three I think I am more excited with the PS3, of course I will get all three, but I am just curious how the CELL will handle games, I guess we will see.

Today is the day I complete my game room. Today I will be getting a home theater system, and when I get it hooked up I will post a picture of it. I might even get a few games, I was thinking of Scrapland, God of War, GT4, or Star Ocean. I guess I will see when I get there, I sometimes buy games that I didn't go to get so this should be interesting.

*edit* Well I got my home theater system and I beat Chain of Memories, finally. I also bought three games: Chronicles of Riddick, Star Ocean, and Knights of the Old Republic. I won't be able to play any of them until probably next week. I also bought the funniest movie ever, Team America World Police. And I got a very interesting cd, the new Dave Matthews Band cd, which has a dual side containing a dvd of all the songs and a behind the scenes of the making of the cd. I haven't listened to all of the cd yet, but what I have listened to sounds pretty good. Soon I will post a picture of my game room as soon as I get the set up as I want it, right now it is just experimental stage. But it shouldn't be too long until I get it just right.

Yep another list.

I figured I would do one more list and then stop for a little while, well until I come up with more ideas. This one is my 5 favorite consoles.

5. Playstation 2
I remember looking for one of this for a very long time. I went to every Walmart, Target, Kmart, and Ebgames that I knew existed and never found one for an entire three months. I finally went online to Sony.com and bought one there at the price of $399.99 plus a whopping 60 bucks for shipping and handling. I still remember most games still being cd-roms and not dvd-roms. I wondered why the graphics in some games didn't look all that great. My very first game for the PS2 was Midnight Club street racing, which was dvd-rom, but the other crap I bought after that were cd-roms and were horrible.

The only reason this ranks higher than the PS2 is because of custom soundtracks. XBOX mixed the perfect marriage of games and music, and not that games already didn't have good music with them but it was always nice to pick your own music. I love the graphics but I can't really tell on most games between the XBOX and PS2, I guess fanboys see something I don't. Also the fact that you never had to buy a memory card was always a plus to me. The first game I purchased for this system was Mech Assult and even though it was short I sitll enjoyed the experience.

3. Super Nintendo
I bought the SNES from a friend back in the day for $110.00. It came with six games that were all horrible except Super Mario World. But that all changed when I got Street Fighter 2 which automatically came with several hours of me kicking the crap out of my brother and friend in the game. And what is so sad was the fact that I didn't know there was a button to eject the game until after a full year after purchasing it, yes I know keep laughing.

2. Sega Genesis
I got this system after trading my Super Nintendo to my brother. He was very happy, well until Mortal Kombat 2 came out and he wondered where the blood was in his game. What was so great was the fact that my best friend also had a Sega, so all I had to do was go to his house with my games and we could play up a storm.

1. Nintendo Entertainment System
I think this ranks so high is because it was my very first console. Me and my brother sort of shared the system, well really it was his but he had said as long as I got games for it to that we would just share ownership. I think when we added up all our games we had around 45 to 50. Too bad we never kept any when we got our next generation consoles. This console got me into gaming and I think that is another reason why it is my number one. I don't care how great the graphics look in this generation and the next generation they still can't beat Super Mario Brothers 3.

Well that is my top 5 consoles of all time, hopefully I will come up with some more list ideas, but I will spare everyone with no list next time. Hope you enjoyed.