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All the love that you hold inside!

Well I am back from a long day of buying games and I must say, it was a tiring task. I got eight games, thats right 8. I got everything on my list except one, which I may get later. Here they are.
1. Musashi: Samuria Warrior
2. Grand Theft Auto: SA
3. God of War
4. Tales of Symphonia
5. Metal Gear Solid 2 Twin Snakes
6. Scrapland
7. dot.hack
8. X-men legends
Oh, I also got one more but it is more of a gift than a game for me, I got the classis Metroid for GBA for my brother.

Not bad for a birthday present to myself huh? The only one I didn't get was Shadow of Rome, but I may wait for that one to come down in price. Man, it took me a little over 5 hours to find all of these. I had to go to ebgames, which I can't stand because the clerks are always playing on their GBAs and have no idea about any of the games they have there, but that was the only place I could find Musashi. Then I went to gamestop and found three of the eight titles. After that I went to Wal-Mart and used my 10% discount to buy GTA and GoW. I went to Circuitcity, which had nothing except Metroid, but I probably could have found that anywhere. Then it was off to Blockbuster to get the only Gamecube titles in the list, Tales of Symphonia and Metal Gear Solid. Then it was home after that. I can't wait to play them. I also wanted to get the one that Dri had said something about in a post, but I couldn't remember the name. Dri? Could you help me with the name? And to end this journal entry I leave you with a very sexy picture.

*in homer simpsons voice* OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!

I can't wait, I am getting a huge load of games tomorrow. I have a few on my list including Musashi: Samurai Warrior, Tales of Symphonia, and maybe dot.hack. All of those are pretty cheap, but I am getting one or two kind of expensive games, but not sure what I want to get. This is basically my b-day present I suppose, well since I forgot all about it and it went by like a normal day I figure I would make up for it.

This may sound a little stupid but I have a few game ideas that I will be typing out. So far I have two really good ideas and a few maybe good ideas, just small bits and pieces so far. Maybe when I get into the industry this ideas can become reality, but very slim chance that they will be, but who knows.

I started playing The Simpson's Hit and Run and I must say, this game is a little boring. I am only trying to beat it so I can explore the whole cities that are available in the game. The reason why I am not to fond of this title is well one almost every mission is a timed mission and two most all missions are the same. The only thing I do like about the game is the fact that you can explore the town of Springfield, the one thing I have always wanted to do. It is pretty cool how everything in the game goes with the show.

I was on ebay today and I saw a game that I played a long time ago but never bought. I came so close to buying it and I may buy it but I don't know. As bad as the graphics were, how the grinch stole Christmas was pretty fun. I played the demo that came with the movie. I don't know why it was so fun, maybe because it is a Christmas game and that is my favorite holiday, or maybe it was the character you played with. Maybe I need some time to think about it.

If anyone reading this has any suggestions on any games please, please, please let me know. I am looking for some really good games to play and I can't seem to find too many. I played Gladiator Sword of Vengeance and I thought it was awesome, though very short. It is hard to find a hack and slash action RPG game, I have looked every where and I can't seem to find anything. But please if anyone has any recommendations just let me know. And to close this journal entry.

Whatever makes me can't break me.

No matter how many times I watch television I am always seeing this crappy video game school commercials. They always start off with two people sitting at a desk or sitting on a coach, then they look at the camera and say something stupid like, "can you believe we get paid for playing games!!!". What makes me so mad about them, well the fact that they are horrible gay comes to mind, but the fact that I pretty sure not a single person in those commercials have ever played a video game in there lives. I don't know what they are trying to do convince people to sign up or to tell people that they only reason to sign up is to be totally gay. I try to mute my television when those commercials come on, that way I don't get angry.

Maybe it's me but is this place getting smaller?

Been a few days since I posted a journal entry in this mug but here I am. Nothing really new with me lately except the fact that I lost my financial aid in college but I knew that was going to happen with the new regulations regarding credit hours, thank God I only have 3 or 4 classes left. So all that really means is that it will take me a little longer to graduate since the rest of the money is coming out of my own pocket. Now I have to call that guy and tell him that I am going to have to wait to do my internship because of all of this, I am pretty sure he will get mad but I really don't care right now. Well I know this was short but thats it from me, maybe tomorrow I will have a lot more to say but who knows.

WARNING, my cause temporary discomfort.

Dream time again. But I must warn everyone who is going to read this, I am going to try and keep this as PG as possible but some areas I may not be able to.

The dream starts off with me in a house that looks kind of familiar but isn't coming to mind. When you first walk in you are in the kitchen with a small table in the middle and an old refrigerator in the corner and a very small sink right next to the front door. When you move to the room to the right you find the pantry where you find some canned foods and a rack with breads and crackers. When you go back into the kitchen you find another room to the right with a large wooden table and four wooden chairs in the middle of the room. On the wall to the left is a china cabinet on the wall on the left. The last room is in the front of you which only has a couch, two chairs, and a black and white television.

For the first 20 minutes all I did was walk around the house looking at everything as if it were the first time I had been there. I wasn't alone, I had several people with me in the house. It seemed like an entire family and a few friends. After the 20 minutes had gone by everyone started to panic and everyone moved into the pantry where I think the father figure moved the bread rack and then the carpet above to find a secret door on the floor that leads down to the basement. We all moved into the basement except the mother and father who put the rug down and moved the bread rack back where it was. All of a sudden there were guns being fired and bombs exploding outside. Everything was shaking and everyone inside the basement was scared to even look outside but did anyway. After about an hour, everyone stopped crying and began the practice of remaining silent. This went on for a little over an hour or so.

Finally we all heard a group of people come into the house. They walked right into the living to start yelling at the mother and father who were sitting down in the room. An argument broke out and then some gun fire went off and two bodies hit the floor. After that instant we heard nothing but people going through the house, looking for something I think. Finally they left only after breaking almost everything in the house. I saw the children being comforted by some of the friends as they had just heard their parents being murdered.

The rest of the dream consisted of me looking outside to see a bunch of feet running by the house and the house shaking from all the bombs exploding. Now take all of that and the fact that I was asleep for 13 an a half hours. Not only did that dream suck, but I got too much sleep which also had me gain a very bad headache and my back hurts. Well just a little insight on my dream.

Loneliness my other soul mate.

Well my hand is better, and I feel like crap. I am not sick, well not in the sense of feeling bad. I don't know what it is I just don't feel like myself lately. I am always angry at work, I don't care about anything and those "flashbacks" won't stop. It doesn't matter what I do I can't get rid of them. I got to thinking maybe I am seeing all of this for a reason, maybe my mind is trying to tell me something. If my mind is trying to tell me something I really wish it would just flat out tell me and stop this crap.

Enough of that lets chat about what I did this week. I am a bit tired of Fable so I am thinking of putting it up for a little while and start with another game. I am thinking of the Gladiator game I got last week, it is supposed to be pretty good, well for a game that no one played. I need to get GTA: SA, but I am hoping to get that from one of my friends for my b-day, or at least wait until after my b-day to get it. Either way I am getting SA.

I have come to realize something. People around where I live don't care about anything but themselves. Around where I live, it used to be a pretty good place to grow up but recently I have noticed more people being rude to one another and just plain out having a crappy attitude toward everything, maybe that is why I am feeling so crappy lately. It never fails to see someone step all over someone else in the stores or on the street. Maybe it is time for me to start thinking of living outside of Georgia. Maybe in a few years I will save enough money to travel to Alaska for a few weeks and then decide where I really want to live, or maybe find somewhere in Colorado where my brother is supposed to be moving to. Hmmm....where is the cheat code for life when you need it?

I know I said I would put more photos in my journal, I just wanted to find something special for this one but my search came up with nothing so I would rather leave this one picture less, but maybe next time.

I am not crazy, I only saw that silver spotted snake six times!!!

My thirst for rock as been quenched!!! I finally found a rock album that sounds awesome, and doesn't have a single bad track on it. If anyone here knows who boyhitscar is I will give you a cookie. Boyhitscar's new cd, "the passage", is probably one of my favorite cds now. If you have no idea who they are then go to boyhitscar.net and you can listen to some of the songs.

I am still playing Fable, which isn't too bad of a game. Sometimes it feels like you are doing the same thing over and over again, but it is fairly entertaining. I do like how much freedom you get in the game. I gave up on Knights of the Old Republic, I guess I am not as big of a Star Wars fan that I thought I was, or it could be that I truly hate turn based fighting, either way KOTOR went back on my shelf of forgotten games.

Is it just me or do birthdays become meaningless after the age of 21? Well for me they became pointless at the age of 18. To me they are just another day, nothing special. To celebrate one year older used to mean something, now it is just an another empty day that people think they have to celebrate. I am not bashing birthdays just expressing how some used to mean something, but then when you get older they seem not so important anymore.

I'm tired.

Well looks like I won't be on gamespot as much as I have been. Some how I hurt my left hand and it is really hard to type right now with a splint thing on my hand. Thank god it doesn't hurt me playing game, still feels pretty comfortable. Just letting everyone know, I mean I will still be here just won't be writing as much. Man, this sucks, what I have typed right now is taking me a little over 5 minutes.

So how do you like my new Journal banner? I thought it was a little creepy at first but I kind of like it, plus it isn't even close to as scary as some of the things I have seen in my dreams. But I thought if I was going to have a banner in my journal, I wanted it to be that one.

Well this is probably one of my shortest entries, but my hand is killing me so later.

Lucid dreaming for the American way of life.

I went into the kitchen today and noticed so much junk food. Which made me realize that maybe I was eating way too much junk food and should lay off for a good while. I am pretty sure nothing good can come from eating junk food and fast food. Although I can't afford to eat all healthy, I will not eat fast food and really cut back on the junk food for a little while and see how my body responds to this change. I am also going to stop drinking sodas and stay away from most things with sugar in it. So basically I am cutting out all the fun foods out of my life. Well another reason why I am doing this is because I started playing Star Ocean last night and had another "flashback", so I am thinking maybe it is something I am eating.

Alright this will be the last time I talk about Kingdom Hearts, I swear. I was playing KH yesterday just to get my character up to max level and then beat it again, so basically I played KH for a little over six hours yesterday. I did some more side quest, really just beating some side bosses that you really don't have to beat in the game, and trying to beat those bosses were harder than the very last bosses at the end of the game. I went into the battle thinking, "man, this is going to be a piece of cake" and then I got my ass handed to me. But right now the game is back in it's box and on my shelf. Oh, and I did some rearranging to my game set up again and maybe I will post a picture of it, and maybe just maybe clean up around my computer desk and show everyone what my PC gaming experience consist of. Maybe later though.

^^^^This man is a pimp! His music is alright, but man he is so crazy. He may look like a killer, but he really is the nicest person you will ever meet. He is always is a good mood and he has the energy of 20 Russel Simmons. He never thinks bad thoughts, and makes friends no matter where he goes. Oh, and in case you have no idea who this is, it is Andrew WK. Although he is very awesome person to hang around I would still be skeptic on making him mad, the reason I say this is well one he is crazy and two on his first cd he either hit himself in the face with a brick or someone else did it for him so that he could have his nose bleed on the front cover of the cd. Either way this man is still a pimp.

As the day gets longer, my free time gets shorter. *(Picture added)

I was lurking on the OT2 boards today and I must say, so much hostility. Although I guess I can understand the whole situation, I mean I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone getting me banned only because they were having a bad day. What is so sad is I used to be just like -Elite- in this chat room I used to go to. The mods in the chat room only allowed people that were 18 or over in, so I told them I was 19 when I was really 14. But I was more mature for my age so no one could tell the difference, and plus most people that were in the room acted younger than I did, but were way older. I guess we are going to have to accept that there will always be people out in the world that are looking to make someone elses life a living hell just because they feel the need to make themselves feel better.

I decided to use a larger font, I found that my eyes were hurting only because I had to use a magnifying glass to see the text, so here you are with a larger font. And I also decided to post more pictures, and trust me they won't be in any order, so don't expect my title to match the picture. Kind of like how most of my titles don't match what I am talking about within the journal. And also I have decided to start posting again, I figure if someone has a problem with me then they need to share it with me. I am not going to bend over backwards just because someone has a difference of opinion of me.

Oh, and if you are wondering about the picture, that is the band Metric. I saw them in concert and I met the lead singer who is the only female in the band, and I must say she is a hottie. So if you like a little techno with some rock with a hint of an 80s sound, oh who am I kidding they sound like they were from the 80s, then you should check out their cd.