SteezyZ's forum posts
I meant from a tech standpoint they had a better idea. 360 is going to start maxing soon, while PS3 will continue to be able to improve and grow. 360s tech was a good idea for a short term Strategy.
how so? are you people seriously under the impression that the ps3 has some unlimitless power? both systems have been tapped as far as tech goes.
theres nothing in either system that will allow either to go further.
In fact, the sooner they get tapped out, the better (for consoles, at least). Some of the best games of the last generation(s) came out once the "tech wall" had been hit. Devs start spending less time straight up on graphics/engines (except for some smaller or more subtle effects effects) and more time on optimization and quality. See the results from games like ME1 to ME2.They did it. Who else has done it? Isn't that the meaning of inovative? No wait... that's ambitious. Ambitiously inovative. OOOOOOOOOOOOH MAN. :lol: So we should have an award for "they ported PlanetSide to a console 6 years later" and say it's innovative? In a sense, I'm tired of people acting like just because it's new to consoles, it's innovative. No, it's just NEW TO CONSOLES, which to me is significantly different than true innovation. Oh, and I'm not hating on MAG (haven't played it), I'm just hating on ignorance caused by "consolitis".[QUOTE="Fizzman"]
Play Battlefield 2 If you want to see where every online console shooter got its "Innovation" from, and MAG is no exception. Its only problem is that they thought 256 players would make the game alot better then games with less players.
Actually, it's Second Stage Turbine Blade, their first album, but still free!Linkage!!
go crazy with it :D
It's a shame the industry has forced Sony to move this way, instead of making Xbox LIVE pure profit situation Cheaper or Free for consumers, but what can you do? The consumers have voted with their dollars, and the vote was, yes please.SolidTyWhile I don't condone the price of XBox Live, it's a little naive to think that all the content provided by these services (Live, PSN, Steam) are actually free for the providers. The more and more these companies want to put up (from downloadable content, videos, trials, events, crossgame chat), the more it costs them to provide and support. It was only a matter of time before Sony needed to find a way to get something back. For example, does everybody know that YouTube is a losing enterprise? They're hemorraging money, but Google continues to foot the bill until they find a way to make the add support viable. But most people just see it as "free videos". Heck, even all those "free" public TF2 servers on Steam that people play are costing someone (or some clan) money. If Sony continues to provide free online gaming, that will be a win for the PS3 owners in of itself. But this gravy train of everything else being free always had a limit.
Just a clarification, she was not part of Turtle Rock (the original creators of L4D), so let's not act like she was lead designer on that project, nor L4D2. She was the lead designer of Portal, and probably "just another Valve employee" after Portal got absorbed. Chances are she hasn't liked the more corporate world of big-game companies, so kudos and good luck to her on her future endeavors.
Reminds when all of Rare's talent left for greener pastures as well : (
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