I know exactly what you are talking about. The Borneo level for instance. The first level of the game set the game up so brilliantly, but the museum and Borneo levels felt just weak. In the Borneo level, drake just randomly shows up in the middle of a "jungle" out of nowhere. the reason I put jungle in quotes is because it is actually a very narrow tunnel surrounded by walls as trees. It felt like something from crash bandicoot. And drake just shows up there randomly, and it doesnt show him actually going to his destination. The gameplay in the level was literally run foreward in a tunnel, shoot 2 enemies (and sully tells you exactly when to shoot them lol). To be honest, that level could have been SOO much more developed than that.I was pretty bored by it. I liked the original because, it felt original. This felt like a rehash of the same exact story with the same kinda things happening all over again except where as the original the events that transpired felt original, a lot of this game felt really forced.. especially the humor.
Sure the graphics are amazing and it has high production values.. Its just something about it felt very off while playing it.. I wasn't really digging the level design at all.. I thought some levels were just flat out awful how they were designed... They all looked nice but a lot of stuff just felt awkwardly placed and positioned in the game world...the pacing could have been better.. Some sections you were in felt like they went on for way too long while others were over too quickly.
The explotions and all the crazy stuff that happens in this game was cool.. but I felt like they took control out of your hands too much.. Too much of the game I felt like I was just watching things happen and just tapping a button or two
idk I loved the first but I just didn't really like the second.
This was freaking Borneo of all places, and that is all they came up with?After all, for what uncharted is, Uncharted is all about a backpacking treasure hunter exploring deserted places and s***, and this is all they came up with? Dont mean to sound harsh, but im just sayin. I feel like that level could have been so much more.
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