@G-Corleone: I think it's the best Star Wars offering since Revenge of the Sith. I might have thought even more highly of it if they didn't redo an entire scene from the Empire Strikes back.
Originally I wasn't going to go see this movie because Han Solo is Harrison Ford's character. However, after giving in and going to watch it, I'd say it's the best Star Wars movie since the original trilogy. I'm more interested in a sequel to this movie than to seeing Episode 9.
I saw the movie preview. It was enough to tell me that instead of telling a good story they tried too hard to include the campiness of the video game. The silver screen is all about the story and not about how faithfully the director tries to make the movie to the video game. Ninety percent of what's in a video game needs cut out. Take the basic setting and a small portion of the video game story then write something good with an air of believability. Then maybe, just maybe you'll have a good video game based movie.
Wow now that the name debate is settled, maybe someone will care enough about whether or not the crawl will be included in this movie. Here's my crawl suggestion.
You can already buy tons of "Atari" throwback consoles and discs for current systems for $60 or less. Who's going to buy this? The only way I'd be interested is if they offered modernized versions of the old games that look nice on HDTVs and have more color/pop than the original games. Also, when has "real wood" ever been a selling point for a video game console? (Now that I wrote that last sentence it doesn't really sound right does it)?
@MJ12-Conspiracy: You forget the First Order probably has access to trillions of illegal aliens working far below the minimum galactic wage. It can be built in far, far less time.
Now maybe my choices in their episodic games will result in a Green, Red or Blue background!!!
I'd like to see them change up the lego games as well. They keep focusing on large city hubs that take forever to walkaround. I'd rather have shorter levels and smaller hubs like the first lego games they made.
Suaron_x's comments