@lordbeefjerky: JJ Abrams was given the freedom to take the Star Wars Universe wherever he wanted it to go. That's why all the stuff that was written previously was canned and labeled "Legends." JJ Abrams crafted the basic outline of the three movie story arc. While Katelyn Kennedy and some bigwigs at Disney can overrule him or force him to rewrite some things the story will be 90% of JJ Abrams vision. JJ Abrams doesn't know how to resolve stories without cheating. He did it on Star Trek by allowing teleportation across the universe. He did in with the Force Awakens and he'll do it again with episode 9.
JJ Abrams really didn't write many memorable characters either. Poe was a complete waste. What in the film really shows him as being worthy of being a hero? Captain Phasma? She rolled over and gave the keys to the Star Killer base without so much as any threat to her physical well-being. It would've been more interesting had she resisted and the rebels had to revert to more devious means...in particular having Solo show a darker side to explain Kylo Ren. Did General Hux even need to be a cast role? There needed to be more introductory scenes explaining Rey's sudden mastery of the force/lightsabers. I didn't find Maz to be an interesting character.
While I thought Rogue One had a slightly better story than the Force Awakens, no where in my comment above did I praise it. I'm tired of Death Stars. They are always blown up at the end of the movie...so really what's the point in the bad guys continuing to make them?
Not excited at all about this announcement. Guess this means we'll get another Death Star/Starkiller Base for the final installment of this trilogy. JJ Abrams will once again resolve the story by breaking the rules of the Star Wars universe (like the MF doing a hyperspace jump inside a planet's atmosphere).
@nyran125: I wasn't all that impressed with Dunkirk. It's pacing was slow and in general it was just kind of boring. I suppose I was expecting more action and suspense.
Why didn't they just call it Scorpio or the XB1 Scorpio? They really need to fire the guy who names Xbox systems as Microsoft is far worse at naming things than Nintendo. Also instead of the standard Xbox logo they could've made a Scorpion logo for the faceplate of the system.
While, that list seems quite sad 3 years into the new console cycle. Where are the new games? (The top three should be new games released in 2017...not remastered games)
@DARREN636: Return of the Jedi was a letdown for me. It seems like everyone wants to remember that as a great movie because of the first two films. Making Luke/Leia brother and sister was a stupid way to resolve the love triangle with Han. That single plot point was just too stupid and really colored the rest of my enjoyment of the film. While Jabba's palace was the better of the two stories, the rescue of Han didn't fit with how Empire ended. Lucas wanted to make the Cantina scene of the original movie better, but it just looked corny. A blue elephant and a lip elephant alien were just dumb and the special effects seemed cheap. The battle with the Rancor monster was horribly done (special effects wise).
Did Lucas really have to bring the Death Star back? Empire explored new territory and it was far more interesting, while Return of the Jedi just seemed to retread the first story trying to improve upon the special effects. The Millennium Falcon burned to the ground so they only rebuilt the cockpit. The matte sets of the ship looked so fake. Is Jar Jar Binks really worse than a bunch of teddy bears defeating the Empire? Luke fell how many stories in the cloud city and survived, yet the Emperor (who was much stronger using the force) couldn't? Heck the Emperor was better with the force than Vader, yet he just let Vader pick him up and throw him off a railing. It would've been more believable if Vader stabbed him with a light saber first.
I wish Return of the Jedi was a better film and worth remembering.
Captain Phasma cost the First Order Starkiller Base. How could she continue to exist/lead First Order forces? Captain Phasma was just way too weak to continue on in the series as a commander of the evil forces. The only thing that would make sense is for her to be on the run from the First Order.
Suaron_x's comments