More studies that skew reality. Look how many people have smart phones. Can you bring your Xbox or Playstation to work/school to play games? Look at another fact, how many mobile games are free? How many exceed $5? People aren't playing more mobile games because they are better. Mobile games are cheaper and more convenient, period.
Most would rather play something on a console. Someone with a brain can not conclude from this and similiar studies, that (1) Gaming is shifting to mobile devices, and (2) Gamers are demanding digital distribution. However, someone (with a brain) can conclude that cheap handheld gaming is appealing to consumers and our slacker society.
Also, the total dollar value of physical sales are down on consoles for the past few years, because of the age of the current consoles. As consoles age, more and more games sell for less. As more and more gamers buy the discounted items during this time period, which pressures price reductions in newer titles. Overall, total physical game units are up, year-over-year. It's the outrageous profits that are down. That's why all these publishers want new consoles. When you have a choice of a $60 game or a $60 game you buy a $60 game. For the next few years that's really the only choice you are going to have is a $60 game on the new systems.
Every publisher keeps chasing that elusive, golden title (with high fan devotion and a steady income stream). When you have some 50 shooters hit the market every year, why does just one or two stand out from the pack? When you don't have much variety title to title, the ones that stand out offer name recognition, familiar controls, regular content and a satisfying reward system. People who play those titles buy very few other games, cause they are always playing those titles. The market can't support 50 titles on par with COD. Not everyone wants a game that requires an internet connection, multiplayer, watered down content, constant DLC milking and no variety. Your game portfolio needs to have a diversity of offerings instead of a uniform conformity to your golden title model/dream.
Anyone else read that chart above? Did all CEO's come from the circus, cause I swear all of them use smoke and mirrors? I've never heard one CEO say, "people tend to grow tired of the same ole' crap over and over again." Further, how much is the quality going to be affected by a 2.5 year development cycle vs. 3-4 year development cycle? I've never heard one CEO ever, say "yeah we mailed it in this time," cause that's exactly what's going to happen with shorter development cycles. Is it just me, cause I don't see how 2-3 hours of DLC (at $10 to $15) is going to draw me back into a game I already finished. If there's no DLC while I'm playing the game, your chances of selling me DLC greatly diminishes.
Guns kill people. The US government and 50%+ of the US citizens ignore this fact, because they want to own guns. Therefore, to continue to justify gun ownership, other things need blamed. Very few people are convicted in the US under mental issues.
Simple fact, the US government owns tanks, jets, bombers, helicopters, cruise missles and nuclear weapons. Your assualt rifle won't stop them. Your assualt rifle is designed to kill lots of people in a short period of time. There's no reason to own one other than some large corporations have brainwashed you into buying their product.
Personally, I think a violent video game should have a passcode required to unlock content. This is easy to implement on consoles, using a parental control.
Locked violent content should include:
1) Bleeps over bad language (super easy to implement)
2) Toned down violence. This requires some additional programming, but shouldn't be too hard. Such as: bright fluorescent colors instead of blood, blurred/barred masks to violent images/deaths.
PS: Truthfully, I think someone like the Feedbackula guy should be hired to kinda describe the violent images taking place off-screen under parental controls. Something like "oh, it's not going to well for that guy, what a waste of a perfectly good golf club...sheesh. Can't we all just get along?"
Sometimes I just want to play a game. I don't need every device to have HD graphics, a camera, voice chat, facebook accounts, GPS, require physical exercise, control a TV set, stream Netflix, access email, monitor my vitals, provide current weather forecasts, be capable of running spreadsheets/word documents, provide drawing/doodling capabilities, make dinner reservations, turn out the lights in my house, open the garage door, and most especially provide virtual reality.
You know they could've let go those irritating people you hate having to go to work with. They aren't going to release a public statement condemning them. Some people who are fired deserve it.
Actually now that I think of it, the new Xbox should have been numbered as follows: The new Xbox is 1 of so many devices. I'm not with you on the hard drive thing and most Tvs have at least rudimentary sound. So you need the new Xbox , the old Xbox, a TV, an internet connection, cable /satellite TV and a kinect to do everything. (Though you could probably make argguments for a PS3, PS4 and a Wii U as well). Therefore the new Xbox is 1 device of six total units. Of = 0. So it should have been named The Xbox 1 of six or the Xbox 106.
Suaron_x's comments