You can't disconnect the Kinect. It's all a lie to keep the German government from banning them. Every Xbox game will require the Kinect to function. Just watch and see.
Online gaming has become a cancer. For each genre, there is one, maybe two marquee games. They consume the marketplace in that genre for long periods of time. Those who play those games tend to focus only on those games. They buy few other games and instead keep putting money back into their one game addiction. One company sees a rival making tons of money off of a game and creates the exact same game with a different wrapper. Why buy another game that's exactly the same as the one you are playing? This is especially true after you bought all this cool stuff in the original game which made you so LEET.
Single player games that end are more beneficial to publishers/developers, because they end. When you complete a game what do you do? Look for a new game or devote the rest of your life to reading the bible because video games are evil?
Wow, that article contained absolutely nothing of interest. Here's what I want to know gamespot, is your site going to be faster? I mostly use a 3G cell based connection and it takes forever for some articles to load, especially the ones with massive comments. Plus adding facebook comments slowed this down even more. Whatever you do it should speed up the communications/data transfer with the client.
Today is the first day I've heard of this MMO. Why would I want to pay a $15/month sub? In that question, I really mean, what's different from WoW? If it's another WoW clone, I'd rather just pay for WoW should I choose engage in another MMO-crack habit.
I don't really think the type of gamer has very much to do with it. Gamers (be they "hardcore," "casual" or the rest) are going to buy a new gaming system if they are an impulse consumer. You might play one game a year and buy the system just to brag to your friends who live/breath games. Haha look what I got. Families (or his so called casual crowd) will buy game systems at Christmas because it's the hot item for the year (and they are impulse shoppers). The problem with the Xbone was its lack of focus on gaming at all. MS wants to sell a gaming system to people who don't want a gaming system. "Oh look, I can wave my hands and change channels for $500."
As a gamer, I'm sure you can find pluses or minuses with either system. Sony has a $100 price advantage and that is huge. Sony learned that lesson in the last generation, giving up half their market share to MS, by trying to offer a higher quality product for a higher price. However, Sony and 's new consoles look pretty even technology wise. But even if you find the Xbone to be a more attractive a system, you are probably still bothered by the big brother aspect of it all. They can charge you for something based on the number of people the system counts in your house. Seriously MS, stay the heck out of my house. You can't take away that patent and that corporate spying thing always going to be out there.
Nintendo doesn't know their market and it has nothing to do with hardcore or casual gamers. Nintendo appeals to families and preteens (who's to say they don't play games with a hardcore attitude)? Nintendo doesn't use cutting edge technology, and therefore they must have their system priced substantially lower. It doesn't matter how innovative they are with that old technology, you don't pay premium prices for something that equates to the last generation. Many Sony/MS supporters would buy a Nintendo as a second console for the exclusives and nostalgia, but not when it costs as much. Families don't want to pay $350 to $400 for a console at Christmas for their pre-teens.
Suaron_x's comments