This blows. Damn all you idiots who complained about the points system. Now sales taxes will be collected on everything purchased. That will be an expense far greater than a dollar or two of unspent points. Let's not forget, points cards were often available at discounts around 90% the cost of local currency.
Wah! wah! wah! MS, math is hard. I don't know how to manage money. Please charge me more and make it simple for my Neanderthal brain. Good job, idiots!!!
I would probably play a free to play game or 2, if I didn't have to buy a gold subscription. Happy Wars seems to be appealing. I would probably buy a gold subscription to play MMOs, if there wasn't a season pass or other additional costs. Don't all the major multiplayer games on Xbox require season passes? If so what's the point of having to pay for a Gold account...might as well just be P2P.
No, I'm not looking at it from a gamer perspective. I don't buy NCAA games. Most universities recieve huge portions of their budgets from taxes and benefactors.
Look at from a math perspective. If the NCAA recieves a $10 royalty from EA per game sold and their are 5 million copies sold, there's a total of $50M made by the NCAA. If there are say 200 universities represented in the game each university gets $250K. If it's say a football game that amounts to just slightly more than $3K per player (not counting all the administration fees it would take to divide the money to that level). Most athletes are getting far more than $3K in compensation already. Basketball would be around $12.5K, but still most schools cost more than that to attend per year (who are in the NCAA).
Same with television revenue. What pays for the stadiums, locker rooms, training facilities, scholarships, room/board, medical care and coaching/administration? There isn't as much money left over from TV/video games as you would think, especially with coaches making multi-millions.
When you divide the money down to the individual level, it's not that much money. Sports do generate alot of money for the universities, which in turn funds the free education, room/board, expenses of these athletes and other athletes. Taxpayers and benefactors fund far more to these universities to make these sports possible in the first place.
I think college athletes should be compensated...with a free copy of the game on the system of their choice if their name or likeness is used in it. Nothing more. College athletes already get all kinds of perks to play sports, including a free education, special dining rooms with high quality foods, choice residences at universities and preferential breeding selection.. They also get to travel to a number of cities during the school year and get medical care for any injuries they sustain. As for profits from the game, they should be spread to the universities represented in the game for the general betterment of the entire student population.
As for sports games, I really only care about the team and not the individual players. Individual players come and go, and if I can name my random doesn't really matter to me if they are an exact look-a-like. I miss the old time sports games. I loved random player statistics, drafting players from a pool based on stats and buying/trading players. The sports games today are too much of a fashion show/commercial. The game doesn't change either, they just switch a few jersey names and attempt to sell the same game year after year for $60.
Then how many days after MS reverses the policy will it take a developer to lament the MS flip-flop by saying. "We put alot of hard work into making these games, I think we should get paid for all these videos of our work posted on facebook."
Suaron_x's comments