I don't expect the Andriod system to stay stagnant, I'm kinda hoping they improve the system to become a serious competitor for MS. Windows 8 blows...I liked Windows 7.
I heard the Kinect 2 can scan the numbers off my credit card from 30' away so I don't have to get off my couch to have MS siphon money from my bank accounts. Now that's a really cool feature you guys at Gamespot keep failing to report!
Many companies put out complete editions of their game at a future point in time. If you can wait long enough for it you can generally get everything for $20 or less.
Whatever happened to the old adage, "the customer is ALWAYS right?" On-disc, day 1 DLC is a money grab, it's classic bait-n-switch racketeering. Sooner or later, some gamer lawyer or politician will come after you for these corrupt business practices.
Okay the question this article begs is "Why hasn't MS fired him?" Seriously who posts their resume for the public to see (espeically when your currently employed by a large company in a tight economy)?
@grnsuperman4 That's not entirely true, it also keeps you from playing new games too...like when you internet provider has problems or MS needs to perform server maintenance.
Suaron_x's comments