Success begins with a positive can-do attitude. I like Yoichi Wada's optimism. It's certainly possible to top FFVII in quality and sales. In fact, the future of SE probably depends on it. They need to shake their image of being a once mighty but now fallen company.
What has impressed me about SE lately is their resilience with the disaster that is FFXIV. They seem determined to make that game a success no matter what, completely overhauling it and preparing a relaunch for this fall. If FFXIV 2.0 turns out to be great it could signal the dawn of a new era for the company.
Sony is a struggling company these days since the electronics market is dominated by Korean and Chinese made products, and Japanese companies as a whole face numerous challenges including a strong yen and energy shortages due to the tsunami. Sony is not the electronics giant it was back when the original Playstation launched. Who knows how long the company will be able to remain in the game console market.
Back in those days many great games came about by accident but now development budgets are far too high for that kind of experimentation. Here's hoping the indie scene will bring a revival of great new gaming experiences. This is an awesome video, very well done.
I don't even see a reason to bother with the "hardcore gaming" consoles anymore. Since great console exclusive games are becoming more and more scarce, you don't really miss much by being just a PC gamer these days. Maintaining a decent gaming rig isn't that expensive either and there are lots of good low cost games and games with tons of replay value that you can play for years. There are even good free to play games (Tribes: Ascend is really fun). What's the point in buying an Xbox 720 or PS4? What do you guys anticipate getting from those consoles that you can't get on PC?
Tauu's comments