I can't get on board the Blizzard hate bandwagon here. Starcraft II and Diablo III are just too good for me to complain about something that's optional anyway. If there's anything I'm not happy with concerning Blizzard it's the lack of a Warcraft 4 announcement.
Tablets and laptops are nice for kicking back on the couch but when I do gaming I prefer to be in an upright chair at a table with a big monitor in my face and a keyboard that's separate from any other hardware. For me desktops will always be best for gaming. However I'm glad laptops are getting more powerful because they're great for LAN gaming.
Modern consoles are a waste of money. Back in the NES, SNES and Playstation days you had to own consoles to have access to the most entertaining games. These days the most entertaining games come mostly from indie developers and all you need to play those are modest PCs and various portable devices. Consoles have been derailed from the focus on the gameplay experience and have become ensnared in the race for realism. What's the most realistic and what's the most fun are two different things entirely. This guise of realism used to sell systems and games at overblown prices can only last so long before consumers realize they're being duped.
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