I really think you should give Dragon Age 2 a chance.
In a lot of ways it is a worse game than the first, but it's still a very enjoyable game in my opinion, and I guess you should be able to pick it up fairly cheap now.
Still alive enough to be able to find matches without too much trouble, but you'll probably be taking a beating for a while, as you get back into the swing of things
I guess if you feel that religion is something that really defines your life and all aspects of it, then it makes sense to have a religion specific gaming site, but it does seem a bit peculiar to me.
I also think that a game in the vein of Tie Fighter, but where you play a captain on a capital ship and gradually rise in rank until you control a Super Star Destroyer would be really cool.
Captial ship combat in the Star Wars universe is so cool. Just imagine what a Star Wars space combat game would be like with top modern day graphics!
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