@Warlord_Irochi: Oh boy, you really fucked up this time. See, here's the thing, smartass: I live in Tokyo. Got that? I fucking live in Japan. So I'm pretty sure I know more about Japan then you do, because I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you don't live in Japan, and know jack-shit, based on your stupid comments. And if you do, then you really need to check yourself, because your posts are full of dumb and immature accusations and baseless assumptions. I'm not a "weaboo" with ridiculous delusions, which you are oh so "elegantly" choosing to imply based on nothing but the fact that I have an anime avatar (real classy), but since you brought it up: Japan has tons of porn mags (both normal ones and manga ones) in plain view right next to normal and kiddie magazines, in the regular, normal department stores, which are everywhere. How about you let that sink in for a little bit. So yes, certainly Japan is a demanding country, where people work their butts off, and respect and politeness is very important (this last aspect is part of what I like about the country). But my point about them not being big on political correctness and dumb third-wave feminism (feminism in the past used to bring up important issues, and stood for something. It was necessary. Feminism these days is usually just retarded) still stands as valid. They are less keen on violence than the West, yeah. But the West is way less okay with anything sexual compared to Japan, so I figure it evens out.
Also, your comment about me not being mature, and needing to "grow up", is just plain hilarious, since you:
1. Called me a "newly created account", even though I've been registered at Gamespot for 15 years (since 2004). Maybe take a few seconds to check someone's account next time, before making a dumb and baseless comment like that. It would save you some embarrassment.
2. Calling me "butthurt", even though nothing about my post suggested I was even slightly annoyed about anything to begin with. Like I said in my other post, the reviewer's point about the fanservice made me laugh, it did not make me angry. I was making fun of him. That's way different from throwing a fit and yelling at him. I think maybe you just fail at reading comprehension.
3. Implied I'm a clueless and completely delusional weaboo, which of course you're basing on nothing except the fact that I have an anime avatar.
Yes. Right. I'm the immature one. LMAO. Try harder.
@aross2004: You said "I can say that your mother must be proud of the 'real man' that she raised.". You're sarcastically implying that I'm not a real man, and that my Mom would be disappointed in me. Based on that and your comment about women's portrayal in videogames, one would naturally assume that what you're trying to say is that my Mom is probably disappointed in me because I have a skewed view of women (I don't), i.e I'm sexist. That's what your comment implies. That's how people would read it. If you can't see that, then that's your own fucking problem. It doesn't matter that that's not what you meant (if that's even true). That's what you implied.
Also, my manhood is just fine, lol. I think the reviewer's complaint is kind of silly (and so do a lot of other people, clearly), so I made fun of it. And I was serious when I said I genuinely don't get why any man would have a problem with a little bit of fanservice in a videogame, unless they're gay (in which case it would make perfect sense to me. This does not mean I have a problem with gay people. I don't). You're the one who then decided to be annoyed enough by this that you felt the need to imply that my mother must be disappointed in me. You sound more like the insecure one to me.
@Warlord_Irochi: Um, newly created account? I've been registered at Gamespot since 2004. That's 15 years. Are you stupid or something? Did you just assume, for no reason, that I'm new here, without even checking before writing your post? Also, who's butthurt? I made fun of the reviewer because I thought that particular point in his review was silly. I have no idea why that makes you think I'm offended or annoyed. His review made me chuckle, it sure as hell didn't make me angry lol. That's two dumb assumptions in one post. Try to use your head before you post, or you'll just end up making a huge fool of yourself like you did just now.
@aross2004: My mother is very proud of me indeed, since I've always treated pretty much every woman I've ever spoken too with respect, and I would also never cheat on any woman I might be with. I also do plenty of housework, and I've studied and worked hard for many years of my life. I'll have you know I take equality pretty seriously in almost all areas. So nice try, but the fact that I enjoy a healthy dose of tits does not mean I'm sexist or treat women in general like objects only. Only caring about looks is good if you're just in a mutually fun one-night stand or something, but for a girlfriend you obviously want someone with a good head on their shoulders who you can have intelligent and entertaining conversations with. And such a girl is not likely to put up with too much shit from you any more than you are likely to put up with too much shit from her. In the same way, fantazies about a world and/or society that is only catered to male desire is fun and all, but I obviously wouldn't actually want that in the real world, because that would be boring as hell, as that would mean women would have no real personality or opinions of their own, and we'd have no interesting female characters in games or movies etc either. It would just suck.
Also, "oversexualization" would imply that there's too much sexualization. I kind of doubt that the sexy stuff in DMC 5 is too much. As a sidenote btw, it only takes one look at the number of likes on my comment to see that most people are in agreement with me rather than you or Bipson etc, so...*shrug*
@bipson101: Oh, I can handle plenty of criticism of most games or other things I like. It usually won't make me bat an eyelash. There is also no shortage of criticism I agree with. That doesn't mean I can't call it out when I read something I just find silly and weird. Because last time I checked, freedom of speech is still a thing.
@ChrisAnetkaC: Yeah, Japan is our last, real remaining savior from the west's political correctness, third-wave feminism nonsense. I just hope they can keep holding the line long-term...If Japan becomes like the US one day, then I'm not sure I want to live anymore...
Lol, look at this white-knight male reviewer COMPLAINING about a little bit of fanservice in an action game that will most likely ostensibly be played by guys, and calling it a NEGATIVE trait rather than a positive one. LMAO. It's one thing when women complain about this kind of stuff. It's annoying to have to listen to, but at least it's understandable, since they obviously can't appreciate that kind of thing unless they are into other women or something. But when MEN write complaints like this in reviews..Genuinely, I really have to wonder why the heck they would complain about such a thing, unless of course they're gay or whatever. It makes absolutely no sense to me, truly. It's like, I get a "are you sure you're a real man?" kind of reaction. It's a strange world (and time) we live in...
"and Nintendo is planning a lengthy post-launch period of extra characters, stages, and music as downloadable content. Game director Masahiro Sakurai recently said those DLC plans are already set."
Ugh, I really hate how this has become standard practice these days...Instead of cool extra stuff that is made and released post-release for free as a friendly service to the gamers and fans that have bought the game, we get DLC's that have been planned from the start, before the game has come out, just to squeeze fans for extra money...Stuff that should have just been in the game from the start, like in the old days. Sometimes stuff is even already on the disc, you just need to pay extra to download a DLC that unlocks the content. It's despicable imo. It also means that most games now have content that could potentially be gone forever for a player. Once said content is eventually no longer made available online, and the player's console eventually dies, and he loses what he has downloaded, what then? In the old days you had the game on a disc, and that was that, so as long as you didn't break or lose the disc, you had the whole game forever.
The big companies REALLY use this to their full advantage. Take Ubisoft and their AC games for example. Try calculating how much extra money they squeeze us for. It's a lot.
At the moment Santa Monica Studios with God of War, and CD Project Red with their The Wicther games for example, are like the only few good companies I can think of that genuinely don't try to make fans pay extra money for stuff they should have gotten for free to begin with, and yet still make great games. God of War had a New Game+ DLC post release, but it was free, had extra content, and fans asked for it. The Wicther 3 had a couple of paid DLC's post release, but they were big DLC's with lots of new content, not crap like just unlocking a new character, or a new costume/weapon/stage/whatever. And they weren't planned and announced from the start.
I really hate paid DLC's. I miss the old days when they weren't a thing...
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