The_Streets' forum posts
[QUOTE="XEviscerateX"]If Xbox live on the 360 is so good, why does COD2 suck in it? The PC has the very best online play.The_StreetsIf Xbox Live on the 360 is so bad, why does PGR2 excel in it? Rememeber, the Xbox 360 has only just launched. We're talking completely new hardware here. Some developers may fail to get to grips with this hardware early on, same as with all new consoles. The difference is that Bizzarre Creations are a Microsoft company, so their online implementation is flawless. You really should check your facts first next time, before you start making ill-advsised comments Sorry. Meant to say PGR3!
[QUOTE="KenTa_613"]Online play is overrated. It's those speed runs like Metroid Prime and RE4 that impress me :?kornslipknot999
Well then you obviously dont play online games! DOnt bother bying any new consoles because online is all they will be.
I certainly hope not! i love online gaming, of course I do. But it should not become dominant, at the expense of single player gaming. I love campaigns because they are becoming ever more elaborate, filmic and narrative-focused. It's why I love the Halo series, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, Resident Evil 2... There's few experiences better than sitting down with a good game that takes you on a journey. Until multiplayer gaming can provide this thrill, it should NEVER become all-dominant.....If Xbox live on the 360 is so good, why does COD2 suck in it? The PC has the very best online play.XEviscerateXIf Xbox Live on the 360 is so bad, why does PGR2 excel in it? Rememeber, the Xbox 360 has only just launched. We're talking completely new hardware here. Some developers may fail to get to grips with this hardware early on, same as with all new consoles. The difference is that Bizzarre Creations are a Microsoft company, so their online implementation is flawless. You really should check your facts first next time, before you start making ill-advsised comments
your a idiot, you know nothign of ps's online service.mxdirectorWell, I have a PlayStation 2 which I (used) to play online, so I think I do. And as for the PlayStation 3s online service, do you honestly think that it will be able to match Xbox Live stride-for-stride? It's taken Microsoft years and numerous updates, just to get it to the level that it's at now. Do you even know how expensive Xbox Live is to maintain? For a start, they have those four super-servers (in London, Tokyo, Chicago and New York, I THINK. Not to sure of their exact locations). The cost of sustaining what is in essence, a closed internet client-server model, is enormous. The only reason that Microsoft can pull it off is because a) they're Microsoft. They have more money than any other company on the face of this planet b) they are a software company. This is their area of specialisation and expertise. If you think that Sony are going to make a few token announcements at this years E3 and then suddenly, like magic! they'll have a service that comes even near 1/10th of Xbox Live, I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. They just don't have the cash and that's assuming that they even have the will.
i noticed that when i play cod2 on live, most people doesn't use real strats to play the game, it's basically run and gun anyone u see. In pc when i play cod2, people attually using alot of moves and that because it was easier to move around with keyboard and mouse. But that is just for fps, fighting game like DOA4 is pretty cool on xbox360EvilSpeakerHerein lies an inherent fault with Xbox Live - it's a console based service. This means that a lot of its users will tend to be run and gun twitch shooters. There are games on Live that encourage more refined squad based mechanics, for example the Splinter Cell and Brothers In Arms games. However, most Live players tend to prefer the likes of Halo 2, Perfect Dark Zero and Call Of Duty 2. I agree that Xbox Live needs more strategy games. When it comes to shooting, racing, fighting and sports, Xbox Live is more than covered in every regard. But it is severely lacking some good quality MMORPGs, startegy games and other such cerebral content. I think Microsoft have already identified this. Getting Final Fantasy XI was a masterstroke, despite what the Sony fanboys say. yes, it's two years old but it ticks yet another box on the Xbox Live rap sheet. Also, don't be surprised to see True Fantasy Live resurface for the Xbox 360. It's like anything though. Microsoft needed certain types of games in order to attract the first wave of Live subscribers. Not that Live is established and broadband penetartion is beginning to accelerate a an astonishing speed, expect to see them begin to barnch out into new areas and genres. Military sims, online RPGs, god games. All of these will start to become a fixture on Xbox Live and when they do, the demogarphic and profile of the average Live subscriber will start to evolve with it. Now me personally, I prefer my games of Pro Evolution Soccer 5 and Moto GP: Ultimate Racing Technology 3. However, I can't wait for the day when I'm finally playing some real slow, methodical, community-based strategy games that I can play when I'm looking for a bit of relaxation, chat and calmness. Once that happens, Live truly will be complete as a Nirvana of gaming
[QUOTE="Solid_Snake0000"]360 online games are nowhere near phenominal. The trouble with online xbox games was that they were all simple run & gun games. None of them had any real strategy like PC FPS did. It all felt the same because of that.The_StreetsYou're correct. It's all racing racing, shooting, fighting and sports. Splinter Cell is a welcome alternative. Final Fantasy XI is a step in the right direction. More strategies in the next generation please. Other than that, full marks Although I'd just like to point out the Rainbow Six series. Simply essential
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