The_Streets' forum posts
And I think you said it very well. I now, finally, declare this thread dead. Please don't reply any more people. 30 pages is, quite frankly, more than enough. Let us all be proud for having contributed to a thread that has captured the publics imagination in a very profound way - and to let her pass away peacefully.....Topic creator, the problem with your crappy thread is that it leave no room for any serious discussion. Honestly, what kind of replies did you expect when you first posted this tripe? You're not actually interested in learning anything from someone else's views, you just like the sound of your fingers tapping away furiously on your keyboard. "Waahh narrative this, waaahhh 'mature' presentation that". Guess what? Not everyone plays games for the same reasons you do. This is really all that needed to be said in this stupid thread.
Next time you've got something like this to get off your chest, go cry about it in your myspace, emo-f@g.
I hate Nintendo games because they're too cutesy and I don't want to play cute and cuddly games. Say this to a Nintendo fan, however and he'll scream at you to grow up and that you should focus on the gameplay. I hate this whole Nintendo and gameplay myth. Does Halo not have good gameplay? Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory? Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic? Forza Motorsport? Ninja Gaiden? Do you know what the big difference is? As well as having outstanding gameplay mechanics, these games ALSO have mature storylines, worlds and characters. What's wrong with having both? I'm sick of Nintendo fans slagging Xbox and PlayStation 2 fans and saying that we only care about image and not gameplay. I want games that play well yes, but also ones that have mature and engaging storylines. The problem with nintendo games is that they give you ONE thing - gameplay. But they're too cutesy. If you buy an Xbox or a PlayStation 2, you can have BOTH. Gameplay AND mature stories. Case closed. There's no way that Nintendo fans can argue this point.....The_StreetsI just read my first post again. Ah, I see it now. Now wonder everyone keeps pulling me up for including Forza Motorsport when I'm mentioning mature storylines and characters. I apologise, that was simply a mistake of mine. I meant to put Forza AFTER, when i was going to move onto talking about simulation games and how Nintendo's only racer is Mario kart. My bad!
I fully agree. Anything after the N64 sucks really bad.underoathswsfoeHere's my story. I was 12 when I first got the Nintendo 64 (year was 1997). Before that, I was never really a big gamer. I did own a NES and a Super Nintendo but I only ever owned about 5 games between them. No, it was the N64 that was my first real experience of videogames. I, like everyone else, wondered at the majesty of Super Mario 64. At the time, it just seem so far ahead of everything else. I loved the game and played it endlessly.... Until, one month later, was finished. Done. Completed. And that's when the problems started. As would become evident during the consoles lifespan, the N64s release schedule was routinely empty. Maybe two or three games would be released per month, but nothing more than that. In the year that preceeded the N64s arrival, one thing waas becoming apparent - the Sony PlayStation was gaining some serious momentum. The new player on the block was touting games that had never before been seen. CD-based, the games featured digital sound, jaw-dropping FMV, realistic locations, deep stories, mature themes and more diverse content. More startingly than that however, was that the PlayStation was more than just a games machine. It was a fashion and style icon. As likely to be spotted in the living/bedroom of a socially adjusted teenager/young adult, as it was to be seen in the bedroom of a child. And the sheer avalanche of interesting and funky games that were released month after month served to bolster its appeal. So here I was, in the summer of 1997, facing the first of many severe droughts with my N64. As i waited impatiently for the 'next big thing' (Goldeneye), a bomb went off. Final Fantasy VII was released. in a wave of mainstream advertising and chatter never before seen for a videogame, FFVII took the world by storm. "As expensive to make as a movie!" they cried. "Most expensive game ever made!". it didn't half help that it was a genuinely killer game in the first place. Featuruing one of the most cinematic and profound stories and musical scores the gaming indsutry had ever seen, it was a mass market hit. THIS, is when the PlayStation finally came of age. i looked at my N64 with twangs of regret. From this point onwards, it was just wave after wave after wave of big games for the PlayStation. N64 games, on the other hand, merely trickled by. True, Goldeneye 007 came out in November of that year and still remains one of my all-time favourites, but the frequency of big games on the Big N console was just to low. In Christmas 1998, after what seemed like AGES for another AAA game to come out, Ocarina Of Time hit. And was glorious. one of the greatest games ever made. But once again, the PlayStation one out. Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 2 AND Tomb Raider II were released and it completely stole Nintendo's thunder. The PlayStation won again. Once again, it was an excuciating wait for the next truly great game to arrive. Christmas 1999 and Perfect Dark came out to universal praise but by then, it was too late. The PlayStation was now no longer 'just' a games console. It was part of our language, part of our culture. A historical and social phenomeneon. It graced clubs, celebrity parties and fashion houses. It was Sony's greatest invention since the Walkman. And the N64, the console EVERYONE thought would win the war, was left a tired, battered old beast. Third party for the machine had been woeful during is lifespan, an offshoot of the ridiculously popular PlayStation. Nintendo were on the first steps to failure. the Nintendo 64, which had once promised so much, was dead. It is for this reason that I defected from the Gamecube and joined the Xbox, which has proven to be a much better console. Watching from afar, the Gamecube has gone down the exact same route as the N64. I see no reason why this should change with the Revolution, especially given its ridiculous controller (an 'advantage' that Microsoft and Sony can simply copy whenever they want. Think 'Dual Shock' and remember the N64 controller...) and its power disadvantages. The N64 tale was sad. It ahd one or two good games. But ultimately, I wish that I'd been smarter at the time and bought a PlayStation. I missed out on SO much great gaming. Ah well. If i had done that, I probably wouldn't have an Xbox now so, I guess all's well that ends well.....
What was the point of this post?
Great post. although you shouldn't have used Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones. It's on the Gamecube as well (I think)IMO Zeldas Story really stinks.It is really the same everygame.
I'm going to stop you there. I agree to a point but not when it comes to Ocarina Of Time. Truly one of the most enchantingly beautiful games that I have ever played.
[QUOTE="The_Streets"][QUOTE="ViolentPressure"]I'm the kind of guy that does not enjoy cartoons or anything like that. Even though I like good gameplay, it's still hard for me to play Mario or Pokemon. It's just not my thing.thardus317Exactly! Why can't the sheep see this as a legitimate preference? I mean, a lot of guys don't like romance films. Regardless how good a story it may have. Do you think that a thread started from a man that said "I don't like romance films" would reach 25+ pages? Hell no! Some people just don't like Nintendo games. Regardless of their gameplay. And I'm one of them. I don't care how good Mario's/Zelda's/Metroid's gameplay is. There are more than enough great games on the Xbox already. And with an art/graphical/narrative style that I can enjoy. The thing is he didn't mindlessly bash those games.... :| No.....he just didn't give his REASONS why he doesn't like them. He just stated his dislike and stopped. I 'bashed' those games because I was pointing out the elements that I personally dislike about them. Massive difference between the two
I'm the kind of guy that does not enjoy cartoons or anything like that. Even though I like good gameplay, it's still hard for me to play Mario or Pokemon. It's just not my thing.ViolentPressureExactly! Why can't the sheep see this as a legitimate preference? I mean, a lot of guys don't like romance films. Regardless how good a story it may have. Do you think that a thread started from a man that said "I don't like romance films" would reach 25+ pages? Hell no! Some people just don't like Nintendo games. Regardless of their gameplay. And I'm one of them. I don't care how good Mario's/Zelda's/Metroid's gameplay is. There are more than enough great games on the Xbox already. And with an art/graphical/narrative style that I can enjoy.
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