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#1 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
Wow the_Streets, i thought you learned from pasts threads. You're not qualified to own nintendo fanboys as seeing how they all have an iq past 110. Why don't you try with urban nomads? it's far easier to own them. :lol:Golden_surfer
I'm not trying to own anyone. I'm simply arguing an opinion, not touting it as fact. If anyone is actually owned it's the Nintendo boys. They're so defensive, they've helped to create a 25 page thread on this topic! If I set up a thread that suggested that the Microsoft or Sony are for kids, you'd be lucky to reach 2 pages.....
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#2 The_Streets
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People keep replying to it so I keep having to reply to it and then it's like a snowball than rolls on top of each other!
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#3 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
[QUOTE="The_Streets"][QUOTE="Sir_Troid"]This kid's topic is still in existance? :|Sir_Troid
I'm 21. I've told you this more than once. You're now being rude as well as disrespectful by constantly referring to me as a kid

Perhaps you should act your age then. People of your age are usually matture enough to not have to use the "kiddy" arguement. They are also usually old enough to play what they find fun, not what boosts their self-image.

Did you ever watch the Tellytubbies? Or the smurfs? or Barney and Friends? Or Pokemon? Because if you're not to 'grown up' to watch them, then I guess you're right. I'm not too 'grown up' to play the majority of Nintendo's happy-go-lucky games
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#4 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts

First of all, I never knew Forza Motorsport even had a storyline :|
Second of all, you're a joke. Yes, those games have awesome gameplay, and so do nintendo games. but by your logic, Nintendo games are worse because of t3h kiddy!!!111 :o

Jesus christ, if you need to increase your pre-teen masculinity that bad than be my guest, I'll be playing games like Twilight Princess that you'll be missing out on because you're running around capping hookers.

Em, I'm 21. And what's this about capping hookers? If you're referring to gTA, I actually hate those games because they have no story. They're more sandpit games, do what you like. Very little story, very little structure, very little characterisation. So that blows your post right out of the water

And also completely demolishes that 1st post, as to the AWESOME storyline in Forza...

Forza is a racing game. What part of this do people not understand? I put Forza in my first post as it is a SIMULATION. Something Nintendo never do. They only make Mario kart. I never ever implied that Forza has a story. Stop being so silly people!
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#5 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
This kid's topic is still in existance? :|Sir_Troid
I'm 21. I've told you this more than once. You're now being rude as well as disrespectful by constantly referring to me as a kid
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#6 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
[QUOTE="megamegaman"]The topic poster is a childish prat who doesnt know anything about video games. If Sony and Microsoft are so great how come they werent making video games over 20 years ago huh? Ya want to know why, cause they figured they would jump on the bandwagon to try and make some money and overtake Nintendo. Well so far Nintendo is still standing as strong as ever, with a lot more support from real hardcore gamers and developers as well. All the little Sony and MS fanboys will be whining when they dont get all the exclusive games cause the Revolution will be getting them due to its unique control system and cheaper developing costs. Have fun spending 90 bucks on a PS3 game and enjoy those disc read errors too, plus every other hardware issue the PS3 is bound to have and enjoy your faulty 360 fanboys as well. Nintendo will never conceede from the video game industry, as at least they have ideas and are not money hungry asshats like Sony and M$. Nintendo is packing heat when it comes to games that will be ready for the Rev's launch, we shall be seeing those at E3 in May and there will be a ton of games available, new franchises as well as sequals plus a whole pile of 3rd party exclusive titles as well I would imagine.The_Streets
Keep deluding yourself mate, keep deluding yourself. You're right about one thing. Nintendo does have an incredibly faithful and loyal set of hardcore supporters and they will probably save the Revolution from going the way of the Dreamcast, same as they saved the Nintendo 64 and the Gamecube from doing the same thing. But don't think that Nintendo are 'standing strong as ever'. You conveniently forget that Nintendo were once the Kings of this industry and are now languishing in third place. If it wan't for the Xbox's total failure in Japan, they would be even further adrift than they already are. You can't seem to accept that videogames have only become mainstream since the Sony PlayStation came out. As far as I'm concerned, while Nintendo laid the foundations for the house of console gaming, PlayStation BUILT the house and now Xbox is putting on the final touches, with Xbox Live. Our past time has a 150 million+ worldwide audience only because of Sony, not Nintendo. You believe what you want to believe but the big players in the market will be the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. The Revolution will have its place, of course and the hardcore plus the technologically curious will give it a chance. But if you think that the majority of casual PlayStation fans are going to leave that brand to try out the Revolution, you're mistaken. And as long as these people are PlayStationing or Xboxing, you can be sure that EA and Ubi Soft and the like will keep o producing the games these people want. Riddle me this. Grand Theft Auto is one of the most popular games thins generation. It WILL sell systems, both for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Tell me how one can play such a vital game for the mainstream on that Revolution controller and I might take you seriously... As for exclusives the Revolutions ridiculous lack of power means that there are going to be SO many third party games on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 that will NEVER see the light of day on Nintendos new machine. Enjoy gaming with it mate

What lack of power? you've seen specs? where? If there wasn't going to be 3rd party games on the Revolution then why does Nintendo have soo much 3rd party support then? already more than the Gamecube's already.

That's what they said about the Gamecube. That they'd learned from their mistakes and were now going to start actively garnering third party support. Didn't turn out that way though, did it? That's another reason why I am now in the Xbox camp. Microsoft say as they do. The Xbox was a flop in Japan and they know that they need more Eastern games on the Xbox 360. If you look at the developers that they've signed up, as well as the games that will be coming out over the next 12 months in Japan, you can see that Microsoft are at least trying to make good on their promise. I'll believe in the third party Revolution support when I see it.
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#7 The_Streets
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"Hello! It-sa-me-a-MARIOOO!"
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#8 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
lmao :lol:, soz but try playing BOTH Nintendo games and Sony/Microsoft games. Not everything has to be serious in life. i play games to get away from reality, not to get closer to it. I enjoy nintendo games as much as i enjoy my PS2 games.Willo_10
Okay, let's get one thing clear. I own Jet Set Radio Future for the Xbox. It is not a serious game but I love it. I have also played Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank at a friends house. Not realy my full cup of tea but I enjoyed playing them. Why? Because even though they are bright, colourful games, THEY AREN'T GOOFY CHILD CARTOONS LIKE MARIO!
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#9 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
The topic poster is a childish prat who doesnt know anything about video games. If Sony and Microsoft are so great how come they werent making video games over 20 years ago huh? Ya want to know why, cause they figured they would jump on the bandwagon to try and make some money and overtake Nintendo. Well so far Nintendo is still standing as strong as ever, with a lot more support from real hardcore gamers and developers as well. All the little Sony and MS fanboys will be whining when they dont get all the exclusive games cause the Revolution will be getting them due to its unique control system and cheaper developing costs. Have fun spending 90 bucks on a PS3 game and enjoy those disc read errors too, plus every other hardware issue the PS3 is bound to have and enjoy your faulty 360 fanboys as well. Nintendo will never conceede from the video game industry, as at least they have ideas and are not money hungry asshats like Sony and M$. Nintendo is packing heat when it comes to games that will be ready for the Rev's launch, we shall be seeing those at E3 in May and there will be a ton of games available, new franchises as well as sequals plus a whole pile of 3rd party exclusive titles as well I would imagine.megamegaman
Keep deluding yourself mate, keep deluding yourself. You're right about one thing. Nintendo does have an incredibly faithful and loyal set of hardcore supporters and they will probably save the Revolution from going the way of the Dreamcast, same as they saved the Nintendo 64 and the Gamecube from doing the same thing. But don't think that Nintendo are 'standing strong as ever'. You conveniently forget that Nintendo were once the Kings of this industry and are now languishing in third place. If it wan't for the Xbox's total failure in Japan, they would be even further adrift than they already are. You can't seem to accept that videogames have only become mainstream since the Sony PlayStation came out. As far as I'm concerned, while Nintendo laid the foundations for the house of console gaming, PlayStation BUILT the house and now Xbox is putting on the final touches, with Xbox Live. Our past time has a 150 million+ worldwide audience only because of Sony, not Nintendo. You believe what you want to believe but the big players in the market will be the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. The Revolution will have its place, of course and the hardcore plus the technologically curious will give it a chance. But if you think that the majority of casual PlayStation fans are going to leave that brand to try out the Revolution, you're mistaken. And as long as these people are PlayStationing or Xboxing, you can be sure that EA and Ubi Soft and the like will keep o producing the games these people want. Riddle me this. Grand Theft Auto is one of the most popular games thins generation. It WILL sell systems, both for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Tell me how one can play such a vital game for the mainstream on that Revolution controller and I might take you seriously... As for exclusives the Revolutions ridiculous lack of power means that there are going to be SO many third party games on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 that will NEVER see the light of day on Nintendos new machine. Enjoy gaming with it mate
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#10 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts

[QUOTE="The_Streets"][QUOTE="thardus317"][QUOTE="The_Streets"]And also, i loved Jet Set radio Future. that's cel-shaded, just like Wind Waker. But unlike Wind Waker, it's not a DUMB CARTOON ABOUT A LITTLE MONKEY BOY THAT HAS TO SAVE A LITTLE GIRL. Typical nintendo nonsense in the narrative departmentDarkPhoenix64

Okay, this post is aggravating. The vast majority of games out there, with the exception of certain sims, have you destroy someone or something in order to save someone or something. It's not about what happens at the end of the game that's important, it's about the substance in between the beginning and the end.

Doesn't change the fact that the art direction, characters, enviroments and story were complete and utter twaddle. Rule number 1 of any drama, be it a game, film or music album. You must be able to engage with the actors of the piece. If the world or its inhabitants cannot instill a sense of empathy wthin its audience, then the audience cannot hope to ever enjoy the piece. WW art direction was rubbish, the characters and their personas was a load of old tosh and the story was twaddle. Not even a patch on the timelessly endearing Ocarina Of Time

Based on that logic, me and milions of other gamers did not enjoy WW or any mario game, just because you said so. Lol it doesnt work like that. I've already mention this but i'll say it again. Mario games are NOT played by the millions for the storys. They are played for fun. The same way games are played for FUN. You cannot compare games to movies. Movies are not interactive. You cannot control what happens in a movie.


Mario is played for its amazing and excellent GAMEPLAY (reffering to mario 64). This maybe hard for you to understand but a game CAN be GREAT even without an excellent storyline. Why do people play mario kart? does it have a story whatsoever? no. Not every game has to be cinematic. If mario was made in a pixar style game then it would probably be even worse. Nintendo know what they are doing. They have been producing quality games year in year out. Just because of one slightly bad game (mario sunshine) you are calling it kiddy and attacking its story, which is silly because no1 cares if marios story is engaging or not. You dont seem to give any examples of kiddy games though, i wonder whats up with that? give me more than 10 games for the cube that are AA at least and are kiddy?

You're right. A game can indeed be great, even with no story. Not sure if you read this elsewhere in this thread but I love Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox. Not in my top ten mind but I do think that it's a cracking game. And it has a rubbish story. So yes, story isn't 100% essential in character-based game (your Mario Kart analogy was stupid. it's a racing game. of course it needs no story!). However, it most definitely helps. But story isn't confined simply to the obvious narrative. I've explained numerous times that the art direction, graphics and characters can go a long way towards telling their own story and the level of empathy which they engender in you will determine how much you'll enjoy the game. There are too many games on the Gamecube that I do not enjoy for this very reason. Yes, it has Resident Evil 4, Geist, Splinter Cell and others. But the ratio of such games o the Cube to cartoon games is way lower than it is on the Xbox and the PlayStation 2. Don't forget that I've already said that I owned an N64 back in the day. It had Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Quake II, The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, etc, etc. So it had mature games. Just not enough of them. And that's my beef with Nintendo machines.Where are all the simulation racing games? Blockbuster sci fi shooters? Mech games? Stealth? PC-style RPGs? And most importantly of all, where is Pro Evolution Soccer 5!? You know what the difference is between the Gamecube and the Xbox and PlayStation 2? On the latter two, you can easily find MULTIPLES of the genres I've mentioned and a couple of them will be of decent quality, at the very least. On the Cube, you'll be lucky to find one or two examples in each category and even if you do, they tend not to be of the AAA or even AA calibre.