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#1 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
360 online games are nowhere near phenominal. The trouble with online xbox games was that they were all simple run & gun games. None of them had any real strategy like PC FPS did. It all felt the same because of that.Solid_Snake0000
You're correct. It's all racing racing, shooting, fighting and sports. Splinter Cell is a welcome alternative. Final Fantasy XI is a step in the right direction. More strategies in the next generation please. Other than that, full marks
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#2 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
It's all about opinions anyway. Let me give you an analogy - the import car scene. Some people live for all that Forza Motorsport stuff. Buying cars, fixing them, upgrading them, etc. Same goes with PC gaming. It's very cost means that the mean demographic tends to be older men, with a degree of disposable income. Trash-talking 12 year olds need not apply. There are many in the PC crowd that enjoy the whole aspect of building up their 'rig' and prefer to play online in a more stylised setting. Think Steel Battalion and that monstrous controller. they enjoy sitting in their study, with their expensive PC rig and their professional gear. To someone like this, Xbox Live would seem a very simpleton and watered down affair. That is why I do not believe that the PC-Xbox 360 argument is 100% relevant. Different demographics entirely. I believe that Xbox 360-PlayStation 3 is far more applicable. And in that regard, Xbox Live wins out every time
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#3 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
[QUOTE="OwnageDevice"]NO. WRONG> PC has been doing this for years, and does it better and FOR FREE. and in 6 months it will be doing it with better gfx than xbox360. just stop it lemmings, you are making fools of yourselves.

First of all, there's no need to get so defensive. This is only videogames we're discussing here, not life and death. Nobody's slagging off your precious PC or PlayStation or whatever! Second, There's one thing you have to remember about Live, that completely dwarfs the PC experience. I've been told that if I'm playing with a guy that i find to be obnoxiois and rude, I can simply highlight his name and ask the 360 to avoid him in future. That is phenomenal. One problem online gaming has always faced is that the experience is variable, depending on who you happen to end up in a room with. Xbox Live now allows you to systematically weed out the troublemakers, so essentially, all the jerks on Live will oneday be herded into a corner, like the animals that they are. This will lead to one glorious thing - guaranteed experiences. Where you log into Live and you *know* that the people you play with will all be polite, civil and up for a competitive but fair game. Fear will control the rabblement. Fear of getting bad ratings or feedback. Just as fear controls eBay and makes sure that people act in an honourable fashion most of the time. This can only work *because* Xbox Live is unified, dedicated and identities carry themselves across all games. If you meet mein Pro Evolution Soccer 5 and then again in Halo 2 weeks later, it is the same guy that beat you 3-0(!) that is now going to take that flag! Because of this, persistent communities can flourish, idiots can be controlled and online gaming can become a fun and pleasant mainstream hobby. None of this can be accomplished 100% with a PC because of its open-ended structure. In theory, each and every game could e running off of a completely different server. PC online gaming has its merits and I will not be so arrogant as to defy that notion. But Xbox Live is turning into a truly exceptional standard-setting service
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#4 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
Also, let's design a scenario for me. I like online gaming as a concept. i own Halo 2, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Forza Motorsport and Project Gotham Racing 2. I bought all of these mainly for their single player. They just happen to have really good online portions as well. However, there is one game that I bought purely for its online play. My favourite game in the whole world. Best online game ever and the only one that I ever really play on Live - Pro Evolution Soccer 5. I've already touched on how not everyone is actually interested in online gaming but that the Silver Live membership opens up a lot of the functionality of the service and does so for free. However, what you will find is that even for those that couldn't care less about Live, it only takes *one* game that they'd really, really like to play online, to get them on board. Rememeber, it's only £40 to subscribe for a year. That's not really an awful lot, when you get right down to it. So, for someone like me, say, I would definitely pay £40 just to play Pro Evolution Soccer 5 online. it's just such an amazing example of a football game. Similarly, there are those that might like to play the odd Street Fighter II game online and will shell out the bucks just for that purpose. All I'm saying is, don't underestimate the potential for Xbox Live to pull in some large numbers. Microsofts Silver and Gold strategy may prove to be a lot shrewder than it first appears.....
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#5 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts

the majority of people probly wont even try xbox live, i know what it does and the features of it yet ive only used it the one time

and i know im not the only one so u can hardly say its gunna define the next generation coz alot of people dont realy care about online gaming full stop if they did there would be tonnnsssss more players online

You make a fair point and one that I agree with. I invite you to the read the first post in this again though. Microsoft rightly agree that not everyone is interested in fragging in Halo 2 (just as not every member of the population is interested in gaming, full stop). Because of this, they've expanded Xbox Live beyond being *just* an online gaming service. Without repeating the original post word for word, you can now download Arcade games that are fun for all the family, communicate with friends via text or voice, download music and movie trailers (maybe even TV shows someday, a la iTunes), stream media off your PC... I could go on but I won't. What's more, all this can be done without having to subscribe to Xbox Live Gold. By simply having a broadband connection, plug in the Xbox 360 and you're good to go. You might say "but I can already do all this stuff on my PC". And you'd be right. But we all know that PCs are cumbersome. You don't put a PC slap bang in the middle of your living room. You don't sit with a PC, a beer and a pizza. You don't intend to sit by your PC for two or three hours to watch or listen to media. You don't have your PC situated in front of a four seater couch that can fit a couple of frineds. That's why I agree and disagree with you in one broad brushstroke. Not everyone wants to game online. But with the Xbox 360, Xbox Live is way more than just a gaming service now. It's an all-encompassing media hub, designed for practical, comfortable and family use in your living/bedroom
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#6 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
Interesting question. One of the main drawbacks of online gaming is that some of the people that you play with will inevitably be jerks. Microsoft have sought to weed out the unpleasant players by a) allowing everyone to group themselves into Zones that state their community preferences and b) the reputation meter which shows just how naughty you have or haven't been in the past. To all Xbox 360 owners, how easy have these two instruments made the act of avoiding unwanted opponenets?
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#7 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
i guess PC doesnt count, because they have had most of this for a while....hondacrx898
This discussion is really more of console-oriented. I don't count PCs because they are different products. It's like comparing an iPod to a hi-fi system. They both play music but are used in completely different ways and situations
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#8 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
Meh, I wish they would make it cheaper though. Or have Silver let you game on weekends, cause that would get a lot more people to go Gold.D00nut
People go on about the price of Xbox Live. There are two very pertinent sayings here. "you get nothing for nothing in this world" and "you get what you pay for". Xbox Live is as good as it is *because* you have to pay for it. It enables Microsoft to pay for and mainatin those huge servers (the cost of development of which is why Sony will never match the functionality of Live. They don't have enough money). If we didn't pay for it, there's no way that nifty little features like being able to download player-created ghost cars in Project Gotham Racing 2 could happen. Anyway, Xbox Live only costs £40 a year the same price as one game. That's less than a fiver a month! I don't know about you but for everything that I get, I think a couple of quid a month is well worth the price, don't you?
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#9 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
[QUOTE="billyea"]i agreed years ago, it already revolutionized this generation

Yes, I agree 100%. perhaps I should've been more clear. I originally bought a PlayStation 2 when it first came out (all that hype, I couldn't resist). I questioned the expense of buying a second machine when the Xbox came out but caved in when Xbox Live was available. It's many innovations are well know. Unified walled-garden service, unique identities, universal ranking and leaderboards, 100% voice chat support, downloadable content, need I go on? So yes, you're right. Xbox Live has already been at the pinnacle of gaming for some time now. But its implementation in the Xbox 360 is going to blow the roof off this industry. I haven't touched my PlayStation 2 in well over a year now. I will not be buying PlayStation 3
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#10 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
I actually found the following text in a gamespy forum so I will not pretend to take credit for it. I just felt that it summarises why Xbox Live on the Xbox 360 is the biggest revolution that is about to hit the next generation and why I am defecting from the PlayStation brand to go and join the Xbox clans on the 360. I've slightly amended one or two minor posts to clear up the context in which it was written but it is all him, minor alterations apart: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "One thing I think hasn't been addressed sufficiently is the fact that 'online' doesn't necessarily have to just mean 'fragging or racing your friends' - that integration of downloadable demos, leaderboards, and add-ons makes the whole experience a lot more fun as well and is just as important. I don't want to sound like a Microsoft partisan here, but I just can't help myself blabbing about how the Xbox 360 gets it right. Sure, online PLAY on Xbox Live is simply phenomenal but the 360's online integration component is the real killer app of the console. I love being able to download the top PGR3 racer's replays and see how they school the rest of us. I dig competing with my friends to see who can unlock the most achievements and playing through a game a second (or third!) time to jack up my Gamerscore. I'm grateful to be able to stick in an audio CD and have the unit go out and find the album title and track names so I can rip it to the hard drive. I'm incredibly happy to be able to buy the Arcade games and spend hours going back to the simpler days. I like seeing movie trailers and music videos for free in high definition. I love it that I can download new multiplayer maps, campaign levels, skins, pictures, episodes, etc that add more longevity to my games. I love it that I can stream live content from a Windows Media PC, such as photos, music, videos and TV shows. I love the fact that every player is rated eBay-style, so I can see which jerks I should avoid at all costs With any video game console, it's most important to emphasize "The play is the thing"... but the play doesn't have to be the ONLY thing, and that's what I think is exciting about the next gen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that you'll all agree that that mans post says it all. I have a wireless network in my house that I juts setup. There is no way that I'll be getting a PlayStation 3 now. Xbox 360 all the way for me!