@immortaltech6: And in a manner that one could scarcely take as a serious comment. Really? You thought the comment that a parent should be ashamed because the writer used a pun unironically was a real comment? Like that got by your filter of "things too absurd to be true"?
Apparently, Gamespot is staffed by people who are spectacularly uneven handed in their regulation. I have seen outright and malicious personal attacks in comments and the time I get moderated is for making a joke about taking puns too seriously.
This makes me question a lot of things about this network, especially considering the reason for the moderation (which has no appeal process to report abuses -- interestingly enough) was that my comment was unrelated to the topic. In fact, the comment was overtly a criticism of the article for claiming that Tropico 6 seemed like a substantial upgrade, when the only new feature mentioned was an increase of the map size-- a very legitimate criticism considering that this series (ie. Tropico 3 and 4) is often just slapping a new number on the series without adding new content.
Therefore, this moderation, with the integrity of its own stated justification in question, seems more like an attempt to cover up criticism of its own poor journalism. This website isn't only producing a product of dubious quality, its also overtly corrupt, using the shoddiest of technicality to suppress dissenting opinion.
@enjoiandrew: I suspect that 50% of players didn't do a raid is because they didn't know anyone to play with. Or not more than 2 or 3.
It's not like MMOs don't have matchmaking services for raids. In fact, of all the raids I've completed in MMOs, all of them were either matchmade or comprised of strangers after yelling in chat for a bit. So your hypothesis seems faulty. Are we to believe that Destiny is somehow harder than every MMO ever?
Rockstar Games, fortunately, does not have the ability to legislate in the US or in any country. I'd be reluctant to give them that right, even if they could permanently get rid of the hackers in GTA Online.
@preacher001: I could say you're irrationally propping up a company to support your own choices. I don't own a console from this generation. I don't have a horse in this race. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the statement.
@preacher001: Seriously? So, your criterion for good is not being the deepest person in the pit? Look mate, maybe Sony is worse. That doesn't mean that Microsoft is good. They're still digging in the damn pit, aren't they?
Verenti's comments