@dnguyen3 Because Call of Duty comes out every year and still makes more money than all of those games combined. Don't tell me Dark Souls was a good game, that game was terrible, and it did have huge marketing. If you think all there is to RE6 is shooting a gun then you obviously haven't played it, or any shooters before (besides Call of Duty).
@dnguyen3 Obviously I said their games are popular and get awards because of marketing. I will admit that Bethesda games try to be unique but their worlds are bland and static and the combat systems are repetitive.
@slonekb05 Well, the right trigger shows up to show that you can do a special melee attack on a stunned enemy, which is exactly how it worked in RE4 and RE5.
@dnguyen3 You mean, why not play an action game that is actually good, like Resident Evil 6? Games being popular means nothing of their quality. Stupid things are popular all the time. Just look at the Kardashians. Games get awards when they're popular, games are popular when they advertise a lot and tell you to think they are good.
@musical_master People cling to invalid complaints like "Too many cutscenes" and "Loads of QTEs". This game gives you total control over your character 99% of the time, and that control is sweet.
@dnguyen3 If you typed better, I would have been able to better-understand your sentence! The awards Skyrim got mean nothing to me because I have good tastes. Crappy games get popular all the time just out of sheer commercialism. Just look at Borderlands 2 and Mass Effect 3. I don't know when bad gameplay became the industry standard, but I'm pretty sure it was around when Call of Duty got popular.
@Skye_Veran @jakcul There are really not that many cutscenes or QTEs. QTEs only come up when an enemy grabs you. It seems like these reviewers played the intro level (which is loaded with QTEs) and decided the whole game was that way without actually playing the whole game.
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