@dnguyen3 @dave_k007 What else needs to be said? The gameplay is good. Reviews hating on the game mention plot and QTEs only. Also "taking cover is kind of hard for me 'cause I'm not used to playing games that require actually pushing buttons :( "
@dave_k007 You are really proving your non-dorkness by admitting you don't like good action games and then saying you're right about... something... At least I don't have to put up with anymore of you attacking good games and defending crappy ones.
@jakcul What are the reviewers expecting? This guy's complaint is that the plot is bad and confusing, which is completely true, but plot is secondary to gameplay in an action game. There could be no cutscenes at all and it would still be a good action game. Then they say there are too many QTEs, but there are not any more QTEs than there were in RE4 and RE5.
@dave_k007 Wow, it won awards in many categories, huh? I didn't know there were so many categories for sucking hard. Listen, dork, I'm not into pointless RPGs with bad gameplay and shallow stories. If I'm going to play a game with a shallow plot, then it better have good gameplay, like Resident Evil 6.
@dnguyen3 Did Resident Evil 6 get awards or nominations??? Skyrim was one of the most popular games on Earth when it came out. Nobody could shut up about how "good" it was in spite of it being really shallow. Resident Evil 6 tries to do something new, and does it well, and nobody cares because the game industry didn't tell them that they should like it.
@dave_k007 You are an idiot. Skyrim has bad gameplay and nothing to do. It is a game of leveling up and staring at the ground to pick things up and nothing more. The combat is bad and requires no challenge or skill, just high stats. Stick with your easy non-game World of Warcraft garbage and don't bother talking about good action games like RE6 when you don't even like action games.
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