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War_Martyr Blog

Perfect Day

Today, I had what I'd like to call a "Beautiful Day." I mean, it was absolutely flawless. Let me tell you about today. I was off, for sure. I woke up at 8 a.m. to see my girlfriend's beautiful face staring right at me. Then we went to the mall and bought some videogames, eat breakfast, finally watched Rambo, which by the way, is an awesome movie, and had dinner. Went to her house to spend some quality time, ate another dinner, and went home. Yeah, I haven't had a perfect day in about ten years. Of course, half my paycheck was spent on one day, but it was well spent. Now what to do on Valentine's day...seriously, I have no idea what to buy her.


Okay, let me tell you something about my girl. She's cool, but she completely hates everything I like. She's not a gamer, for sure. She doesn't like Cannibal Corpse, Cradle of Filth, or any band I'm into. She thinks Resovoir Dogs, Scarface, and The Godfather is boring...And yet last night we watched Shoot Em Up, and she loved it. Surprised the hell out of me. In fact, she went so far as to say Clive Owen is cool. Wow...what a gal.


One of the guys at work informed me that an american version of Shutter is in the making...this is good news, considering i hold that movie proudly in my horror collection. But, I really insist on tracking the original version...nothing beats the originals.


I just saw the Eye the other day, and in my honest opinion, it could have been better. It scared the hell out of my girl, but I wasn't feeling it. The orphanage was pretty good, though. I didn't know it was a foreign flick which threw me off, but I don't mind reading subtitles, so it wasn't a real loss. My girl wanted to watch Meet the Spartans, which I'm skeptical. I just think it's blaspemous, making a complete mockery of one of the greatest movies I've seen. Never got a chance to watch Rambo yet, my girl refuses to watch it for some reason. Total bill for the movies was almost fifty dollars...I'm definately sneaking in food next time. The food itself was almost thirty dollars. Yeah, real ball breakers.


I'm officially on vacation. Although I do feel a little bad for leaving the guys for one week, this is the last month I get to use my paid vacation, so I might as well get it over with. Last time I took a week off, the whole kitchen went to hell...what can I say, I'm usually never arrogant, but when five guys can't do what I can in one day, you know you're one of the top dogs.

a simple thought

I'll tell you about insanity...Being 23 years old, acting half my age, being completely laid back, and the one time i have a serious conversation, people look at me like I'm completely nuts.